Thursday, April 27, 2017


If you don't know this, then we are not living on the same planet. The one you're on is full of children playing silly games like sports, politics, fame, fashion, money, etc. Those who have learned enough and expanded their minds have transcended such base concepts, awakening to greater levels of reality, existence, awareness, and are living in a much better, more interesting and beautiful world with more advanced people, ideas, and technology. This is why these things are hidden. They are so transformative that you literally shift/evolve/graduate to a higher energy frequency where everything makes more sense, life improves; and there is no end to it. Such is the power of knowledge. But learning is just like exercise: no one else can do it for you ;)

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Hello 4/20, Goodbye Weed

Today is an unofficial marijuana holiday, so it is very appropriate to share my new perspective on it. Living in Los Angeles for so long, it was difficult to avoid since it's so abundant. For years I was a high-functioning “pot-head”, though I never liked that label. As a former smoker, I'm well aware of some of the positive and pleasant effects of weed; which is why those who still love it should value my opinion and reasons why I stopped, because I understand why you have not.

First, the claim that marijuana is not addictive. That is true of anything! NOTHING is inherently addictive; yet everything CAN BE, depending on an individual's relationship to it. Alcohol, sex, food, shopping, money, heroin, technology... all of these are addictions for some, but clearly not for all. It comes down to frequency/quantity, and marijuana is no different. Essentially, all addictions are substitutes for love and connection. They feel good when people lack that fundamental human need. Smoking every day is the same as drinking alcohol every day; it's just a different chemical substitute. True, marijuana tends to be less processed, and could therefore be considered “healthier” and “more natural”. But not as much as many believe, and it's not as healthy or natural as not smoking at all because you don't need it.

If you think you are getting pure/clean marijuana, think again. Much of it, especially the legal medical grade which is cataloged by the FBI in Virginia, is implanted and chipped with nanotechnology. These nanites are very tiny robotic systems, which are also in cigarettes, vapes, junk food, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, etc. People who don't know about such things label them “conspiracies”, because they don't recognize how redundant that word is. It's an accurate description of every agenda; people are just more and less aware of different ones.

My own agenda is not to spread fear, but awareness/knowledge. Do not be alarmed that there are nanites everywhere, including in our bodies to different degrees. They remain mostly dormant and ineffective against our own more powerful genetics and consciousness. But awareness/knowledge of them gives us even more power to act accordingly, to have more control of ourselves and our behaviors. This is one reason why I no longer smoke or consume many other things that are relatively low-vibrational, as they have been tainted by such deceptive negativity. And to everyone, no matter who you are or what you do, you are loved whether you know it or not! :)

Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Cruci-fiction (or, The Conspiracy of Christianity/Easter)

Since few will watch this video, and even fewer will accept it, I'll summarize briefly, then explain how this information was obtained. Remember, like your own beliefs, this is just a story. You don't have to believe it, and frankly you CAN'T believe it if you lack enough relevant information to support these ideas. I believe it, as it makes sense according to everything else I've learned. But I recognize that many will doubt and reject this story because it's different than the one they've been fed over and over and over...

There was a man who existed that “Jesus” is based on, however that was not his given name, nor was he white as is commonly portrayed in works of art. Those are both Romanized fabrications; but for the sake of this writing, the shorter and better known name of Jesus is used (instead of Yehoshua). He was a relatively enlightened being who became very influential through his words and works. And as the “official” story goes, he was aware that some people were coming to kill him because of this.

However, this is where things differ from the mainstream lore. As you might expect, Jesus' disciples and family did not want him to be executed. As you may also believe, there was another man who existed that was pretending to be Jesus in order to gain his own following. Apparently the disciple Paul had the idea to present THIS man to be killed in order to “save the savior”, thus quenching the thirst for blood, while simultaneously preserving their precious teacher.

And so, a sacrifice was made, though not like in the story presented to Christians. The man impersonating Jesus was given up to be crucified instead of the actual one. As he was somewhat delusional by his own deception, the imposter made a convincing substitute. To preserve this epic conspiracy, not even some of the disciples were aware of the switch. This explains the part in the “official” version of the crucifixion where Peter denied Jesus three times, because it wasn't actually him! Those who knew the secret, had some conflict about the death of the other man, but accepted it as a reasonable trade for the life of their more valued teacher/leader. The real Jesus then went into hiding, continuing to teach and help others less publicly, until he apparently died later in life surrounded by his supporters/team in a multi-story building.

Now everyone should be asking, when faced with such a difficult choice, wouldn't I also sacrifice someone I view as less important before the one I love more? Another important question: how was this information acquired? This is also something that many won't believe as is often the case with new ideas. The Farsight Institute investigates well-known people, places, and events in history like the building of the Giza pyramids, the JFK assassination, the destruction of Atlantis, and this most famous crucifixion. They do this using rigorous multi-source "blind" research methods and a technique called remote viewing. This is also called non-local consciousness, and is based on the knowledge that time and space are simply relative perspectives/experiences, and do not exist in an absolute sense.

Everything in the universe is simply geometrically vibrational energy and consciousness. When certain capable minds tune into different frequencies, they experience things in other places to a degree. Only those who know this can see beyond the mental barriers imposed by the veil of space/time. It must be noted that the remote viewers used in these sessions are NOT told who or what they are viewing, so as not to influence their experiences with pre-loaded information. They are simply told there is a selected target, and then describe and draw what they can sense. When they are talented enough, the synchronicities in their details match perfectly with others, as they do in this case. Again, you don't have to believe this; but if you're interested, investigate for yourself.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Operation Mockingbird

FYI, your mind has been compromised, corrupted, hijacked, manipulated.  This goes way beyond individual countries.  Those are just manufactured constructs and mental barriers to keep you confined and controlled.  Recognizing that sets you free!

Turn off the TV, phone, computer, video games.  Unplug yourself from all the psychotronic technology you think you need; and go reconnect with nature, the universe, god, yourself... whichever of those words you identify with most.  You'll feel better :)

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

old/new "anti"-gravity technology

This knowledge/technology is new to some, and old to others.  Sometimes called "cymatics", such acoustic/magnetic gravitation is based on the geometric energy/structure of the universe.  It is used for transportation, communication, construction, and destruction.  It's been used to move massive stones for structures like pyramids and temples.  Those who think it was just primitive slaves and tools are partially correct; a human workforce was often part of the building process, but not the only part.  This is why some people are baffled at how such heavy objects were moved long distances using what they think were just logs, water, pulleys, etc., because that is not the case.

Of course, skeptics do not recognize that the reason they are skeptical is because they lack certain information.  People can't think with knowledge they don't have; so they fill in the gaps with what they DO know.  Eventually they learn enough to where the skepticism is replaced by new information to explain what was previously unbelievable.  In a sense, mystery becomes history, ignorance becomes knowledge, and things make more sense.  This is often called enlightenment, which is beautiful and powerful.  Enjoy the light!:

Saturday, April 1, 2017

News Flash:

We're all alone in the universe and absolutely no one else exists in the infinite sea of stars, and we totally haven't been visited or influenced by any other civilizations since this solar system formed just 500 years ago. The cosmos is not full of life, and earth is flat like all the other planets.

NASA always tells the truth and never alters its photos and information. They are super legit and not in any way a front organization to distract from the more advanced black budget secret space programs that don't already have bases and fleets throughout the galaxy who are not working with other races that obviously aren't real. The countless sightings, experiences, and documentation are just swamp gas, weather balloons, and hoaxes that governments have so thoughtfully kept from public knowledge for our own good because they clearly know what's best.

In a related story, nations are totally real and not just imaginary lines on maps. Also, politics, sports, and celebrities are way important to pay attention to, and not at all loud and colorful distractions that pit people against each other and rob the masses of our own power and consciousness. This culture is the pinnacle of human evolution and deserves to live on forever because all others are stupid. Finally, April Fools ;)