Saturday, April 1, 2017

News Flash:

We're all alone in the universe and absolutely no one else exists in the infinite sea of stars, and we totally haven't been visited or influenced by any other civilizations since this solar system formed just 500 years ago. The cosmos is not full of life, and earth is flat like all the other planets.

NASA always tells the truth and never alters its photos and information. They are super legit and not in any way a front organization to distract from the more advanced black budget secret space programs that don't already have bases and fleets throughout the galaxy who are not working with other races that obviously aren't real. The countless sightings, experiences, and documentation are just swamp gas, weather balloons, and hoaxes that governments have so thoughtfully kept from public knowledge for our own good because they clearly know what's best.

In a related story, nations are totally real and not just imaginary lines on maps. Also, politics, sports, and celebrities are way important to pay attention to, and not at all loud and colorful distractions that pit people against each other and rob the masses of our own power and consciousness. This culture is the pinnacle of human evolution and deserves to live on forever because all others are stupid. Finally, April Fools ;)

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