Friday, May 21, 2021

No Such Thing as "No Such Thing"

 “There is no such thing as ‘no such thing.’” - Laura Van Tyne
A great quote I just heard that I am totally using!  You are only able to recognize that truth after achieving a certain level or density of consciousness.  Before that, reality seems much less magical and exciting to those who dismiss and disbelieve.  Everything you can imagine and more exists.  That’s what imagination is: quantum entanglement, “remote” viewing, exploring parallel realities, tuning to simultaneous incarnations and places, information downloads, etc.

Everything labeled myth, fiction, or fantasy is based on reality.  It is often distorted, not exactly as portrayed, but it is a reflection of truth with varying degrees of accuracy.  Such examples include Santa Claus, Jesus, a flying spaghetti monster, which are personifications and misrepresentations, but they do reflect actual concepts and people.  (That last one would be the most difficult for someone to grasp, but an ET spacecraft appeared over Russia that resembled a jellyfish, which could be humorously construed as a "flying spaghetti monster".)

When I say everything, there are no exclusions: aliens, Atlantis, Lemuria, yetis, “mermaids” (aquatic humanoids), portals, giants, fairies, dragons, ghosts, “afterlife” (nonphysical reality), crystal skulls, free energy technology, Dyson spheres, massive spacecraft, time travel, witches, vampires, zombies, age regression, avatars, clones, EVERYTHING.  I dare you to look at the size of the universe and tell me otherwise.  No one can convince me these things aren’t real, because I’ve been studying them.  Just as I can’t convince anyone who doesn’t believe in them that they are real.  Personal beliefs, definitions, awareness, paths, etc. are all up to each individual.

Many people think “seeing is believing”, but that limits your perception to only your eyes.  They fail to see how true the opposite is, that believing is seeing.  You cannot perceive what you refuse to believe, for beliefs are how people interpret their realities.  And just because you don’t see something doesn’t mean it is not real; it simply means you haven’t discovered it yet.  It is naive and arrogant for one to think they have seen everything.  You never know it all, you can only know more.  Life is a very personal, profound journey of self-discovery and awakening to all that is.  I understand if it sounds crazy to you because you can’t see it yet, but you will eventually, for we are eternal beings in temporary forms ;)

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