Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Disturbing History of Coca-Cola



"It's not about what your product really is; it's about what your customer THINKS your product is."

Clearly other companies and industries use this philosophy too.  Pharmaceutical, tobacco, and alcohol industries, Disney, Apple, Tesla, Google, Microsoft, and so many more sell products to people under the false illusion that they are so much better than they actually are.  This is the power, and the extremely nefarious side of marketing where it manipulates peoples' perception so that they do not realize the negative aspects of these products and companies.

I have known for a long time that Coca-Cola was not good for people or the planet, but I didn't know it was this bad!  I stopped drinking it years ago and I do not miss it at all.  I knew it's basically sugar water that is not healthy, I knew that it used to contain actual cocaine, I knew they used aggressive and deceptive marketing, I knew they were responsible for environmental violations, but this short documentary fills out even more details that I did not know.

I didn't know about the earlier drink that Coke copied which was just wine and cocaine.  I didn't know that the company infiltrated and influenced both American and German militaries (and definitely others which are not mentioned, because it would not just limit itself to those two).  I didn't know that some of their operations are government funded.  I didn't know just how many schools they bribed to sell their products exclusively, not allowing healthier options for children.  I didn't know about some of their mafia-style tactics like threatening shop-owners who sold their competitors' products, or creating vending machines which increased the price of Coke as the outside temperature increased.

This information will surely convince others to quit supporting such an unscrupulous and predatory company.  Just as cigarette smoking has been declining as more people have learned how unhealthy they are and how greedy and manipulative that industry is.  But people still have a lot of waking up to do, and it will be a rude awakening as they discover that products they love and companies they thought were positive are actually hurting them and our planet.

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