Sunday, May 2, 2021

Top Secret Spacecraft Photos (TR3H), More Disclosure of Advanced Military Technology


Behold the TR3H, a covert space program ship.  This is a more advanced version of the infamous TR3B which is decades old, and some people still don’t know about that one.  Both were reverse-engineered from ET craft, and this photo was provided by the YouTube channel “Super Soldier Talk”.  I’m sharing this for several reasons.
1: To share that channel, which is full of truth-telling veterans of secret space programs whose stories are incredible, and whose information is invaluable (if you don’t mistakenly dismiss it as science “fiction”).
2: To raise awareness of such black-budget assets featuring revolutionary technology that is being kept from the public.  We have been sending a shocking amount of people, resources, and money into space.  MUCH more than the public has been told.
3: To improve discernment between spacecraft that come from Earth and those that do not.
4: To reduce fear and violence.

There has been a devious plan in place for a long time to stage a hoaxed alien invasion, to manufacture yet another war based on false premises.  Wernher von Braun correctly predicted that first, foreign nations would be made to seem like enemies, then the more generic “terrorist” would be the threat, and finally aliens would be the “last card” to be played.  Clearly he was right about the first two, and you only have to look at all the fear-mongering in movies and video games to know who is being set up to be the next villain.  And if people are unaware that covert groups from Earth possess spacecraft far more advanced than the ones shown on the news, then they could mistake such craft as “foreign”.  This has already happened…

In 1952, a group of flying saucers appeared over the capital building in Washington DC.  This was actually covered by some media at the time, however many people remain unaware of this incident.  When I first saw the pictures, I mistakenly presumed they were from another world, because many of them are, and I did not know just how much progress and effort had been made on Earth to copy them.  I have since learned that these ships are the “haunebu” or “honeybee” models, built and flown by a German faction.  They did receive help from ET’s in building these craft; so you could say the knowledge to build them came from elsewhere, but the ships themselves originated from Earth.  This makes a HUGE difference in understanding what exactly was taking place.  It was not “first contact” as some may misinterpret.  These Germans were using a show of force to intimidate the US government with technology they did not yet possess (they do now).  Do you see how such details completely change the narrative or truth?

If you don’t know you are being tricked, you are more likely to fall for it.  But if you know how a trick works, then it does not trick you.  Imagine if someone told you before 9/11 that an attack was going to take place that would be blamed on rogue Muslims in order to sell the public on invading the middle-east, but that it was actually a false-flag operation involving US, British, and Israeli military intelligence agencies using drone aircraft, controlled demolition, and mass media manipulation.  You may not have believed it, but when it happened, that idea would be in your mind.  Then you may not have believed the elaborate hoax that many fell for.  Soldiers and civilians died for it.  Imagine if the people who became soldiers saw through the lie and did not sign up to “fight for their country”, because they knew that’s not really what they were fighting for.

Now imagine seeing spacecraft like these and not knowing they were built by people from Earth.  Whatever it does would be mistaken by some as being done by ET’s, including acts of hostility.  This is the nefarious plan to fool billions into believing Earth is being attacked in order to fund and deploy a massive military effort that makes the occupation of the middle-east look like a kid's birthday party.  This idea has been seeded through such films as “War of the Worlds”, “Independence Day”, “Mars Attacks”, “Edge of Tomorrow”, “Avengers”, Justice League”, “The Tomorrow War”, etc.  This particular craft may not be used to stage the invasion; perhaps it would be “unveiled” to repel it, for there are many other kinds and sizes of ships controlled by humans from Earth that would be mistaken by some as “alien”.  I wish I could share photos of those craft as well, but they are harder to obtain.  I have only heard about them from many people who have seen them.  Here are some depictions:

Aside from the radical size and appearance of these vessels, another stumbling block for some people will be their mistaken belief that you cannot travel faster than light.  Knowing that you can is essential to knowing other great truths of how far people from Earth have already gone using advanced technology that is not widely available to those on the surface.  It also explains the many other "UFOs" that have appeared throughout the skies.  According to my best sources and estimations, only about 30% of the spaceships seen by people on this planet are actually from somewhere else.  That means about 70% of sightings are covert craft which are operated by Earth people.  Of course, those numbers change as you get farther away from this planet.  Nevertheless, the amounts in each category are significant, and you can only believe those estimations when you are aware of just how much secret activity and development has been going on in “unacknowledged special access programs” all over the world for a long time.

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