Monday, May 22, 2023

"News" Ignores and Distracts People from the Most Interesting, Enlightening Subjects


Remember when the “tic-tac” was all over the news?  Remember when they all but admitted that ET's are real and here?  Remember how they were trying to spin them all as a “threat to national security”?   Remember when they were covering the biggest scientific revelation in history?  Remember when this important subject finally started being acknowledged and discussed in many mainstream media sources who had traditionally ignored and mocked it?  Well that was a while ago, and now the news is back to business as usual, feeding the same old narratives of war, disease, division, politics, scarcity, problems, etc.  So what happened to all that coverage?

There is a historical pattern here that you only see if you dig deeper into the stories and ideas which have appeared in mainstream media, but then are removed from common sources and discussion.  This is a pattern of disclosure followed by distraction and disinformation.  It has to do with conflicting agendas of education versus suppression.  Many people work to spread truth and knowledge, but others have the opposite intent because they do not believe that serves them.  Some think that hiding and withholding information is essential to their success and survival; they fear how people will react to discovering certain things, and they feel it gives them a strategic advantage to know things that others do not.

There has been coverage of spacecraft and ET's throughout history such as the Roswell crash, the “Battle of Los Angeles”, the Phoenix lights, crop formations, etc.  If you go looking, you will find all kinds of information and opinions on these subjects and many related ones.  However, you will notice that many views are very negative, dismissive, full of disbelief and mockery.  These are people who are not yet aware enough to recognize or know certain things, as well as some who are very much aware of things that they are actively trying to prevent others from learning.  They do this first and foremost by editing or removing any mention of select subjects from the media they influence.  The “tic-tac” video was actually over ten years old before it was finally leaked and became “news”.  Since eventually people become aware of these things anyway, the next strategy is to deny, discredit, and ridicule legitimate information to make people think it is not true.  This was done after the Phoenix lights event when local officials held a press conference and revealed a man dressed in a silly alien costume to trick some people into thinking it was a hoax instead of what it actually was: ET spacecraft showing themselves and trying to wake people up to their presence.  The “tic-tac” video is the same thing: disclosure designed to reveal certain truths that some do not want revealed.

The footage of that ship taken by the American military is hardly the first encounter, but they are trying really hard to fool people into thinking that they know nothing about them.  On the contrary, this subject has been researched thoroughly for strategic value, while publicly denying any knowledge or development.  These craft and beings are also widely portrayed in pop-culture, so people are already familiar with them to some degree, even if they have beliefs and definitions that they are not real.  For example, a very famous band called “The Foo Fighters” is actually an old reference to what military pilots used as code to call spacecraft they saw.  This is the same idea as using labels like “UFO” and “UAP” to confuse and mislead people by defining such things as “unidentified”.  This avoids calling them what they really are which keeps some people from recognizing that many are actually ships belonging both to covert Earth groups as well as beings from other worlds.

Despite all the pop-culture references and many people already knowing the truth, “news” is still acting like this is a new phenomenon.  Those of us who know better find the charade humorous, absurd, and frustrating at different times.  There is a conflict of agendas where many are disclosing truth, while others are doing their best to cover it up, deny it, mislabel things, confuse people, and heavily edit media.  Many sources and institutions which people believe are keeping them informed are actually keeping them MIS-informed and distracted. Such people are not ready to recognize or deal with certain ideas about reality, as they have allowed themselves to be so thoroughly deceived by their media and “authority” figures.

Much truth has actually been shown in movies, TV shows, video games, etc.  But calling it science “fiction” or “fantasy” muddles peoples' definitions and tricks some into not realizing it is based on truth.  The more you discover, you see endless examples of real things and ideas portrayed in famous entertainment media like “ET”, “Star Wars”, “Star Trek”, “Stargate”, etc.  Likewise, the more you discover, you find endless examples of real things and ideas which are missing from so-called “non-fiction”, “news”, “history”, etc.  Such stories are often very limited, edited, manufactured, designed to serve certain people and their agendas.

Early in the last century there was coverage in mainstream sources (like the one shown above) about anti-gravity technology.  It was discussed for a while, but then suddenly disappeared from such media.  This is because certain black budget programs had already developed it, but wanted to keep it a secret from others for the sake of tactical advantage and dominance.  So they influenced and threatened media sources to stop mentioning anything to do with such developments, thus holding the entire human race back for their own greed and fear-based reasons.

Around the same time, Nikola Tesla developed free-energy technology which was also covered in newspapers; but then it was suppressed and used only by certain groups who do not share their information, activities, resources, or existence publicly.  Wardenclyffe Tower was designed to transmit radiant energy through the air, able to be picked up by receivers which would convert it into usable electricity.  But when J.P. Morgan discovered this would undermine his investments in the energy sector by bypassing the ability to sell and control electricity sent through wires, he shut the project down.  However, such an ability is incredibly useful and valuable, so the technology was developed by private interests who have been using it over the last century.  Meanwhile, most people on this planet are forced to pay cartels to distribute energy using methods that are more polluting and less efficient than so called zero-point, radiant, or free-energy technology.  And such technologies have evolved quite a lot over the decades in the covert groups who actually have access to it.  The fact that these devices are so revolutionary is exactly why some people do not want others to even know they exist, because they see them as a threat to their profits, abundance, advantage, well-being, etc.

Here is another example of a revolutionary development that was covered briefly by news media, but then quickly covered up because it threatened multiple industries' profits.  Stan Meyer built a car that runs on water!  And since water is highly available and abundant on this planet, that would mean people don't need to pay either oil or electric companies to refill or recharge their vehicles.  Since these industries are very wealthy, their first strategy is to attempt to bribe people or buy the rights to their work so they can shelve it to keep it from reaching the masses and dramatically changing the market.  If that doesn't work, as is the case with Stan Meyer, their last resort is to kill the person and steal their technology.  (His last words were reportedly that he had been poisoned.)  These massive industries have committed every crime known to man for the sake of money and control.

This sort of behavior is based in fear and greed, and has dire consequences for them and us.  Keeping such secrets is detrimental to everyone on Earth, as well as Earth itself.  Hiding and preventing more advanced technology from being available to all is damaging the environment as people use inferior polluting energy sources like oil, coal, nuclear, etc.  Many of us consider it a crime against nature and humanity to withhold and lie about such scientific developments that could improve life for everyone and transform our world into a much better one.  But alas, there are some interests who do not want that, which is another reason they wish to keep secrets because they do not want people to realize just how much damage, death, and strife they have caused.  Coupled with the massive amounts of money at stake, they have strong incentive to do anything and everything they can to hide certain information and technology from the public.

The good news is that no one controls ALL media or information.  Some may think they do, but this is impossible because in a sense everything IS information (or energy interpreted as information).  Yes, major platforms are heavily influenced and edited, but there are always people sharing truth.  Truth is found within all of us; much of it has simply been distorted or not yet discovered by different people.  Knowing that your media is intentionally hiding things and giving inaccurate information is excellent motivation for finding more and better sources.

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