Saturday, May 6, 2017

Norway Spiral Threat to Obama

Many people have not seen this.  Of those who have, many have no idea what it is.  Fortunately, some are more committed to truth-seeking and deep research than to speculation and blindly believing what we are told.  The "official" story was that of a missile spiraling out of control.  Of course this is a cover-up or smoke-screen to hide the truth from public knowledge.  Mainstream media is given a ridiculous explanation that only the deeply deluded and foolish would accept; then they go back to other low-level fare that keeps people pacified and in the dark.  This event is actually much more interesting, and equally unbelievable to those who lack the relevant information to understand it.

This is an inter-dimensional portal created by a secret antenna array called EISCAT.  It is a branch facility of HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program), which is a covert global operation using more advanced technology than many people know exists.  Its general purpose is energy manipulation, which includes various projects within that broad category.  Typically it is used in secret without such a spectacle; but this particular event was a personal threat to Barack Obama.

This occurred in Norway in December 2009 just before Obama was controversially given a Nobel Peace Prize.  Many felt he did not deserve this because he hadn't really done much.  What they don't know is that the speech he was originally going to make was more worthy of such an accolade, and would have had a huge impact on the planet.  Hence, this event was crafted to prevent him from doing so.  Right before the award, Obama was shown this dramatic spiral in the sky and told something along the lines of, “You wouldn't like it if Air Force One flew into one of those.”  Such a powerful threat changed his mind, as he likely knew that previous presidents have been silenced for the same reasons.

What are the reasons?  What is so important that secret groups threaten and kill influential leaders to prevent exposure?  Obama was going to publicly announce world-changing information about the existence and presence of extra-terrestrials.  Kennedy and Reagan were going to do the same, which is why both were shot (the latter lived, but was too scared to follow through after that).  Many people, both famous and otherwise, have been similarly silenced and assassinated for the same reasons: creation of fear and ignorance, maintaining population control, suppression of advanced technology, spirituality, genetic evolution, etc.

So who could be behind such devious acts against humanity?  The answer becomes obvious once such information is obtained: negatively-oriented extra-terrestrials themselves.  Often using programmed humans like drones to do their dirty work, they do not want their presence known, as their power partially depends on staying out of sight.  Because their life-spans and abilities are much greater, they have been able to operate beyond the perception of many on this planet for a long time.  But DO NOT FEAR! There are also incredibly positive ET's who have been doing very beneficial things outside of public awareness as well.  Their strategy is essentially the opposite: sharing their advanced knowledge, technology, genetics, etc. for the improvement of all.  Some of them remain mostly invisible for more helpful reasons, like not wanting to scare or influence those who are not ready for interacting with them.  If you are unaware of such things, that means you!  But now you are better prepared for such empowering and transcendent experiences in the future :)
(Much thanks and respect to Dr. Steven Greer and David Wilcock for putting these hidden pieces together.)

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