Thursday, September 22, 2022

Laura Eisenhower on Secret World History

A stalwart member of the disclosure movement, the great-granddaughter of Dwight Eisenhower knows her stuff.  Frankly, many people will not be able to believe her because they haven’t learned enough yet.  The Greada Treaty was a multi-faceted agreement between different factions of humans and E.T.’s.  It included the unconditional surrender of the U.S. to a covert German group who infiltrated world governments, militaries, and industries through Operation Odessa (or Paper Clip as it is more commonly called).  It also included the allowance of human abduction for various purposes like slavery and genetic hybridization.  This will be quite controversial for some who are not ready to know certain things.  The history we have been given is severely limited, edited, distorted, inaccurate, incomplete.  It can never really be “complete”.  The more we learn, the more it changes because time is an illusion; and as we change, we are seeing, creating, and experiencing different realities.

So those of us who have learned significant things that others haven’t are living in a different reality.  Many don’t know how much they have been lied to, so they believe the lies are true because they haven’t learned enough to see through them and know that they are either entirely false, or only a fraction of the truth.  Those people will probably think Laura Eisenhower is “on something” in this video because she speaks quickly about all these subjects and “theories” they have never heard of.  They are only theories if you don’t know enough about them.  She is simply channeling and summarizing DECADES of research about subjects which have never been mentioned in most mainstream media.  They have been portrayed to some degree, but with distortions.

The Draco, ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate), Sphere Alliance, MJ-12, Dark Fleet, the grays, operations like Paper Clip and High Jump, she mentions so many things that many people are either not familiar with, or have very limited interpretations of.  I have mentioned how my uncle was an Air Force officer who worked around nuclear weapons, but his knowledge of Operation High Jump was a cover story, or lie.  So just because someone is trusted with access to nuclear weapons does NOT mean they are trusted with the truth about that military skirmish which the U.S. lost, or many other things.

You really have to do quite a bit of learning in order to know more about some of these very complex topics.  So unfortunately, many people will not watch, listen, understand, research, or believe this.  But if you actually do, then congratulations; you are more conscious than many other humans.

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