Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Trillions of Dollars Stolen for Covert Projects and Advanced Tech

What an unpleasant woman reflecting the unpleasant nature of the military-industrial complex.  So smug, abrasive, and rude.  No surprise there, considering who she works for.  Of COURSE the Pentagon does not want to be audited; it gathers as much information as possible without giving any out, like a black hole.  The "defense" department was rebranded long ago from the war department, but don't let the name change fool you; they are still quite offensive.  They do everything they can to hide and deny that they have committed every war crime and human atrocity imaginable: assassinations, public acts of terror, trafficking drugs, weapons, people, and using media to distract and lie to everyone.  They will never disclose everything because they don’t believe it is in their interest.  And anyone who leaks truth is branded a “conspiracy theorist” or a threat, when really the military-industrial complex is the far bigger threat to humanity.  But it wants to continue without interference so it tries to focus all the attention and blame on individuals so it can keep making money, war, and technology it does not share with the public.

This is how secret space programs like Solar Warden have been funded with TRILLIONS of dollars over the decades.  Donald Rumsfeld somewhat admitted this, publicly stating they “couldn’t account for $2.3 trillion” the day before the great distracting false-flag operation of 9/11.  (Of course, the actual amount grows the more you learn, and you CAN account for it if you know it goes to “unacknowledged special access programs” or USAP’s.)  In addition to selling the things mentioned above, they greatly exaggerate how much equipment costs, then funnel most of their budget to covert or “black” projects.

For example, if they say a certain type of aircraft costs $1 billion dollars to make, it may only cost $100 million, which leaves them $900 million to spend on much more advanced technology that they never intend to reveal.  And keep in mind, that is just ONE aircraft out of the many they have, so their true arsenal, abilities, and accounts are MUCH greater than what they show the public.  Hence, spokespeople like this woman are used to deny and deflect questions, accusations, and investigations into their extremely profitable business and nefarious activities.
After selling drugs, guns, humans, and robbing other nations of their oil, land, gold, and other resources for decades, countless amounts of money have been amassed and spent both to keep those programs going, and to fund other ones.  There is so much more that exists than has been acknowledged or disclosed by such interests.  All kinds of advanced technology, ships, bases, weapons, to such a degree that many people would not believe, and are not ready to know about.  It is a whole different reality where some humans have access to equipment, vehicles, and buildings that others would think are from the far future.  I can't show many photos or video because those are relatively hard to find as they clearly wish to maintain secrecy.  But below are some depictions of examples to give the slightest "tip of the iceberg" notion about where this vast amount of money and resources have gone.  (Spoiler alert, a lot of it has gone both into space and around Earth, building an extensive network of bases and fleets.)

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