Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Disturbing History of Coca-Cola



"It's not about what your product really is; it's about what your customer THINKS your product is."

Clearly other companies and industries use this philosophy too.  Pharmaceutical, tobacco, and alcohol industries, Disney, Apple, Tesla, Google, Microsoft, and so many more sell products to people under the false illusion that they are so much better than they actually are.  This is the power, and the extremely nefarious side of marketing where it manipulates peoples' perception so that they do not realize the negative aspects of these products and companies.

I have known for a long time that Coca-Cola was not good for people or the planet, but I didn't know it was this bad!  I stopped drinking it years ago and I do not miss it at all.  I knew it's basically sugar water that is not healthy, I knew that it used to contain actual cocaine, I knew they used aggressive and deceptive marketing, I knew they were responsible for environmental violations, but this short documentary fills out even more details that I did not know.

I didn't know about the earlier drink that Coke copied which was just wine and cocaine.  I didn't know that the company infiltrated and influenced both American and German militaries (and definitely others which are not mentioned, because it would not just limit itself to those two).  I didn't know that some of their operations are government funded.  I didn't know just how many schools they bribed to sell their products exclusively, not allowing healthier options for children.  I didn't know about some of their mafia-style tactics like threatening shop-owners who sold their competitors' products, or creating vending machines which increased the price of Coke as the outside temperature increased.

This information will surely convince others to quit supporting such an unscrupulous and predatory company.  Just as cigarette smoking has been declining as more people have learned how unhealthy they are and how greedy and manipulative that industry is.  But people still have a lot of waking up to do, and it will be a rude awakening as they discover that products they love and companies they thought were positive are actually hurting them and our planet.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Fusion Fraud: The Latest Lie in Mainstream Media

The science shills are out in full force promoting this fusion “breakthrough” that is more over-hyped, misleading, distracting fake news.  It’s fake because we have much better technology that is being hidden while this inferior garbage is being sold as a false savior of humanity and the environment.  In the above video, the brilliant Dr. Greer debunks this claim by pointing out that in their over-unity calculations they are leaving out the significant initial energy input from lasers, as well as failing to mention the high cost and rarity of materials used (like tritium), which makes mass producing such devices prohibitively expensive and unrealistic.  They are also creating such extreme temperatures (millions of degrees) that have to be mitigated, adding yet another problem and strike against this idea.  But the biggest deception is the relatively small amount of energy they are raving about at such a high cost: billions of dollars to create enough energy to boil a kettle of water!  Knowing all these details makes it abundantly clear that this is actually gas-lighting the public into focusing on technology that is not as good as advertised, and not as good as better alternatives which exist.

I have seen videos and articles suddenly praising fusion as the future from all the major mainstream circus “scientists” who are put on pedestals and platforms to spread lies while people who don’t know any better worship them as false prophets.  Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, Michio Kaku, and many others are out there talking about this nuclear fusion narrative in lock-step, unquestioning support with all the mainstream media outlets.  They use superlatives like “giant step”, “holy grail”, “unprecedented”, “major milestone”, and other such terms to really sell this concept to the ignorant masses who just nod and parrot their talking points without question.  Note how similar figures have previously been claiming for years that such energy production is impossible in order to perpetuate the status quo.  Suddenly the narrative has changed, which is a slight improvement.  Unfortunately they are still lying and wrong as they always have been, but at least they are finally acknowledging that over-unity is even possible.

Meanwhile, all the scientists who have built
zero-point energy devices, engines that run on water, and other REAL game-changing technologies are completely ignored and left out of the conversation because certain interests don’t want the game to change.  They have suppressed better alternatives for a long time so that they can keep raking in trillions of dollars from the current energy supply model, hence the name of Dr. Greer’s upcoming documentary, “The Lost Century”.  Brilliant inventors like Nikola Tesla, T. Townsend Brown, Floyd Sweet, John Hutchison, Stan Meyer, and countless others have created alternative, free-energy technologies that are far superior to this supposedly amazing nuclear fusion.  Knowing about their work reveals the fraud of promoting this “development”, which is another lie.

Nuclear fusion is not new!  This is the same physics involved in t
hermonuclear weapons like hydrogen bombs, which have been around for a long time.  The fact that they are acting like this is the first time a nuclear fusion reaction has ever been achieved is an obvious sign of the massive deception being foisted on the general public.  Many of us already recognize this scam, but many more will wake up when Dr. Greer’s next documentary comes out next year showing that even better technology has existed for a long time; it has just been stolen and hidden from the masses while inferior, inefficient versions are promoted which require constant payment to a centralized power structure.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Medical Labels for People do NOTHING to Change Society

The above article is about "pathological social withdrawal syndrome" or "hikikomori" in Japanese.  Notice the common practice of coming up with a label for people rather than making any substantial change to the environments and social systems which are root causes of their behavior.  If more and more people are withdrawing from society, then the problem is not the individuals, it is the society.

People are anti-social when their society is anti-people.  We are treated like numbers, livestock, targets, disposable resources, wage-slaves, robotic workers, parasitic consumers, soulless objects, useless eaters, diseased zombies.  We’re given labels like “syndrome”, “disorder”, and “complex”, while the social structure pretends to be so great and have no responsibility.  Why aren’t there labels like “Economic Inequality Syndrome”, “Monetary System Disorder”, or “Media Lies and Division Complex”?  It’s like blaming, labeling, and punishing children for acting out when they are abused and neglected.  Medicating and sending them to therapy does nothing to stop their continued abuse and neglect, and the same is true for adults.

Jobs, governments, hospitals, corporations, insurance companies, banks, armies, schools, religions, commercials, mindless entertainment, most of these do not serve us as much as they prey on us and our time, our energy, our money, our lives.  They use us, lie to us, poison us, steal from us, and treat us very poorly.  This is not just OUR disorder, it is SYSTEMIC disorder.  Our social systems have failed so many, because they are a corrupt, complex mess which are designed to serve those with money more, which does not really mean they deserve or need more than anyone else.

Teachers that are supposed to make us smarter are also lying to us about so many things, because they have been lied to.  Doctors that are supposed to heal us also give us harmful drugs and radiation instead of more safe and natural treatments.  Politicians that are supposed to represent public interests also represent private agendas.  News claims to be honest, true, and factual, while it pumps out propaganda, lies, and limited narratives crafted by people who edit themselves and many other things out of the stories.  Bankers who play with numbers are treated like kings, while farmers who grow food are treated like dirt.  Athletes make a living destroying their bodies for entertainment.  Celebrities with millions of followers are paid to distract and sell things to us while smarter and more virtuous people are censored and ignored.  The list goes on.

From my own personal experience, social services, customer service, health and education services, technologies, governments, media, all of these things have failed me and so many others.  This is why so many of us have checked out of our culture, because so much of it is harmful and negative, and it is actually a positive thing to leave unhealthy relationships.  Or as Jiddu Krishnamurti said, “It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

Rather than just complaining, working toward a better system is more productive.  A resource-based economy is still the best alternative I have seen so far.  And even as nice as The Venus Project's designs look, we can do even better because there are more advanced technologies which exist that have been withheld from the public in order to maintain the status quo.  They are so revolutionary, they transform your thinking just by knowing they exist and how they work!

(All images found under creative commons license.)

Friday, December 2, 2022

Humanity Dumbed Down and Damaged by Censorship and Copyright Claims (plus FREE episodes of my favorite series at the end!)

Behold the invisible war on humanity: censorship and copyrights.   I shared this site recently, but for the past week it was blocked and looked like this:

At least for now it seems you can watch this great content again, as long as you are either a member of Gaia, or lie and say that you are.  It has many hours of free videos from one of my favorite series, "Cosmic Disclosure".  The Gaia Network cut out over 100 of its first episodes from its website, and now they are lying by renumbering latter seasons and presenting them as the first in the series to cover up the censorship.

Whoever created this site is trying to be of service to others, as it is shared freely, not kept from the public, but gifted to it.  If you have actually seen the controversial content like many of us have, you know they are censoring valuable truths, information, and insights that would help many people to know, understand, recognize, awaken, etc.  This is just one example out of a countless amount of such attempts to limit our collective consciousness by editing, censoring, and distorting media, and by proxy, distorting everyone who consumes it, and everyone they interact with.  Censors are actually editing realities and minds, removing and twisting truths so people believe lies because they haven’t seen or heard what has been censored.

I have also been censored and removed from major tech platforms like YouTube.  I used to have 3 channels where I shared helpful videos about health, history, product reviews, meditations, etc.  I never made any money from any of them, but a copyright claim got all of them taken down, not just the videos they claimed violated copyrights, but ALL OF THEM; even though most of them had no possible copyright infringements (I mostly sourced from free and “creative commons” media sites, including YouTube).  The point is, all these things I shared with the positive intention of helping and serving others are no longer available at the moment (I am working on re-uploading what I can to other channels and platforms).  But I have seen countless examples of such good content blocked, while less helpful content is promoted and shoved in peoples’ faces.  This is holding us all back.

It seems entirely arbitrary what is taken down since there is so much copyrighted material being shared freely under very specific circumstances.  Scenes from movies and video games, music samples and covers, audio-books, you name it.  As long as it’s played under a certain length of time, or the sound is removed, or no money is made from it, or some other condition, apparently it’s fine to share in some cases.  And I have seen so much content which basically says the same things as what has been censored, so it seems almost pointless.  This is the case with "Cosmic Disclosure".  The latter episodes which they still share do not dramatically differ from the information and narratives which they removed.  But it is still good and truthful content which fewer people can access now, and many don’t even know exists.

Below, I am sharing one season of this epic and important show that is still available for free (as of this writing).   Once again, the episode numbers have been changed because this used to be a later season, where now it is mislabeled as “four”.  Still, at least it is a really good season, featuring a really good guest insider who has shared information I have never heard from anyone else, and who actually shows himself being vetted with lie-detecting technology and hypnotic regression.  I recommend watching it now while it is still up!