Thursday, September 15, 2022

How You are Convinced to Believe Lies and Reject Truth

The article above is one way you are being manipulated.  It is full of negative beliefs and ignorance from a professor of philosophy in England, showing that "higher education" is not as high as some think.  Dismissing others as “bad thinkers” limits and divides people.  Calling it “bad thinking” to see certain complex, challenging truths will keep you blind to them by rejecting them as “conspiracy theories”.  Why do some people believe them?  Because many are true!  Because EVERYTHING is based on truth to different degrees, and some people know more than others about different things, which allows them to see truths that others cannot.  At least this article has the sense to recognize that at least SOME conspiracy theories “turn out to be right”, but it dismisses MOST of them as “bunkum”.  This is related to the term “debunk”, and ironically a lot of people have actually fallen for a debunking conspiracy!  As soon as they see the word “debunked” associated with an idea, they automatically dismiss it as not true because someone else says so.  Is that supposed to be GOOD thinking?

There are many efforts to make people not believe certain things.  This is essentially what counterintelligence is about: creating fear, doubt, and false narratives for people to focus on to distract them and hide truths behind a “smokescreen” of lies.  People believe so many lies out of ignorance, like the lie regurgitated in this article that planes brought down the World Trade Center towers.  That is a “theory” that turns out to be “bunk” when you know that both the planes AND the towers were built so THAT DOESN’T HAPPEN.  Jet fuel is designed to burn up quickly, and cannot reach temperatures anywhere near the required melting point or duration to bring down millions of tons of industrial-grade steel and concrete (especially with such a relatively small amount compared to the size of the buildings).

It is more difficult to see what isn't there, and what is not mentioned anywhere in this article is the fact there were actually THREE World Trade Center buildings which were destroyed, and one of them was not even hit by a plane.  Building 7 was admittedly brought down with controlled demolition, allegedly because it was heavily damaged by debris.  But if that's the case, then it would have already had be be rigged with explosives because it was brought down so quickly!  When you know that, you know that there actually is a conspiracy, which is why Building 7 is often omitted from any coverage or discussion of the event.  Those responsible clearly went to a lot of trouble trying to trick billions of people through media, and clearly the trick has worked on many.  Like the article above where the author calls someone “wrong” for saying planes could not have brought down the towers, when they are actually reflecting their own wrongness.  They don’t even recognize the irony of saying, “The gullible rarely believe they are gullible, and the closed-minded don’t believe they are closed-minded”.  They are talking about themselves without even knowing it.

This is where ego limits people from knowing more.  They cannot recognize and do not want to admit that they have been fooled.  It is easier to dismiss others as fools who believe differently than them.  Calling them “bad thinkers” actually reflects bad thinking!  They simply have different perspectives and information, and rejecting it outright without investigating or questioning it just because it is different prevents you from learning and growing.  It keeps you in a self-contained bubble of ignorance and disbelief, not able to see truths because you define them as not true.  Oh yes, your perception very much depends on your own definitions and beliefs.

Speaking of definitions, the word “conspiracy” just means a shared goal or agenda (a more literal translation would be "to breathe together").  From this simple definition, one can say that EVERYTHING is a conspiracy!  Or you could define everything as a co-creation or orchestration, since many words are actually saying the same thing in a different way.  Different people and groups have different goals, and some of them don’t want others to know about theirs.  This is where many “conspiracy theories” come from, because there are attempts to hide truths by fabricating lies.  Those who believe the lies are often labeling and dismissing the truth as a conspiracy theory, not recognizing that it is an actual conspiracy, not just a theory.  Once you recognize that, then you REALLY start to learn, and your entire reality changes as you start to see that ALL realities exist, not just whatever you believed.

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