Saturday, October 17, 2020

Investigate Censored and “Discredited” Media and Individuals

Wow, those Plandemic films are scathing.  No wonder they are being censored and called conspiracy “theories”.  (That’s a red flag for actual conspiracies!)  Such media is not banned to protect the public from false narratives that harm society; they are banned because they EXPOSE false narratives that harm society.  People have been lied to and told it’s true, and have been given truth and told it’s “fiction”, so they are confused and more likely to give up their decision making to “authorities”.

So many people are ignorantly going along with agendas that do not serve them, because they think they do.  So many global leaders and public figures are wolves in sheep’s clothing, hiding in plain sight and using media to make them seem more positive and magnanimous.  “Philanthropy” is a common guise to gain support for insidious plans to both control and reduce population; and so many people refuse to believe it because they don’t understand how or why others could do that.  It also means they are ignorantly complicit, which is hard for some to recognize and accept since they would never willingly go along with such plans.

This is why the public is coerced by repetition of certain ideas in mainstream media, which is used as a tool of psychological warfare or manipulation by negatively-minded interests, some of who are posing as “saviors of humanity”.  This is also why they target and censor media which exposes them, because if more people knew what they were really doing, they couldn’t get away with it.  Then THEY would be targeted rather than celebrated.  So many “de-bunkers” and “fact-checkers” are actually doing the opposite of what they say; they are misleading people both intentionally and innocently.  Some are being paid to discredit certain truths, and others just honestly don’t know they are true.

There is no greater weapon than media.  Bombs and guns can hurt and kill people, but media is being used to get them to hurt and kill themselves and each other.  Media is a more versatile and subtle weapon, since it can influence thoughts, emotions, and behaviors of COUNTLESS people.  When the public doesn’t know what is true or what to believe, that is when they are most vulnerable to manipulation.  This has been going on for so long that many do not recognize the deception because it's all they know.  Any time you see something is banned or branded a conspiracy “theory”, that is a clear sign that you should investigate it because you will likely find extremely enlightening truths that someone is trying to hide from you.

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