Monday, September 20, 2021

Vaccine Ingredients, What "Pharmaceutical" Means, and The Negativity and Futility of Mandates

This is a list of ACKNOWLEDGED ingredients in three common COVID vaccines.  We'll get into UNacknowledged ingredients later, but even without those, do you know what these components are and how your body reacts to them?  Do these complex looking letters and numbers seem appealing, natural, or like something you want injected into you?  Do you believe all these ingredients are somehow healthy for everyone, or even SOME people?  Do you think it's wise to put things in your body without knowing what they are just because someone in a suit or a white coat told you to?  Do you think vaccines are somehow the only thing that cannot be weaponized?  Do you falsely and naively believe that the intentions of pharmaceutical companies are entirely positive and pure?

With an expanded definition of that industry, do you still trust its products and intentions?  Do you still think mandating artificial ingredients and poison is a good idea?  Why are there are no mandates for healthy eating, exercise, or laughter?  The same reasons that you cannot mandate those things are the same reasons that you cannot mandate pharmaceuticals.  Everyone is their own unique being; what helps one hurts another.  Penicillin, cats, different foods, etc.  People have completely different reactions to everything.  So why is there such a push to make everyone get shots?  Because of what’s in them.  Many people have NO idea what they are putting in their bodies including doctors, politicians, the salespeople who influence them, and the public who has been subjected to such aggressive, fear-based marketing.  That's a BIG red-flag.  Why would people be so eager for a product when they don’t even know the ingredients?  The same reason why people let the Trojan Horse into their city, not knowing there were soldiers hidden inside, and why American Indians took blankets not knowing they were infected with smallpox: IT’S A TRICK.  These are all weapons made to seem like gifts.  They are given under the guise that they are for the benefit of the public, when the true intention is the exact opposite.

If I told you UNLISTED ingredients that have been in vaccines for years and why they are being so heavily promoted, many people would not even believe me because they cannot fathom how this could be done.  But the more you seek, research, and question with an open mind and heart, the more ingredients you will find that do not sound appealing.  Below is an info-graphic of some claims that have been made over the years.  Instead of just rejecting them as impossible, I suggest actually investigating for yourself.  Truth can be ugly, but it is also empowering.  You must use your own discernment and ask yourself, “Why would I put something in my body without knowing what’s in it?  Why does so much media not discuss the ingredients more, but only suggest that they are all perfectly good for everyone?  And why is there such a strong effort to force people to do something, which is the ANTI-THESIS of a free society, and which violates both logic and the sovereign, innate, free will of choice?”  Such questions lead to the conclusion that this agenda is not coming from positive sources, and that forcing or attempting to force anything is inherently unrealistic and negative.

These ingredients are not in ALL vaccines, but do your diligent research and you will discover that they are in many.  But there is one additional component to many shots that is not even shown in the above graphic.  Using a particular word to describe this ingredient has gotten numerous people censored and de-platformed for even suggesting it, which to me gives credence to all the sources I've heard mention this "additive" since it is not a crime to accuse or suggest; but some are clearly afraid for people to even consider the possibility that this is the case.  Instead of using the "taboo" word, here's a clue:

Note that a particular well-known representative of the technology industry is a major proponent of widespread vaccination.  This is because there is a form of technology attempting to be introduced to the human body through every possible avenue.  Some people are so invested in technology that they merge with it to the point of eliminating their ability to procreate.  Not everyone goes down this path, but many do because the path seems shortsightedly good at first and they are not looking further down the road to see the "dead end".

These mandates are NOT about public health, they are about private interests and agendas.  They are about power, profit, and population control (which does not always mean killing people, just manipulating their behavior).  Remember that the etymology of “govern-ment” is MIND CONTROL!  If public health is so important, why is there so much unhealthy food, drink, products, and media?  Why are vaccines suddenly the first things ever that are good and necessary for all people?  Because they are not; that is just an idea being promoted through so much media to get people to believe that.  Why?  Because of the "secret ingredients" which serve negative agendas.  See the above etymology of “pharmaceutical”, which some translate as witchcraft, sorcery, poison, drugs, etc.  These corporate drug dealers have convinced many people to trust them through massive bribes and payouts, political lobbying, constant marketing, nondisclosure agreements, scientific fraud, covering up their crimes with legal manipulation, and even going so far as to discredit and kill doctors who promote and prescribe treatments they do not want the public to know about.  People only trust these incredibly corrupt institutions when they do not know how corrupt and untrustworthy they are.

Notice that it is often called the MEDICAL industry, which indicates the focus of many within it on MEDICINE more than people.  For many, their motives are more about personal profit than public health.  If they were doing a good job, why is there so much disease?  Because it is less of a “health care” system, and more of a disease-management system.  Because the industry sees more profit in disease than in health; it wants people constantly needing expensive drugs and treatments.  It THRIVES on disease.  It is clear from the FDA's own website that it is a tool used by manufacturers to bring their products to market.  That organization is literally about administering food and drugs.  People have a misplaced belief that the FDA exists to serve the public; but as the name suggests, it really serves the food and drug industries.  And notice that one of the categories it supposedly regulates is "radiation-emitting devices".  First, this includes electronic devices which you will probably recognize do NOT qualify as either food or drugs.  Second, if they are regulating them, they are doing a TERRIBLE job, because all the mobile phones, wi-fi, and cell towers are CONSTANTLY emitting radiation.  In addition to the ABUNDANCE of unhealthy ingredients in countless foods and drugs, it is clear that the FDA approves whatever they are paid/told to approve, regardless of the negative health effects on people or the planet.

Lastly, notice that a mandate is not a law.  Even if it is made law, look at how many laws exist which people do not obey.  What use are laws then?  They are attempts to control behavior, but clearly they do not work.  And if mandates are not even laws, what power do they have?  Only the power people believe they have.  Some people simply would like to control others, not recognizing or respecting their own free-will and intelligence.  And some people simply go along with mandates because they do not recognize or respect their OWN free-will and intelligence, believing that others know better than they do what is best for them.  But CLEARLY there are many different kinds of people, beliefs, behaviors, and value systems, so it is fundamentally IMPOSSIBLE to impose ANY action on all people.  Those who attempt to do so have deep-seeded fear, weakness, and ignorance to believe that they somehow can or should decide for everyone.  And that is the end of that!

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