Saturday, May 20, 2017

Secret Health Science

(a very limited, 2D interpretation of earth energy)

Do you want to know a major cause of disease that has been recognized by many cultures, but has been suppressed in order to perpetuate health issues and thus, dependence on expensive drugs and treatments?  Hint: yes, you do.  Investigate GEOPATHOLOGY.  It's also called “feng shui”; but this is not just about furniture decoration, despite what some may think.  You will find that many people are unknowingly sleeping in a naturally occurring invisible energy vortex that creates acutely negative physical and psychological effects.  This unseen but very real geometric torsion field is all around, and is sometimes called ley lines, dragon lines, and the Hartmann/Curry Grid.  It is quite common and safe to pass through; but spending hours in certain places produces ailments wherever such points intersect the body.  Problems are increased with various quantities and qualities of running water nearby, as this carries its own energy flux that can add to the strength of the field.

(a smaller scale illustration showing various effects of the grid)

Fortunately, this grid is easily detected through EMF meters or the ancient art/science of dowsing (shown above).  Countless cases have been studied (and hidden) where the beds of chronically ill patients were simply moved a few feet away from these disruptive energy ribbons, and their conditions disappeared within weeks!  That is exactly why this information has been kept from many people.  If they knew that healing can be as simple as slightly adjusting where they sleep (or diet and exercise), the medical and pharmaceutical industries would not be the bloated monsters they are, simultaneously feeding and treating sickness.  To clarify, most medical professionals have good intentions; they are just given limited information due to “standardized” material that is severely edited or doctored (pun intended) by “official” organizations and perceived “authorities”.

Don't believe it?  Many won't, as they've been programmed to think that the only way to heal is through difficult and complicated procedures which cost everything they have.  This may be true in extreme cases.  But you can get all the treatments you want; yet if you continue sleeping in one of these negative energy spots, your problem will keep coming back.  This is a huge reason why diseases are so prevalent, and why health-care is such a large portion of the economy.  Most people would give all they could to stay alive and well; big business knows and capitalizes on that.  It is a scam of epic proportions whose cost of human life is immeasurable.  But do not despair; now you know better.  Health is first and foremost in our own hands, heads, and hearts!

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