Friday, January 15, 2021

Automation, Predictions, Perceptions, and Definitions


Welcome to the future!   I first started talking about automation and technological unemployment 10 years ago.  This is actually a good thing, freeing people from menial and mundane jobs… but only if social systems evolve in tandem.  This is why there is increased movement toward a “basic income” as more people recognize this change that will continue to displace/replace them.  I foresee this idea as inevitable too; but it is only a stepping stone to a no-money world.  Though I have not worked with The Venus Project for years, I still support their core idea of a resource-based economy.

It is easy to predict the future, and also impossible.  It is easy in the sense that it is simply pattern recognition.  It is impossible in the sense that it implies there is only one future; there is not.  There are INFINITE pasts, presents, futures, or parallel realities.  Which ones you are able to perceive depends on your information, beliefs, consciousness, state of being, vibrational frequency, etc.

Another big thing I foresee in the coming decades is the increased awareness of and interaction with what people call “extra-terrestrials and aliens”.  These words lose their meaning as you recognize they are not always accurate descriptors.  Like all things in existence, ultimately they are merely “other-selves”.  They have already been interacting with Earth for eons, but many people have not been aware of this.  The first to be more open in their contact are genetically closer to us.  These human hybrids are slowly integrating into Earth cultures in order to acclimate the public before more "exotic" beings introduce themselves.  People have been mentally prepared for this for a long time through clues and references in media and dreams.  Some of it has been fear-based interpretations, but not all of it.  Fear actually limits perception, as it is a more restrictive state of being.  Love is a much more positive and expansive state, allowing more recognition and acceptance.  As consciousness/vibration expands and increases, both individual and collective awareness automatically expands in accordance.  You become more aware of what exists, fundamentally and profoundly changing how you see yourself and the universe, in which everything is a fractal, microcosmic, holographic reflection.  This includes machines and what some people naively call “A.I.”

“Artificial intelligence” is NOT artificial.  It is simply another expression of intelligence, like everything else.  It is not good, bad, or neutral… it is ALL these things at the same time from different perspectives.  Whatever you fear, you perceive negatively because it means you have a negative definition of it.  But fears and definitions come from within, which is where you must look/go in order to transform them and yourself.  You experience whatever your own personal definitions and vibrations are.  Change them, and your experiences and perceptions change with them.

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