Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Fusion Fraud: The Latest Lie in Mainstream Media

The science shills are out in full force promoting this fusion “breakthrough” that is more over-hyped, misleading, distracting fake news.  It’s fake because we have much better technology that is being hidden while this inferior garbage is being sold as a false savior of humanity and the environment.  In the above video, the brilliant Dr. Greer debunks this claim by pointing out that in their over-unity calculations they are leaving out the significant initial energy input from lasers, as well as failing to mention the high cost and rarity of materials used (like tritium), which makes mass producing such devices prohibitively expensive and unrealistic.  They are also creating such extreme temperatures (millions of degrees) that have to be mitigated, adding yet another problem and strike against this idea.  But the biggest deception is the relatively small amount of energy they are raving about at such a high cost: billions of dollars to create enough energy to boil a kettle of water!  Knowing all these details makes it abundantly clear that this is actually gas-lighting the public into focusing on technology that is not as good as advertised, and not as good as better alternatives which exist.

I have seen videos and articles suddenly praising fusion as the future from all the major mainstream circus “scientists” who are put on pedestals and platforms to spread lies while people who don’t know any better worship them as false prophets.  Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, Michio Kaku, and many others are out there talking about this nuclear fusion narrative in lock-step, unquestioning support with all the mainstream media outlets.  They use superlatives like “giant step”, “holy grail”, “unprecedented”, “major milestone”, and other such terms to really sell this concept to the ignorant masses who just nod and parrot their talking points without question.  Note how similar figures have previously been claiming for years that such energy production is impossible in order to perpetuate the status quo.  Suddenly the narrative has changed, which is a slight improvement.  Unfortunately they are still lying and wrong as they always have been, but at least they are finally acknowledging that over-unity is even possible.

Meanwhile, all the scientists who have built
zero-point energy devices, engines that run on water, and other REAL game-changing technologies are completely ignored and left out of the conversation because certain interests don’t want the game to change.  They have suppressed better alternatives for a long time so that they can keep raking in trillions of dollars from the current energy supply model, hence the name of Dr. Greer’s upcoming documentary, “The Lost Century”.  Brilliant inventors like Nikola Tesla, T. Townsend Brown, Floyd Sweet, John Hutchison, Stan Meyer, and countless others have created alternative, free-energy technologies that are far superior to this supposedly amazing nuclear fusion.  Knowing about their work reveals the fraud of promoting this “development”, which is another lie.

Nuclear fusion is not new!  This is the same physics involved in t
hermonuclear weapons like hydrogen bombs, which have been around for a long time.  The fact that they are acting like this is the first time a nuclear fusion reaction has ever been achieved is an obvious sign of the massive deception being foisted on the general public.  Many of us already recognize this scam, but many more will wake up when Dr. Greer’s next documentary comes out next year showing that even better technology has existed for a long time; it has just been stolen and hidden from the masses while inferior, inefficient versions are promoted which require constant payment to a centralized power structure.

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