Tuesday, April 11, 2017

old/new "anti"-gravity technology

This knowledge/technology is new to some, and old to others.  Sometimes called "cymatics", such acoustic/magnetic gravitation is based on the geometric energy/structure of the universe.  It is used for transportation, communication, construction, and destruction.  It's been used to move massive stones for structures like pyramids and temples.  Those who think it was just primitive slaves and tools are partially correct; a human workforce was often part of the building process, but not the only part.  This is why some people are baffled at how such heavy objects were moved long distances using what they think were just logs, water, pulleys, etc., because that is not the case.

Of course, skeptics do not recognize that the reason they are skeptical is because they lack certain information.  People can't think with knowledge they don't have; so they fill in the gaps with what they DO know.  Eventually they learn enough to where the skepticism is replaced by new information to explain what was previously unbelievable.  In a sense, mystery becomes history, ignorance becomes knowledge, and things make more sense.  This is often called enlightenment, which is beautiful and powerful.  Enjoy the light!:

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