Saturday, February 6, 2021

How Vaccines are like Software Updates: They can Make things Better, or Worse

You know how some software “updates” actually make your computer WORSE?  That’s not an update; it’s a DOWN-date!  (The latest one from Microsoft has caused multiple problems for many people, and this happens frequently.)  Vaccines are like these updates; they CAN help, but they can also have the opposite effect.  Pharmaceutical companies are just as imperfect and corruptible as big tech companies.  Their products are not always as helpful as they want you to think.  Yet people have such trust in these giant corporations who are responsible for things like the opioid addiction crisis, countless lawsuits, price gauging, influencing laws through political lobbying, non-stop deceptive commercials, manipulating data and trial results, infiltrating the education system to omit certain information and promote their agendas, bribing doctors to prescribe their products, paying news outlets to only cover them favorably.  Many people fall for their tricks, because they are so pervasive and relentless.  It all makes sense when you research the etymology of words like “pharmacy” and “pharmaceutical”, whose Greek and Latin roots can be translated as “poison”, “witchcraft”, “sorcery”, and drugs that can both heal AND HARM.  Clearly there are people who do not know this, and clearly these companies do not like the old slogan, “Say no to drugs”, because drugs are their business!  They only want you to say no to the ones they don’t make.

Pay attention to how vaccines are being talked about in such a limited framework; it is almost always EXTREMELY biased and one-sided.  They are being made to seem like the only hope of humanity, like you will not be safe without them, like everything will be fine once everyone has been inoculated, like there are no other factors to being healthy.  These are signs of psychological manipulation.  Advertising uses the same strategy where you are made to feel like you are incomplete without a certain product, like you are not good enough unless you have it, like anyone who doesn’t want it is inferior or even dangerous, like it is only positive and there are no possible negative downsides for anyone, like it is the key to a better life and nothing else matters.

Do these shots do ANYTHING to improve peoples’ diets, media, stress, jobs, environments, love, information, or any other fundamental health components?  Absolutely NOT!  These more important aspects are being completely ignored by supposed medical professionals, reporters, politicians, scientists, etc.  They talk as if food, water, psychology, socio-economic infrastructure, exercise, and nature are totally irrelevant.  Even if the vaccine is perfectly safe, it changes NONE of those things.  Unfortunately they are often NOT perfectly safe, as some vaccines contain ingredients which are hidden from the public (mercury, animal DNA, industrial chemicals, nanites, etc.)  This is why there are often adverse reactions.  But again, even if the ingredients were totally pure, they STILL have a negative effect by creating a false sense of security that everyone is protected now and they can just go back to self-destructive, unhealthy lifestyles which actually create MORE disease in the future!  There is no shot which can treat the root causes of illness, which are deeply embedded in our collective cultures, consciousness, and choices.

Have the numerous vaccines which already exist prevented this pandemic or the countless other health issues plaguing society?  Clearly not.  So are how much are they actually helping?  Why should this one be any different?  People are putting all their eggs in one basket; and that basket is a product of corrupt and broken systems: governmental, medical, financial, educational, etc.  Yet so many people still put their trust and faith in these institutions despite their constant failures!  What’s the definition of insanity again?

Truth is sometimes the exact opposite of what is advertised.  Some people are unaware just how much “marketing” there is in news.  Invasion and population control have been re-branded as “humanitarian aid”.  Some efforts to “cure” disease are actually a guise for CREATING it.  And some predators are actually posing as philanthropists, hiding in plain sight like the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing (or glasses and a cardigan).  Samuel Jackson’s villain in the movie “Kingsman” is CLEARLY based on the Microsoft founder in an attempt to subtly disclose malevolent agendas hidden behind a seemingly benevolent veneer.

Do you actually know how he made his fortune?  I assure you, it was NOT from moral ethics and a passion for public service.  It was from inheritance, cutthroat business practices, buying or stealing the work of others, selling information gathered through his software, using his companies and charities as fronts for covert means.  That’s why some use media to create a false perception of virtue to mask their greed, malice, and true intentions.  They start foundations to generate positive press and foster an image of a hero who would never be capable of doing what they are actually doing behind the scenes.  This gets a portion of the public who have fallen for the lie to attack those who tell the ugly truth, because they can’t see how they have been fooled.

Do you really trust a TECH MOGUL to develop a vaccine to inject in your body, even though his PRIMARY PRODUCTS suffer constant glitches, roll-out issues, and customer complaints?  Do you really think there will be no “side-effects” (which are sometimes actually INTENDED effects)?  Clearly he’s done a great job of hiding the controversial, catastrophic results of his human “trials” in Africa through media manipulation (it’s not really a trial if you know what the outcome is going to be).  These “human updates” have been just as problematic as the software varieties.

Do you really trust pharmaceutical companies and governments whose track records have been so poor, who have consistently been caught lying to and robbing people?  It’s like a large percentage of the population is in denial about being in an abusive relationship, and another percentage knows it, but they stay because they have been so abused that they’re just used to it and they don’t know a way out.  Well the way out is within you.  It is to think for yourself, to question everything, to recognize your own self-worth and power, to follow your own heart instead of doing whatever you are told by greedy sociopaths pretending to be authorities.

I do NOT endorse any negative actions against anyone, even those who carry out negative actions against others.  Forgiveness is a higher, healthier path than revenge.  But I DO endorse raising awareness of what is actually going on, so more people know that many things are not as they seem.  It is no coincidence that masks have become such a common, reflective symbol.  There is much being hidden that people have yet to discover, because they think they already know how things work.  The illusion of knowledge is the most deceptive form of ignorance.  We are NEVER done learning.  You must constantly update YOURSELF with new information, because change is a universal constant.

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