Saturday, September 26, 2020

A New Acronym for N.E.W.S., and the Constant Vaccine Push

Some say “news” in an acronym for “north, east, west, south”.  I just came up with a better one: “never-ending wrong stories”.  Every time I hear about it from other people, or for the few minutes of radio I can stand in the car before I go back to learning from audiobooks and podcasts, it’s always the same garbage: racism, war, crime, hate, fear, politics, division, disease, negativity, vaccines, etc.  It’s basically preying on peoples’ natural desire for information, and instead giving them lies, marketing, propaganda, and very obtuse perspectives.  Seriously, the more you learn on your own, the more you see how true that is.  I haven’t paid much attention to mainstream media in years, and I do not miss it AT ALL!  Except for a fraction of examples where people are actually spreading truth and positivity, it is mostly misinformation and narratives concocted by corporations, intelligence agencies, and governments (which literally translates as "control minds"!)

Though I can only handle small amounts of "news" on rare occasions, every time I hear them make it seem like a vaccine is the be-all, end-all salvation of everyone.  This is the oldest psychological tactic in the book: make people think they NEED your product.  Offer it as the only possible solution, like nothing else will do.  Never mention the REAL factors of good health: love, laughter, forgiveness, a positive attitude, a healthy diet and exercise, meditation, following your passion, helping others, etc.  Push a product that can only be obtained from you (or by companies who have paid you to push it).  Create the belief that people will be incomplete or unsafe without it.  Get them to attack those of us who know that’s not true by making it seem like we’re a dangerous threat to society for not buying into that agenda.

If more people knew how their trusted sources of information have been so severely manipulated and by whom, they would IMMEDIATELY abandon them and find better sources like many of us already have.  (It’s like being in a relationship with someone you don’t know is lying to and cheating on you; as soon as you find out, that completely changes your perspective of them.)  If more people knew the etymology of “pharmaceuticals”, they would recognize they are being tricked and poisoned.  "Big Pharma" is basically the new "Big Tobacco".  Think about it, there were already a TON of vaccines before this pandemic.  So why is there even MORE disease now?  Are they really effective?  If so, then why does the placebo effect work?  (Because people have the power to heal themselves, and placebos can act as permission slips for them to do so.)  Why is a tech-magnate so consumed with manufacturing and giving shots to everyone, and why should he have such influence on the WHO and public health policies?  Simple questions like this can help you wake up to the truth that we are all being massively conned.

It’s not just immune systems which have been compromised, it’s peoples’ critical thinking.  It’s like someone getting lung cancer from smoking, and deducing that smoking more will fix it.  “I’ll smoke that cancer out of my lungs!”  Really the solution is for them to STOP doing the thing that is making them sick; except they’ve been mislead by the tobacco industry to think their product is actually helping them and they can’t live without it.  The truth is the consumer would actually be healthier without such products; but those who make the products clearly don’t want people to know that, hence their significant marketing and lobbying efforts across every media platform, government agency, medical establishment, and scientific institution they can infiltrate and influence.  Certain negative-minded, self-serving people within major corporations and industries are simply using the same old strategies that tobacco companies got away with for decades before more of the public recognized their deception and tricks.  They are like those parasites which infect organisms and make them want what is good for the parasite, but bad for the host who is simply being used by the parasite.

If you have done significant research instead of just falling for the childish name-calling of others as "anti-vaxxers", you will know why some people are indeed wary of them.  You will know there are often ingredients in vaccines that most people would not want injected into them if they knew they were there.  This includes things like mercury, animal DNA, nanites, and other materials even the doctors who give the shots are completely unaware of due to the extreme compartmentalization of information and the manufacturing process.  It's not that all shots contain these things, but many have for years.  This is actually one source of disease, the very thing people think is making them healthier.  Again, some very clever negative entities within society use vaccines like a "trojan horse", or a weaponized gift.  They believe in things like population reduction and control.

Personally, I haven't had ANY kind of vaccine since I was a child decades ago, and I am rarely sick.  When it happens, it's short-lived as I simply rest and take natural vitamins to boost my immune system (Emergen-C).  I can't tell anyone else what to do or not do, I can only say why I do and don't do certain things, and how that works for me.  You are your own unique expression of creation, so what you do is up to you.  Whatever that may be, I wish you health, happiness, peace, and love :)

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