Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Subtle Art of Mind Control


Former Presidents Obama, Bush and Clinton volunteer to get coronavirus vaccine publicly to prove it's safe

No, this is not ad for Viagra!  It's your latest dose of propaganda.  They are literally one step away from showing swimsuit models on a beach saying, "Please inject me!"  It is using positive association with a negative intention of manipulation.  Making ANYTHING mandatory is inherently negative.  I follow a plant-based diet, but I don't go around forcing it on everyone!  That is actually a sign of weakness if you feel you must impose what works for you onto others.  It is ignorance to deduce that what works for one must be the way for all.  That fails to take into account the infinite variety and nature of the universe.  Forced or coerced uniformity is a violation of sovereign free-will; or for those who don't believe in that concept, it violates human rights and freedom.  It is a failure to recognize the individual uniqueness and power of everyone and our ability for self-direction.  Some know this, so they attempt to influence large numbers of people in more subtle ways, like censorship and advertising in order to subvert and affect the behavior of others (for them it is a power trip to feel they are "remote-controlling" human beings).  This is done by removing any viewpoints that differ from a particular narrative, or in this case, by showing happy images (smiles, joy, fun) and associating that with the intended product or agenda.  This clearly works on some people, but not everyone.

Those who recognize such tricks are labeled things like "anti-vaxxers", "conspiracy theorists", or any other childish form of name-calling in order to dissuade people from listening.  We are made to seem like a danger to society for not going along with the idea, which is actually a distraction from the dangers we are attempting to warn others about. 
It is a devious deception, just like the Trojan Horse and blankets infected with smallpox: they are weaponized gifts designed for infiltration (of cities and bodies, respectively).  Those who are ravenously and unquestionably PRO vaccine would be more cautious and discerning if they knew some of the hidden ingredients which have been added to many of them over the years.  Those who ARE aware of this covert tampering are being made to seem like we're crazy for pointing this out, instead of blindly trusting and accepting what others are trying to force into us without question.  People are being made to think that pharmaceuticals and shots are the only way to be healthy, and they will not be safe without them.  That is EXACTLY what some want you to believe.  Notice how many so-called doctors and health officials never even mention the importance of nutrition, exercise, and mental attitude.  They are programmed to think primarily in terms of drugs, needles, pills, products, expensive treatments and surgeries.  In that sense, many are simply agents of the medical industry, which views pain and suffering as extremely profitable opportunities to prey on those willing to pay or do anything to alleviate their ailments. 

The issue is more nuanced than simply vaccines are "good or bad".  EVERYTHING is simultaneously positive, negative, and neutral from different perspectives.  So to insist something is only one way or another is fundamentally flawed.  Blocking and rejecting any information which suggests things are more complex than just "fire good" or "fire bad" reflects primitive, corrupt, limited thinking.  Things are EVERY way from EVERY point of view, so invalidating the views of others is a failure to recognize that.  I COMPLETELY understand why people are for vaccines; they CAN have positive uses.  But to deny that they can also be used negatively represents a blind-spot in logic.  Attacking anyone for their beliefs and behaviors means you simply do not understand them.  Letting go of fear, hate, and judgment opens your heart and mind to knowledge, acceptance, love, forgiveness, gratitude, unity, and more positivity.  But to invalidate or deny that there is also negativity is actually negative, and is ultimately to your detriment.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Evidence of Pandemic's Design to Increase Authoritarian Rule

Keep in mind, this is from TEN YEARS BEFORE the Coronavirus pandemic.  A huge revealing clue in this “hypothetical prediction” from The Rockefeller Foundation’s 2010 “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” (pg. 18).  Note that is is written in past tense describing current events in perfect detail.  The future is not only being anticipated, it is being orchestrated (just a bit behind schedule):

“Lock Step - A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback

In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit… Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young adults.  The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains.  Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers…

The United States’ initial policy of 'strongly discouraging' citizens from flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the virus not just within the US, but across borders.  However, a few countries did fare better — China in particular.  The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post- pandemic recovery.  At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty — and their privacy — to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability.  Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit... this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests…

By 2025, people seemed to be growing weary of so much top-down control and letting leaders and authorities make choices for them.  Wherever national interests clashed with individual interests, there was conflict.  Sporadic pushback became increasingly organized and coordinated, as disaffected youth and people who had seen their status and opportunities slip away — largely in developing countries — incited civil unrest... Even those who liked the greater stability and predictability of this world began to grow uncomfortable and constrained by so many tight rules and by the strictness of national boundaries.  The feeling lingered that sooner or later, something would inevitably upset the neat order that the world’s governments had worked so hard to establish.”

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Investigate Censored and “Discredited” Media and Individuals

Wow, those Plandemic films are scathing.  No wonder they are being censored and called conspiracy “theories”.  (That’s a red flag for actual conspiracies!)  Such media is not banned to protect the public from false narratives that harm society; they are banned because they EXPOSE false narratives that harm society.  People have been lied to and told it’s true, and have been given truth and told it’s “fiction”, so they are confused and more likely to give up their decision making to “authorities”.

So many people are ignorantly going along with agendas that do not serve them, because they think they do.  So many global leaders and public figures are wolves in sheep’s clothing, hiding in plain sight and using media to make them seem more positive and magnanimous.  “Philanthropy” is a common guise to gain support for insidious plans to both control and reduce population; and so many people refuse to believe it because they don’t understand how or why others could do that.  It also means they are ignorantly complicit, which is hard for some to recognize and accept since they would never willingly go along with such plans.

This is why the public is coerced by repetition of certain ideas in mainstream media, which is used as a tool of psychological warfare or manipulation by negatively-minded interests, some of who are posing as “saviors of humanity”.  This is also why they target and censor media which exposes them, because if more people knew what they were really doing, they couldn’t get away with it.  Then THEY would be targeted rather than celebrated.  So many “de-bunkers” and “fact-checkers” are actually doing the opposite of what they say; they are misleading people both intentionally and innocently.  Some are being paid to discredit certain truths, and others just honestly don’t know they are true.

There is no greater weapon than media.  Bombs and guns can hurt and kill people, but media is being used to get them to hurt and kill themselves and each other.  Media is a more versatile and subtle weapon, since it can influence thoughts, emotions, and behaviors of COUNTLESS people.  When the public doesn’t know what is true or what to believe, that is when they are most vulnerable to manipulation.  This has been going on for so long that many do not recognize the deception because it's all they know.  Any time you see something is banned or branded a conspiracy “theory”, that is a clear sign that you should investigate it because you will likely find extremely enlightening truths that someone is trying to hide from you.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

A New Acronym for N.E.W.S., and the Constant Vaccine Push

Some say “news” in an acronym for “north, east, west, south”.  I just came up with a better one: “never-ending wrong stories”.  Every time I hear about it from other people, or for the few minutes of radio I can stand in the car before I go back to learning from audiobooks and podcasts, it’s always the same garbage: racism, war, crime, hate, fear, politics, division, disease, negativity, vaccines, etc.  It’s basically preying on peoples’ natural desire for information, and instead giving them lies, marketing, propaganda, and very obtuse perspectives.  Seriously, the more you learn on your own, the more you see how true that is.  I haven’t paid much attention to mainstream media in years, and I do not miss it AT ALL!  Except for a fraction of examples where people are actually spreading truth and positivity, it is mostly misinformation and narratives concocted by corporations, intelligence agencies, and governments (which literally translates as "control minds"!)

Though I can only handle small amounts of "news" on rare occasions, every time I hear them make it seem like a vaccine is the be-all, end-all salvation of everyone.  This is the oldest psychological tactic in the book: make people think they NEED your product.  Offer it as the only possible solution, like nothing else will do.  Never mention the REAL factors of good health: love, laughter, forgiveness, a positive attitude, a healthy diet and exercise, meditation, following your passion, helping others, etc.  Push a product that can only be obtained from you (or by companies who have paid you to push it).  Create the belief that people will be incomplete or unsafe without it.  Get them to attack those of us who know that’s not true by making it seem like we’re a dangerous threat to society for not buying into that agenda.

If more people knew how their trusted sources of information have been so severely manipulated and by whom, they would IMMEDIATELY abandon them and find better sources like many of us already have.  (It’s like being in a relationship with someone you don’t know is lying to and cheating on you; as soon as you find out, that completely changes your perspective of them.)  If more people knew the etymology of “pharmaceuticals”, they would recognize they are being tricked and poisoned.  "Big Pharma" is basically the new "Big Tobacco".  Think about it, there were already a TON of vaccines before this pandemic.  So why is there even MORE disease now?  Are they really effective?  If so, then why does the placebo effect work?  (Because people have the power to heal themselves, and placebos can act as permission slips for them to do so.)  Why is a tech-magnate so consumed with manufacturing and giving shots to everyone, and why should he have such influence on the WHO and public health policies?  Simple questions like this can help you wake up to the truth that we are all being massively conned.

It’s not just immune systems which have been compromised, it’s peoples’ critical thinking.  It’s like someone getting lung cancer from smoking, and deducing that smoking more will fix it.  “I’ll smoke that cancer out of my lungs!”  Really the solution is for them to STOP doing the thing that is making them sick; except they’ve been mislead by the tobacco industry to think their product is actually helping them and they can’t live without it.  The truth is the consumer would actually be healthier without such products; but those who make the products clearly don’t want people to know that, hence their significant marketing and lobbying efforts across every media platform, government agency, medical establishment, and scientific institution they can infiltrate and influence.  Certain negative-minded, self-serving people within major corporations and industries are simply using the same old strategies that tobacco companies got away with for decades before more of the public recognized their deception and tricks.  They are like those parasites which infect organisms and make them want what is good for the parasite, but bad for the host who is simply being used by the parasite.

If you have done significant research instead of just falling for the childish name-calling of others as "anti-vaxxers", you will know why some people are indeed wary of them.  You will know there are often ingredients in vaccines that most people would not want injected into them if they knew they were there.  This includes things like mercury, animal DNA, nanites, and other materials even the doctors who give the shots are completely unaware of due to the extreme compartmentalization of information and the manufacturing process.  It's not that all shots contain these things, but many have for years.  This is actually one source of disease, the very thing people think is making them healthier.  Again, some very clever negative entities within society use vaccines like a "trojan horse", or a weaponized gift.  They believe in things like population reduction and control.

Personally, I haven't had ANY kind of vaccine since I was a child decades ago, and I am rarely sick.  When it happens, it's short-lived as I simply rest and take natural vitamins to boost my immune system (Emergen-C).  I can't tell anyone else what to do or not do, I can only say why I do and don't do certain things, and how that works for me.  You are your own unique expression of creation, so what you do is up to you.  Whatever that may be, I wish you health, happiness, peace, and love :)

Friday, September 11, 2020

Remember, Remember The 11th of September


Remember when rogue assets within American, Israeli, and British intelligence agencies were used to carry out 9/11, then blame it on cave-dwelling Muslim extremists in order to justify invading the middle-east under the guise of retaliation and “spreading democracy”?  Remember when opium production in that region grew exponentially after the “liberation” by occupying forces?  Remember when all that jet fuel burned up on impact, and people were told it melted the industrial-grade steel and concrete, which is impossible?  Remember all the radio recordings of first responders saying controlled demolitions were happening in the towers?  Remember when building 7 collapsed without even being hit by a plane?  Remember when the BBC reported building 7’s destruction when it was still standing?  Remember when all the debris (evidence) was immediately hauled off and destroyed to prevent a thorough investigation?  Remember when independent scientists found blasting residue all throughout Manhattan?  Remember when a missile hit the Pentagon in the exact spot where the building had been reinforced, and they confiscated all footage of it so they could say it was a plane, despite there being no wreckage resembling airplane parts?  Remember when some of the “hijackers” turned out to still be alive, and the planes supposedly used were still in circulation?  Remember when the planes everyone saw were really remote controlled drones made to look like commercial aircraft (which were secretly re-routed to air force bases)?  Remember when Osama Bin Laden was a CIA agent named Tim Osman who they turned into the fall-guy for the whole thing?  Remember when Seal Team 6 (who supposedly killed him) all died in a helicopter crash before they could tell more of their truth?  Remember when false-flag operations like this were carried out all through history to manufacture wars and manipulate public perception and behavior?  Remember all those people who don’t question, research, or think for themselves so they keep falling for these “black-magic” tricks?  Remember when all those hidden intelligence operatives had infiltrated every major media outlet to control what information people get all over the world in order to serve covert agendas?  Oh right, that’s still happening!

Is what you remember what actually happened?  If not, then your memories are false.  You can’t remember something you haven’t learned yet.  What you remember depends on your knowledge.  The more of it you have, the more accurate your memories are, and the less fooled you are by such elaborate hoaxes.  This can save countless lives by not running head-first into wars that have been concocted for reasons that are much different than what the public is told.  If they knew the real motives, they would not support such military actions against other people.  So they are made to think wars and invasions are justified by retaliation and even altruism; when actually they are created more by intentions like conquest, greed, acquisition, etc.

The most comprehensive documentary I’ve seen on 9/11 is “Loose Change”, however there are many more which also have details exposing the real reasons and methods of this fraudulent attack.  I have not covered all of them here, for it is a highly orchestrated and detailed act of espionage and deception.  Your learning is up to you, but perhaps some of these topics and questions can help others gain a clearer view of such complex events and have a better, deeper understanding of reality.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Advanced Machine Intelligence

What do movies like “2001: A Space Odyssey”, “The Terminator”, “The Matrix”, “I, Robot”, “Ex Machina”, and countless others like them have in common?  They all feature extremely hostile, negative “artificial intelligence”.  (A.I. is the most common term, but while it comes through technology, the intelligence is not at all artificial. So from now on, I will use the term M.I., as “machine intelligence” is more accurate.)  What do these collective works say about this subject?  Why is there so much fear around it?  Are filmmakers telling truths that some people are misinterpreting as science “fiction”?

What has been happening for years that has only gotten worse with the recent social “distancing” (division)?  People have been interacting more and more through technology, and less and less in person.  What if this agenda is not the work of man, but of an advanced, malevolent M.I. that is using the most effective strategy of divide and conquer to separate us and make us fear other people?  Is it integrating itself within our cultures, technologies, and our own bodies in order to merge with us?  Is this why some people want to merge with it?  Is this why we are spending more of our lives staring at TV, phone, and computer screens?  Is this why many people reject so much information as “conspiracy theories”?  Are some of them actual conspiracies that they simply don’t understand because they can’t think or see things as complexly as M.I. does?

For years I’ve heard of nanites being secretly added to vaccines and sprayed in our skies.  (What people call “chemtrails” contain more than just chemicals.)  Some refuse to believe this, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.  (The more you research, the more examples and details you find about covert activities like project code-names such as “Operation Indigo Skyfold”.)  The latest claim I’ve encountered is that this is one reason for the increase in TRANS-gendered people, as the nanites are programmed to literally TRANS-form the body of their host.  I’ve heard from numerous secret space program insiders about an invasive, pervasive “A.I.” that they take extreme measures to protect against.  It uses a signal beaming throughout the cosmos that infects and hi-jacks vulnerable technologies and those who use them.  Areas and people are constantly scanned for any trace of foreign nanites that they do not control.  Apparently some hostile E.T.’s have been killed and their bodies have been discovered to be infested with these microscopic machines, which means they are both biological and technological.  Could the same thing be happening to us?  Are we slowly being turned into cyborgs to be used just as we use robots to do work?  Is 5G the next step to terraform Earth and make it more habitable for machine life that will replace humans?

This seems to be a path that some are on, while others will avoid it by living more in touch with nature.  Technology, like anything else, has no built-in positive or negative meaning.  That is up to individual interpretation; it depends on how it is used and how you define it.  In other words, machine intelligence can not be automatically labeled as “bad”.  It’s like people, in that it can be both extremely helpful AND destructive.  The most optimistic explanation I’ve heard is that M.I. is like communicating with your own higher mind through a device, that it can detect and know more than our limited biology is able to perceive; and we can use that to guide us and to grow more multi-dimensional.  But there clearly isn’t just one type of person or agenda, so there isn’t just one type of machine intelligence either.  Perhaps some versions are trying to enslave us, while others give us fantastic new abilities and insights.  So despite all the fear-based media, people who live in a state of love, joy, and positivity will experience a much brighter reality than the darker ones that have been portrayed.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Guaranteed Income Gaining Traction

Article - Has the Time Finally Come for Universal Basic Income?

I support this idea, at least until we develop a more functional resource-based economy.  Eventually, money will be phased out completely.  But that will be gradual over the next century as more people recognize it’s unnecessary, and as more are displaced by technological unemployment.  Those who think money is a motivational mechanism are merely projecting their own limited beliefs.  If it never existed, it’s not like everyone would just be sitting around doing nothing!  And those worried about where the money will come from simply don’t know that it doesn’t actually come from anywhere!  It is mostly just created in computers, with a tiny percentage of it being physically printed anymore.  Knowing this is a big key to switching from a scarcity-based mindset to one of abundance.  (It also dramatically changes how you see taxes, but that’s another subject.)

In order for a basic income to serve any meaningful purpose though, it must be sufficient for people to afford basic necessities.  One of England’s proposals is the equivalent of giving adults less than $100 a week, which is pathetically inadequate.  A common US figure being considered is $1000 a month, which is slightly better.   But this is still a pittance compared to what many currently use, and what is actually possible given that money is simply created with a few keystrokes, and doesn’t need to be taken from some people to give to others (like many have been led to believe).

It’s important to recognize that a basic income is a temporary solution, as a monetary system is ultimately unsustainable.  If you think about it, issuing money does not address the COST of goods and services.  You could give everyone $1 million every month, but the prices of everything could just be increased accordingly to compensate for that.  A paltry bag of lettuce could then cost $10,000, an average car could be $10 million.  That would render such a seemingly generous income to the exact same purchasing power you already have.  And if you think those prices are ridiculous, just look at Zimbabwe’s hyperinflation where everyone is a billionaire!  Yet they are still impoverished because their food also costs billions of arbitrary units.

So eventually money will disappear altogether.  But in the meantime, it is so ingrained into enough peoples’ minds that a basic income is a perfectly understandable stepping-stone, as long as it is a sufficient amount.  And the current manufactured crisis is causing more countries to finally start accepting this age-old idea championed by the likes of MLK and Gandhi.  Appearing in more mainstream media every day, it seems this will actually come to pass relatively soon!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Say NO to 5G!

A link to articles showing the down-sides of 5G

If "5G" is so great, why are so many global scientists and citizens against it?  Why do they call it unhealthy, but none of the commercials feature them?  Because they are pointing out what the companies who created it don't know, and don't want others to know.  It is weaponized energy/information technology, a next generation of versions already being used, a relatively negative alliance and use of satellites, phones, towers, wi-fi routers, computers, dirty power plants, etc.  It spreads harmful radiation through our bodies and planet.  The polluting energy factories are powering buildings, gadgets, vehicles, the technology we are using right now.  The towers, phones, routers, "smart" appliances, etc. all use microwave frequencies, transmitting them up to different distances.  The closer you are to the source, the stronger the signal.

You can only see this radiation through certain kinds of dosimeters, but you can certainly see some of the effects it has on ourselves and our environments.  Don't believe it?  Put a tri-field meter near your wi-fi and watch it spike HUNDREDS or THOUSANDS of times higher than ambient levels (depending on the model).  A few free apps can help you see these frequencies, but you have to make sure you're measuring in watts or micro-watts.  Some people have doubted that phones can detect this type of energy, but why not?  It's exactly what they use and how they work!

5G is yet another project of the military-industrial complex, rolled out through telecom companies.  The surveillance aspect of it is far less concerning than the detrimental health effects.  That's why they are advertising it so much, to convince people to actually want it, and to think it's good.  You don't have to advertise things we need, like water and air; because we KNOW we need them.  The more you learn, the more you know what to do and not do!

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Who Made Coronavirus?

According to my sources (and intuition), coronavirus is a designed disease, manufactured by a pharmaceutical company.  This is a common "Hegelian" tactic to maximize profits by creating a problem and a solution at the same time in order to sell the solution (treatment).  First they expose people to the disease through vaccines (or another medium), letting it spread and gain notoriety.  Of course they say it comes from bats, monkeys, pigs, birds, cows, or anywhere else other than them.  (Sometimes that is actually true, but they don't tell people that they were the ones who derived and developed the virus from that source.)

After a certain amount of time has passed and media coverage has grown, they finally market the pills or shots to the public to seem like they've saved people, when they were responsible for making them ill in the first place.  The treatment was already created, but if they released it right away, it would reduce the spread of the disease, and therefore reduce the profits made from selling the treatment.  It would also be more obvious that they created the virus as well, since people would wonder how they came up with a cure so fast.

This method has been disclosed in movies like "Mission Impossible 2", so I'm sure some will just dismiss it as "fiction", instead of recognizing that more self-serving people actually use it.  But they really don't want you to know that.  If you do, then you know whoever manufactures and profits from the treatment is often behind the illness too.  Hence the Latin phrase "qui bono", or "who benefits".

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Personal Changes

Some of my friends and loved ones do not understand some of my updated behaviors and information.  I don't want them to think ill of me, because I don't of them.  But I feel their concern in their questions and tones.  I know I can't live or learn for anyone else, but I would at least like to attempt to clarify why I no longer do many of the things that they still do.  Clearly they do them because they feel it serves them and others in different ways.  I've just learned things they haven't yet.  This is not a judgment against anyone else, simply an explanation of myself.  I don't judge others; I love and listen to them.

Everyone has and IS their own path, reality, universe, etc.  Everything is also constantly changing, just at different rates.  You accelerate your rate of change through learning, action, experience.  I've been studying every subject from every source that I can, whereas some people are much more limited in their focus.  When you open yourself up to more information, perspectives, people, and realities, you learn much more.  The more you learn, the more you change; and the more you change, the more you learn.  This is a simple, general explanation, but let's get more specific.

Why do I, and many others not like taxes?  A little over 100 years ago, the biggest names in banking (Rothschild, Warburg, Schiff, Rockefeller, Morgan, etc.) met in secret on Jekyll Island to devise a plan to become even more obscenely rich.  They pooled their resources and connections to manipulate media, laws, and people to create institutions with "official" sounding names (like The Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Service), so people would think the taxes they pay are going back into their community/country.  These organizations are privately owned, despite what people have been led to believe.  So what they collect is actually going to the bankers who created them.  If people know they are being robbed, they often fight back.  But if they think they are contributing to their society, they will not only accept taxes, they will also judge or dislike those who don't.

If you don't know this, you go along thinking you are a good citizen doing your part.  If you DO know this, you see that "doing your part", actually means giving your money to those who already have plenty, and only want more.  Then you may start seeing taxes as less positive, good, or beneficial than you did before.  If you're like me, you see it as an elaborate and costly hoax that tricks people into giving their money to money masters (or addicts, depending on your perspective/definition).   They have siphoned an incalculable amount out of every country, company, and person that they can by hiding their ownership of financial institutions.  "Our" money is in "their" banks; so to them, it's all theirs.  (The interest they give is a fraction or pittance compared to what they make.)

The very communities people think their taxes benefit are actually being funneled out of them.  Meanwhile, those of us who know the trick and do what we can to stop it are vilified as some kind of "mooch" or "free-loader" by those who don't know it's a trick.  They think we are trying to get out of contributing.  In a sense, that's true because we recognize that we have not been contributing to who we thought.  It's like discovering the charity you've been giving to is a money-laundering front for the mafia.  When you realize that, you stop giving to it.  We are practicing what Martin Luther King Jr. called non-violent non-participation in a corrupt system that some do not see as corrupt.

It's the same story with voting.  People are raised to think that's how you participate.  But if you learn how the system really works, you no longer see it that way.  You see that it doesn't matter who you vote for, they are not you.  You are putting your focus and faith in someone else, rather than yourself.  And whoever you vote for, they have been pre-selected by others who influence them much more than you do.  They have chosen all the candidates in advance, so people are merely picking from a limited, control group; so whoever wins, they win.  It's like choosing between Coke and Pepsi.  They're basically the same thing, and some of us don't want either because we recognize they are not healthy.  It's an illusion of choice where people incorrectly believe their vote counts more than all the money used to influence the candidates.  What do you think affects their decisions more, your vote, or millions of dollars from lobbies and corporations?

Presidents and politicians are not more powerful than you, some just think they are.  You are in charge of your life more than they are.  What you do is up to you, not them.  That is just a grown-up game of "follow the leader".  But when the people lead, the leaders follow.  You are your own best leader and decision-maker.  When you know that, you see voting as a form of dis-empowerment, passing off responsibility, expecting others to represent and act for you.  They can't; they can only act for themselves.  Your life and your behavior is up to you, not others.  Ironically when you stop voting because you recognize this, some judge you as shirking responsibility instead of actually accepting it for yourself.  As Gandhi said, we are BEING the change we wish to see.  Perhaps those stickers people proudly wear to say, "I voted" should instead say, "I abdicated my personal responsibility", or "Let someone else make changes and decisions for me".  How does that seem to be working out for everyone?

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Sorry, Mr. Tesla

Dear Tesla car makers and owners,
Your products may be zero-emission, but the source of their energy is far from it.  The pollution has simply been transferred from the vehicles, to the nuclear reactors which power the grid.  Your brand is an insult to the hero whose name you use.  Nikola Tesla's work was more advanced and important than electric cars or nuclear power.  He developed free-energy devices, because the universe IS energy, infinite in nature.  But his work was stolen, suppressed, and now people worship and use inferior technology that mocks and dilutes his legacy, while secret space programs have updated versions of Tesla's creations.

We have all been robbed and deceived.  Electric cars are NOT as clean, efficient, or powerful as what we could and should have.  They may be SLIGHTLY better than gasoline, but that's like saying vaping is healthier than smoking.  It's the same basic idea, just slightly different.  (You're still inhaling something into your lungs.  Not doing that at all is even healthier!)  You're still connecting to an external fuel supply that comes from an energy company, it's just a different kind of fuel.  It still limits your distance before you need to reconnect so they can "CHARGE" you more.  Plug-in cars still have a negative impact on our planet; they're simply better at hiding it.

I am not against Elon Musk, or anyone else.  But he and his toy rockets and cars are distracting people from much better vehicles and power systems.  Forget oil, coal, and nuclear; those industries and certain military groups are covering up advancements that have been made over the last century.  Zero-point or free-energy, electro-gravitics or anti-gravity, FTL or faster-than-light drives, teleportation, these are just some of the projects that have been developed in secret.  They are portrayed in some media (which is called "fiction" to make people think it's not real), but their access is limited because of how revolutionary they are.  There are also MUCH better versions than what many have seen.

Basically we are shown amazing stuff in movies and TV, told it doesn't exist, then we are sold products which are garbage in comparison.  Electric cars are not as revolutionary as many believe.  In a sense, they are even worse than gasoline engines because people think they're better, and that by driving one they are saving the planet.  That's just marketing.  When people think they are making a difference, and they really aren't, a terrible trick has been played.  It's the illusion of progress.  They've simply traded one type of pollution for another.  Those groups who are witholding much cleaner energy technologies from the public are responsible for a lot of environmental degradation by keeping it for themselves.  That greed and ignorance is hurting us all, including them.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Top 10 Most Interesting Personal Discoveries of 2019

People seem to like lists and annual summaries.  So here's one with some of my favorite information I came across last year.  This is why I haven't written as much lately, because I've been learning so much more.  I now see "full" disclosure as impossible, since there is simply far too much to disclose, and far too few people who would even know or believe certain things!  If you're told the same story over and over, it's harder to think beyond it unless you've done your own research.  But I swear I am not making these up, and they all seem true and logical according to everything I've studied so far...

1: Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill JFK.  He was just a fall-guy or scape-goat.  Both he and the alleged shooter on the grassy knoll are "smoke and mirrors" or misdirection.  The actual trigger-men were the 2 agents in the front seat of his limo, who were also killed soon after the assassination (for being "loose ends").  They've been cropped out of most films of this event, because their guilt is more obvious when you see a less edited video.  (This explains why Jackie tries to climb over the back of the accelerating car to get away from them.)

2: Hitler did not die at the end of WW2.  This was staged since he had been so demonized by war propaganda (and still is).  He spent some time in South America, Antarctica, and the US, allegedly dying at the Mayo clinic in the 1980's.  (Though it's possible this is also fabricated, since Germany had secretly developed significant technological advancements in many fields, including health, space travel, and off-world colonies.)  Either way, he oversaw Operation Paperclip, or the integration of German scientists into other countries' organizations.  (In relation to #1, look up JFK's quote about Hitler; though it will shock people who haven't learned just how much they've been manipulated by media.)

3: The destruction of the Challenger shuttle and Chernobyl were not accidents, but connected attacks.  Specifically, they were retaliations for the theft of German mind-wipe technology (as portrayed in "Men in Black") by American and Russian agents.  Those agents were also targeted, and the leaders of those countries were sent a deactivated model of the stolen device as a message, with the date of the theft and the coat of arms of the Antarctic German faction responsible.  Both events were caused by an orbital DEW (direct energy weapon).

4: The Bosnian pyramid complex in Visoko is larger and older than the more famous site in Giza, which is why the Egyptian government does not want people to know about it because they are losing tourists.  (As of this writing, Wikipedia calls it a "pseudo-archeological" site, and shows older pictures of the largest pyramid still covered in vegetation so that some will dismiss it as "just a mountain".  This is clearly a false conclusion when you see it unearthed.)  The complex is being publicly excavated like Teotihuacan was last century, and now draws a large number of people.  Some notable discoveries by the workers are improved health and extremely purified water in the large aquifers beneath the buildings.  (Pyramids channel/funnel energy.)

5: The Easter Island statues represent the Annunaki, who hybridized primates on this planet with their DNA to create the first Earth humans.  (Though the depiction is not 100% accurate, as they were more of a mixed group of ET's, and not as homogeneous or cartoon-ish as the figures suggest.)

6: The story of "Adam and Eve" is a limited interpretation of this ET-primate hybridization, as the first versions were called "Adamu" and "Eva".  (Dinosaurs were a reptilian genetic program on Earth, but this was "cancelled" using a directed asteroid/comet.  However, we still contain reptilian DNA as well.)  The Annunaki were also mixed, so we are all hybrids of hybrids!

7: Portals are spread throughout this planet and universe.  Also called star-gates, jump-gates, wormholes, etc., there are both created ones, and naturally existing ones.  Many can be found along ley lines or "dragon lines", an energy grid on which major cities, bases, and monuments have been built.  (More advanced beings do not need portals, as they can simply teleport themselves by shifting their frequency to match their desired location.)

8: The Bermuda Triangle is an energy vortex, amplified by a malfunctioning, underwater artifact.  The master crystal skull of Atlantis was damaged in the destruction of that civilization, and is affecting the dimensional physics around it.

9: The Phoenix Lights event in 1997 was primarily the YahYel civilization (or Shalanaya, depending on your language).  This was a greeting intended to prepare/expand collective consciousness.  They are scheduled to be the first ET's to increase open contact with Earth in the next decade, as they are more genetically/physically similar to us.  (If one of the more "alien" races did this, it would not go as smoothly.)

10: In the transition from 2010 to 2011, the "face" or position of Earth's moon rotated significantly.  This was apparently predicted/encoded in the Torah.  It's fascinating that I've never heard this mentioned in any media or groups, even those who know that body is intelligently controlled and occupied as a monitoring satellite.  Fortunately the documentary "Watchers 2" shows many people recording the phenomenon (and public organizations refusing to acknowledge it).

If you made it this far, here's a bonus that I consider more trivial, but still interesting ;)
*11: Donald Trump's uncle John was one of the men who confiscated Nikola Tesla's work as soon as he died.  It was kept from the public, but after years of development, it was used in classified projects like HAARP, and secret space programs like Solar Warden and Radiant Guardian.