Tuesday, June 21, 2022

UFO/UAP at Queen's Platinum Jubilee


Recently the Queen of England celebrated a milestone anniversary of her "reign", which brought out many witnesses to be present for such an event.  One such observer has received little media coverage, despite it being part of the show itself.  Whether you call it a UFO or UAP is irrelevant; tomato tom-ah-to as some say.  What matters is that a white ball of light was clearly visible during the flyover sequence.

This has been "debunked" as a lens flare and a drone.  First, "debunking" often means dismissing truth, or a misleading, incorrect explanation.  For example, if it was a lens flare, then why did eyewitnesses see it too?  Second, if it was a drone, they why isn't more media covering it?  Isn't that sensational news?  Don't networks thrive on attention-grabbing stories like someone openly "crashing" a major celebration?  How could a drone penetrate the secured airspace of such a royal event without causing more of a stir?  Why would CBS put their logo right over that particular spot in the video to hide it from viewers as shown below?  Because such news sources are complicit in numerous "cover-ups".
Actually, the definition of the object being a drone may be quite accurate; however, that does not explain whose it is!  It certainly isn't a commercial drone; those do not move that fast and do not appear as a ball of white light.  If it was an advanced, covert military drone, why would it be shown so publicly when they know so many people would see it?  What seems most logical to me would not seem that way to many people who have yet to learn certain things.

This researcher believes it to be from another planet or dimension.  Such objects have often been spotted at major public events for both observational purposes, as well as awakening more people to their existence and presence.  There are even old paintings depicting craft in the sky during historically significant moments, such as the one below from a Serbian monastery.

These sorts of records and appearances are cumulative evidence that we have never been alone!  It only seems that way to less conscious people who are not ready to recognize that yet.  In this way, news is being used by some to KEEP people less conscious, more distracted, focused on specific things to serve certain interests.

Personally I consider such acts to be a crime against humanity.  They are lying to people on a mass scale, but because they are mixing the lies with some truth, people are believing them.  They edit out truths such as in this case where they completely ignore or dismiss the subject.  Then they go back to peddling drugs, alcohol, fear, scarcity, and all sorts of other things which only serve to lower the collective consciousness and vibration of people.  But if you are aware of this, then you seek out and find better sources of information!

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