Saturday, May 20, 2017

Secret Health Science

(a very limited, 2D interpretation of earth energy)

Do you want to know a major cause of disease that has been recognized by many cultures, but has been suppressed in order to perpetuate health issues and thus, dependence on expensive drugs and treatments?  Hint: yes, you do.  Investigate GEOPATHOLOGY.  It's also called “feng shui”; but this is not just about furniture decoration, despite what some may think.  You will find that many people are unknowingly sleeping in a naturally occurring invisible energy vortex that creates acutely negative physical and psychological effects.  This unseen but very real geometric torsion field is all around, and is sometimes called ley lines, dragon lines, and the Hartmann/Curry Grid.  It is quite common and safe to pass through; but spending hours in certain places produces ailments wherever such points intersect the body.  Problems are increased with various quantities and qualities of running water nearby, as this carries its own energy flux that can add to the strength of the field.

(a smaller scale illustration showing various effects of the grid)

Fortunately, this grid is easily detected through EMF meters or the ancient art/science of dowsing (shown above).  Countless cases have been studied (and hidden) where the beds of chronically ill patients were simply moved a few feet away from these disruptive energy ribbons, and their conditions disappeared within weeks!  That is exactly why this information has been kept from many people.  If they knew that healing can be as simple as slightly adjusting where they sleep (or diet and exercise), the medical and pharmaceutical industries would not be the bloated monsters they are, simultaneously feeding and treating sickness.  To clarify, most medical professionals have good intentions; they are just given limited information due to “standardized” material that is severely edited or doctored (pun intended) by “official” organizations and perceived “authorities”.

Don't believe it?  Many won't, as they've been programmed to think that the only way to heal is through difficult and complicated procedures which cost everything they have.  This may be true in extreme cases.  But you can get all the treatments you want; yet if you continue sleeping in one of these negative energy spots, your problem will keep coming back.  This is a huge reason why diseases are so prevalent, and why health-care is such a large portion of the economy.  Most people would give all they could to stay alive and well; big business knows and capitalizes on that.  It is a scam of epic proportions whose cost of human life is immeasurable.  But do not despair; now you know better.  Health is first and foremost in our own hands, heads, and hearts!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Navigating the Job Market

Looking for work? This will help you decode some of the fancy labels being used to make some jobs seem better than they are. Ahhh, the magic of language! These are actual posted titles of jobs and industries, along with what they really mean. Enjoy!

Job Listing Translations:
Conservation Expert = garbage man
Executive Assistant = secretary, personal servant
Sales Personnel = cashier
Leasing Consultant = property sales
Property Developer = construction worker
Environmental Services Aid = janitor
Campaign Fundraiser = beggar
Gaming Professional = card dealer
Pharmaceutical Associate = drug dealer
Financial Strategist = money mover/hoarder
Replenishment Manager = stock boy
Defense Contractor = war profiteer/monger
Customer Service = problem filter, hate sponge
Transportation Operator = bus driver
Product Representative = brand whore
File Coordinator = paper/desk jockey
Marketing Specialist = phone sales, cold-calling
Office Administrator = greeter, data entry
Fulfillment Team Member = box stuffer
Population Health/Wellness Director = insurance salesman
Landscape Technician = lawn mower
Sandwich Artist = food slave
Horizontal Refreshment Liaison = hooker
Talent Development Trainer = pimp

Ok, those last two weren't actually posted; I made them up for fun ;) But the rest are real, I assure you. Like many, I too am fruitlessly searching for a good job. Sure, they're still out there; but many of them are terrible wastes of our lives. This is being masked by such deceptive re-branding to make them seem more desirable than they actually are. Similarly, actual unemployment numbers are being manipulated to hide the truth. Depending on location, the rate is much higher than the “official” number, which creates confusion and ignorance. Some people are sadly stuck in the mentality of thinking that “jobs” are the answer to the woes of society. But it depends entirely on the job. Some can be very fulfilling, and others soul-crushing. Slavery is a job, which is really what many are still supporting, whether they know it or not.

Thanks to automation, there are simply far more people than there are jobs to do. That's the whole point of it, to do things better and more efficiently. However this ancient, rigid socio-economic system is preventing this from being a good thing. Some “leaders” promote jobs while simultaneously reducing them with technology; just like some are still selling oil knowing it's on the way out. A global situation is occurring which has been called a “Greater Depression”, where the population-to-job ratio is constantly becoming more disproportionate. This is only part of the story, as the same technology that replaces jobs is also increasing productivity, transportation, communication, energy, etc. So some people are instead experiencing a “Greater Enlightenment”. There are also many like me who are experiencing both at the same time.

Because people are still relying on a money-for-work paradigm, this is holding everyone back. It's like trying to run a modern computer using steam power, or using horses to get around. It can be done to an extent, but performance is severely limited. People are dealing with this situation in different ways. Some are trying to pointlessly increase jobs, others are trying to covertly decrease population. Some are implementing a universal basic income, others advocate a resource-based economy. Some are joining local communes, others are fleeing to foreign lands. Some drudge on not knowing what else to do, others are committing suicide as an escape. Currently, I'm trying to make light and educate others of the situation. If you can offer any help or opportunities, I'd appreciate it! Good luck to you.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Norway Spiral Threat to Obama

Many people have not seen this.  Of those who have, many have no idea what it is.  Fortunately, some are more committed to truth-seeking and deep research than to speculation and blindly believing what we are told.  The "official" story was that of a missile spiraling out of control.  Of course this is a cover-up or smoke-screen to hide the truth from public knowledge.  Mainstream media is given a ridiculous explanation that only the deeply deluded and foolish would accept; then they go back to other low-level fare that keeps people pacified and in the dark.  This event is actually much more interesting, and equally unbelievable to those who lack the relevant information to understand it.

This is an inter-dimensional portal created by a secret antenna array called EISCAT.  It is a branch facility of HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program), which is a covert global operation using more advanced technology than many people know exists.  Its general purpose is energy manipulation, which includes various projects within that broad category.  Typically it is used in secret without such a spectacle; but this particular event was a personal threat to Barack Obama.

This occurred in Norway in December 2009 just before Obama was controversially given a Nobel Peace Prize.  Many felt he did not deserve this because he hadn't really done much.  What they don't know is that the speech he was originally going to make was more worthy of such an accolade, and would have had a huge impact on the planet.  Hence, this event was crafted to prevent him from doing so.  Right before the award, Obama was shown this dramatic spiral in the sky and told something along the lines of, “You wouldn't like it if Air Force One flew into one of those.”  Such a powerful threat changed his mind, as he likely knew that previous presidents have been silenced for the same reasons.

What are the reasons?  What is so important that secret groups threaten and kill influential leaders to prevent exposure?  Obama was going to publicly announce world-changing information about the existence and presence of extra-terrestrials.  Kennedy and Reagan were going to do the same, which is why both were shot (the latter lived, but was too scared to follow through after that).  Many people, both famous and otherwise, have been similarly silenced and assassinated for the same reasons: creation of fear and ignorance, maintaining population control, suppression of advanced technology, spirituality, genetic evolution, etc.

So who could be behind such devious acts against humanity?  The answer becomes obvious once such information is obtained: negatively-oriented extra-terrestrials themselves.  Often using programmed humans like drones to do their dirty work, they do not want their presence known, as their power partially depends on staying out of sight.  Because their life-spans and abilities are much greater, they have been able to operate beyond the perception of many on this planet for a long time.  But DO NOT FEAR! There are also incredibly positive ET's who have been doing very beneficial things outside of public awareness as well.  Their strategy is essentially the opposite: sharing their advanced knowledge, technology, genetics, etc. for the improvement of all.  Some of them remain mostly invisible for more helpful reasons, like not wanting to scare or influence those who are not ready for interacting with them.  If you are unaware of such things, that means you!  But now you are better prepared for such empowering and transcendent experiences in the future :)
(Much thanks and respect to Dr. Steven Greer and David Wilcock for putting these hidden pieces together.)

Monday, May 1, 2017

Power to All People!

The deep-seeded root of all situations... political, social, economic, and so-forth... is the belief in dis-empowerment. When you learn that you are as powerful as you could possibly be to attract anything you need without having to hurt yourselves or anyone else in order to attract it, then you'll be on the path that will resolve all of your political, social, and economic situations. You have to get to the root cause of these things and start teaching people that they are self-empowered. Then they will not resent others that they think reflect to them power they don't have; and they won't lash out or fight. Because the greatest power requires the gentlest touch; and when you know you are self-empowered, it takes very little effort to make great changes.

The preceding statement is a lightly edited version of the one below.  I felt it could flow more smoothly.  But also, those who lack certain information/experience/perspective will find the original harder to comprehend.  They will get stuck/confused by the phrase "your planet" because they don't know enough yet about people from other ones.  Wanting to simultaneously educate/enlighten as much as possible, AND to give full credit to this great teacher, I created/translated the above version that is more palatable for some, while also supplying the source of such wisdom:

The deep-seeded causes of all of the situations on your planet... political, social, economic, and so forth... are all rooted in the idea of belief in your dis-empowerment. When you can teach yourselves that you are as powerful as you could possibly be to attract anything you need without having to hurt yourselves or anyone else in order to attract it, then you'll be on the path that will resolve all of the political, social, and economic situations on your planet. So you have to get to the root cause of these things and start teaching people that they are self-empowered. Then they will not resent others that they think reflect to them power they don't have, and they won't lash out and they won't fight. Because the greatest power requires the gentlest touch; and when you know you are self-empowered, it takes very little effort to make great changes on your planet.
- "Bashar" (messenger)