Monday, May 1, 2017

Power to All People!

The deep-seeded root of all situations... political, social, economic, and so-forth... is the belief in dis-empowerment. When you learn that you are as powerful as you could possibly be to attract anything you need without having to hurt yourselves or anyone else in order to attract it, then you'll be on the path that will resolve all of your political, social, and economic situations. You have to get to the root cause of these things and start teaching people that they are self-empowered. Then they will not resent others that they think reflect to them power they don't have; and they won't lash out or fight. Because the greatest power requires the gentlest touch; and when you know you are self-empowered, it takes very little effort to make great changes.

The preceding statement is a lightly edited version of the one below.  I felt it could flow more smoothly.  But also, those who lack certain information/experience/perspective will find the original harder to comprehend.  They will get stuck/confused by the phrase "your planet" because they don't know enough yet about people from other ones.  Wanting to simultaneously educate/enlighten as much as possible, AND to give full credit to this great teacher, I created/translated the above version that is more palatable for some, while also supplying the source of such wisdom:

The deep-seeded causes of all of the situations on your planet... political, social, economic, and so forth... are all rooted in the idea of belief in your dis-empowerment. When you can teach yourselves that you are as powerful as you could possibly be to attract anything you need without having to hurt yourselves or anyone else in order to attract it, then you'll be on the path that will resolve all of the political, social, and economic situations on your planet. So you have to get to the root cause of these things and start teaching people that they are self-empowered. Then they will not resent others that they think reflect to them power they don't have, and they won't lash out and they won't fight. Because the greatest power requires the gentlest touch; and when you know you are self-empowered, it takes very little effort to make great changes on your planet.
- "Bashar" (messenger)

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