Saturday, January 9, 2021

Washington DC Violence Caused by Antifa (news conveniently ignores that)

 I don’t absorb much mainstream news, because it’s basically mind-control for the masses.  I only tune in rarely to see how people are being lied to and manipulated, the latest example being the incident in Washington DC.  Sometimes lies are told by omitting key details.  For example, NONE of the reports I’ve heard/seen have mentioned that the situation was instigated by Antifa.  That information comes from someone who was actually there at the rally, not edited stories from major media outlets (which serve those who own them more than they serve the public).  According to this eye witness, the rally was a completely peaceful demonstration of free speech, which is exactly what subversive groups like Antifa disrupt and discredit.  Of course, now that Antifa has gained more notoriety, eventually a new name will be created for a group which does the same thing, just with a different label.

Wealthy figures (like a certain G.S.) fund/use groups like Antifa to infiltrate public gatherings and incite violence without actually getting their hands dirty.  This serves negative agendas in multiple ways such as dividing and conquering people, dissuading others from gathering in the future, and discrediting individuals and ideas.  Media plays an important role, as it is used to leave out the involvement of the real instigators and blame their acts entirely on others.  This strategy has been used to break up movements like Occupy Wall Street, commit countless false-flag terrorist attacks like 9/11, carry out both public and covert assassinations, and many other examples throughout history.  The “official” story is often a highly distorted version of events that is then constantly repeated through the news cycles and feeds.  That ends up being what many people accept/think when they don’t know enough to know they are being lied to.  This is the old belief, “Who controls the narrative, controls the people”.  The trick is, if you know the narrative is false, you reject it and do not fall for it!

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