Friday, November 18, 2022

Another Good Censored Documentary Exposing Media Lies and Agendas

You will not find this documentary on YouTube, because that platform is more heavily controlled and censored due to its popularity.  "2030 Unmasked" highlights global stupidity and conspiracy, which some people will not be able to accept because they mistakenly think they are so smart, even though they are completely unaware of certain agendas, groups, or how their beloved media has been weaponized against them.  Many of us were already aware of this due to our more evolved sense of intuition and extensive research.  But there are good images and videos shown that I had not seen yet, like a guy demonstrating how useless masks are by exhaling visible vape smoke through different models (these particles are even bigger than viruses and bacteria, giving a visible cue that they are not protecting others as much as they are harming themselves.)

Another excellent example is the chart of global death statistics, showing that the percentage of people who died each year from 2015-2020 was exactly the same.  Combined with the recent announcement that world population has just exceeded 8 billion, this will cause some people to wonder, "What about that pandemic that supposedly killed so many people?"

This will be a rude awakening for those who have not yet realized just how manipulated they have been by their media.  They will recognize that everyone is being lied to, and many people have fallen for the lies, including them.  Media is the primary method of population control.  Contrary to what some think, that does not just mean reducing the population; it can literally mean controlling behavior.  This is done by controlling information, since that is how people determine what they do.  Unfortunately many have been tricked into thinking their news sources are trustworthy and benevolent, not realizing they are being misled and influenced to think and do certain things.  This is a covert and subtle form of mind-control where the subjects do not recognize or believe they are being manipulated.  In fact, their ego projects that it is others who have been tricked, not them.  On the contrary, they have been lied to like everyone else.

This documentary clearly features some controversial topics, and if you watch it you will know why it has been banned from mainstream media sources.  While I do not agree with every suggestion or interpretation, I do agree with most of it.  I especially liked the ending where they mentioned The Venus Project and resource-based economy as solutions!  I used to advocate these ideas myself; and still do, I just no longer volunteer directly.  I only wish they would have talked about solutions like that more than just for a few minutes at the end.

Here are some select quotes from "2030 Unmasked":
"You can have a deadly, transmissible disease like tuberculosis, AIDS, influenza, chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis, meningitis, or ebola, and you can go into these bars or restaurants; but if you haven’t taken your injection of an unproven, experimental drug for COVID19, then you are not allowed in.  They don’t ban convicted child rapists from government assistance, concerts, grocery stores, or airplanes; but they’re banning all these things for people who refuse to take a dangerous injection for an illness that 99.9% survive."

"Even the CDC has noted that the death toll from the COVID 'vaccine' in the first six months is greater than all seventy different vaccines ever administered into every human in the last three decades combined.  Again, more people have died from the COVID vaccine over six months than all vaccines combined over thirty years."

"The CDC is not a government agency.  The CDC is a private company, and it profits billions of dollars off of royalties from the vaccine patents.  Bill Gates said getting into vaccines has been the best investment of his life.  It has doubled his fortune from $50 billion to $100 billion in record time."

“Democracy is the worst kind of government, except for all the others.” - Buckminster Fuller

"The governments say they want to save the people by removing assault rifles because of mass shootings despite the fact that in the first six months of 2021 more people have died from the COVID vaccine that the government is pushing than from all the mass shootings over the last six decades combined.  Yet the government is literally offering pot, cheeseburgers, and lottery tickets to entice people to get the injection, while at the same time they are fighting desperately to disarm you of your means to protect yourself from the very government pushing these deadly injections."

"When you lock people away who are sick, that is quarantine; but when you lock people away who are well, that is tyranny."

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