Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Censorship is NOT for Our Protection

Why would you shut down an entire social media platform (Parler) because a small percentage of its members may support violence?  Obviously not all of them do!  Is there no negative content on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Amazon, etc.?  Why not shut them down?  Why is it fine to show ultimate fighting, movies and video games with EXTREME violence, but words are somehow more capable of inciting subversive action?  Why do militaries get to keep making and using weapons, but somehow comments and posts are what need to be curtailed?  Because this is NOT about protecting people, it is about censoring them.  It is about restricting free speech on sites that are not owned by massive tech conglomerates.  It is about keeping certain ideas and information from spreading.  It is about suppressing consciousness and maintaining ignorance.  It is about perpetuating a specific narrative for people to believe in order to serve various agendas that are NOT in our best interest, but in the interest of control.  Fearing and limiting what others think or say is NOT a sign of strength; it is a sign of weakness.

Censorship itself is an act of violence against people and their free expression.  Doing it under the false pretense of preventing violence is pure hypocrisy.  “Fact-checking” has become the new censorship.  Certain individuals and institutions pretend to have the right to determine what is a “fact” for everyone.  But they cannot stop certain realities and views from existing just by denying that they do.  They have no say over what is true and real for anyone else, only themselves.  People have different perspectives and information; it is pointless and detrimental trying to fight or control that.  What many call facts are actually just limited viewpoints, opinions, definitions, beliefs.  They are not empirically true for all beings.  And denying or invalidating other ways of seeing things does more harm than good.  The suppression of people causes more violence than words can!  So censorship actually creates what it claims to prevent.

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