Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Mainstream Scientists Finally Waking/Catching Up







Above is a SMALL FRACTION of articles recently focusing on Avi Loeb, the head of Harvard's astrophysics department.  He has also been appearing on numerous podcasts plugging his new book and helping to give credibility to a subject which has been severely distorted by and omitted from many media outlets.  This is significant as it represents a shift in what is considered "mainstream" science finally accepting that ET's are real instead of mislabeling them as science "fiction" and deriding those who speak of them.  Some still do this, as their consciousness has not yet expanded to the point of recognizing that EVERYTHING exists, not just what they can see or measure.  You will find more and more individuals and institutions who used to dismiss such subjects start to change their tune as they realize they have been wrong about so much.  It can be challenging to learn you have been lied to and lying to others when you thought you knew the truth.  This takes time to process and forgive yourself and others for being so misled, and to understand just how this has happened.

It must be noted that many of these sources who are considered authorities and experts are actually BEHIND the curve of "normal" people who have already discovered such truths through personal experience and research.  This is part of a profound paradigm shift that changes every aspect of life and how people see themselves, governments, schools, media, religion, science, history, and the universe.  While Loeb is correct that Oumuamua was/is a spacecraft instead of a comet like some people have mistakenly identified it, he is NOT correct about everything.  The more he learns, he will discover it is FAR from the first interstellar craft to visit our solar neighborhood, as he claims.  Such "traffic" has actually been going on for billions of years, and Earth has had MANY visitors over its lifespan.  Oumuamua is simply the first that some are aware of, while others are unaware that it is a spacecraft at all, and others are unaware that it even exists.  There are different densities of consciousness, depths of understanding, or levels of awareness.  It is not just that we have never been alone in the cosmos; we have never even been alone on this planet, and that is a PROFOUND truth that must be discovered on an individual basis.  People can tell you things, but if you haven't learned enough to know what they're talking about, you simply won't be able or ready to comprehend them.

Avi Loeb is actually not even the first Harvard professor to speak openly about ET contact, he is just the latest.  Before him, Professor John Mack, head of the psychiatry department, admitted that his mind had been changed on the subject through countless sessions with patients who were having real experiences that some were unfortunately misdiagnosing as hallucinations, dreams, or mental illness.  After enough congruent similarities in their stories and emotional responses to recalling the events, his skepticism was finally overridden and he realized they were telling the truth.  This is actually more significant and closer to home in that it acknowledges interactions taking place on this planet, rather than just a faraway craft passing through the solar system.  Still, more disclosure is a good thing as it advances our collective consciousness and is a sign of evolution.

Evolution is an endless journey.  People think they live in a free, open-minded, modern world, when stories like this show that we still have much farther to go.  What has been happening with people telling the truth about ET's and being ridiculed and ostracized for it is no different than what Galileo and many other scientists and individuals have endured for centuries.  What many reject as wrong is actually true, it's just different than what they thought.  New ideas and information may take getting used to, but denying and attacking others for sharing is unwise.  Doing so discourages progress which holds us all back.  Ultimately those who do it look foolish, like those who vehemently refused that the Earth orbits the sun, or that the planet is a sphere.  Major institutions have been responsible for suppressing all kinds of knowledge, so it's nice to see positive change when they start to admit, accept, and disclose instead.

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