Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Free Episodes of Cosmic Disclosure, a Wealth of Amazing Knowledge


Some awesome person has made this website with all the first episodes of Cosmic Disclosure that the Gaia Network saw fit to pull from their platform.  Having done so, and thus removed this content from public availability, that means they forfeit their copyright claims to this work.  Since they have in a sense dis-owned it, that gives the public the right and responsibility to share it since they will not.  And if you have actually watched the content as I have, it is easy to see why it was pulled.  There is far too much information that has intentionally been edited out of mainstream media sources by those trying to keep secrets.

I no longer watch mainstream shows or series, and I do not miss them at all!  Most of my media is obscure documentaries, educational presentations, truth-seeking videos and books.  I’ve never seen a single episode of SO MANY popular media franchises.  Some people are actually shocked when I tell them I’ve never watched Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, The Sopranos, Stranger Things, or almost any other famously good or celebrated show.  Some people probably think that’s weird, crazy, or sad, but not to me.  I fully admit I would probably like a lot of them too, but I get MORE than enough enjoyment out of the media I do watch, that I see as more enlightening and helpful.  And my favorite series so far is Cosmic Disclosure.

It has been running on the Gaia Network, which is subscription based, and has a LOT of great content that is generally better, more positive, and more truthful than most mainstream shows, even those that claim to be educational.  So much has been edited out, and unfortunately Gaia is guilty of this too.  The first several seasons of Cosmic Disclosure mysteriously vanished from their website after being available for a few years.  Obviously someone did not want others to know certain things that were disclosed!  That’s why there is an active smear campaign and censorship of many people, not just those of this show.  They are called liars, disinformation agents, charlatans, and many other slanderous names.  Of course there are those kinds of people, but there are also those telling truths who are simply not believed by others who aren’t aware of certain things.  If they are lying, then why are SO many other people saying the same things from many different places?  If they are lying, why isn’t it being broadcast and made a big deal about in other media that is usually so quick to swarm on such scandal, controversy, and deception?  If they are lying, why does what they say make so much sense to many of us?  Because they are NOT lying; the episodes were pulled to censor truths they were sharing, not to protect the public from lies.

Unfortunately many people do not recognize how much they have been lied to, because they are so used to it.  So when they hear truth that is much different than what they think they know, a common response is to label it a lie and reject it.  A lot of the people who do this don’t even bother taking the time to thoroughly investigate those they are judging and dismissing.  They see someone has called them a liar, and they believe it.  Or they give them a few minutes of their short attention spans and think that’s enough to understand them.  It isn’t.  I have watched more than 20 “seasons” of Cosmic Disclosure, and so many people from different backgrounds give similar stories and information, creating a much larger picture that is not dependent on any one individual.  What they share is so profound and complex, multiple viewings reveal more detail and clarity.

This show is about secret space programs, bases, and ships which span the solar system and beyond.  It is about advanced technologies that will change the world once they are finally released to the public, which is why they haven’t been.  It is about countless civilizations and beings throughout the cosmos, and even on this planet that some people have no idea are here.  It is about the human race having FAR more abilities and assets than many know.  It is about universal oneness, infinite consciousness, unlimited energy, and other such profound ideas that radically improve our perception and outlook.  It is about recognizing and unlearning the many lies we have been fed without knowing they are lies.  It is about evolving not only your own consciousness and understanding, but those of collective society.

Just looking at the names of episodes can be enlightening and informative.  Some particularly evocative titles from these first seasons are, “New Frontiers in the A.I. War”, “Revelations from the Inner Earth”, “Who Built the Moon”, “Exploitation of E.T. Technology”, “Guide to Non-Terrestrial Beings”, “Undersea Bases”, “Secrets at the South Pole”, “Alien Tech at the Vatican”, “New Discoveries of the Ancient Builder Race”, and that is just a small fraction!  Then there are the episodes with seemingly mundane titles which are still full of fascinating information, people, stories, and images.

For me, Cosmic Disclosure was like a gateway into a much greater world and universe.  I have since found other sources and series discussing these secret space programs and other important subjects that you simply will not find in mainstream media feeds which are designed to keep you in a lower state of consciousness.  There are plenty more excellent episodes than these, but this is a good start to acclimate you into such a rich and complex reality full of everything you never knew you wanted to know about.  And again, thank you to those responsible for sharing this wonderful information with more people.  Even though I have already seen all of these, I am currently re-watching them because they are just that good!

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