Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Hidden History that Changes and Clarifies Everything

The thumbnail and video title for this grabbed my attention for obvious reasons.  Translations for that long, German word are "world-view warfare" or "ideology war".  I believe a more common phrase or description is "psychological warfare".  The underlying point of this video is to fill in some gaps in history which have been created through media control and editing.  Not knowing about this German "breakaway civilization" is a fairly big handicap or barrier to understanding more about Earth and reality in general.  If that idea is new to you, there are many more people sharing details about it, but this research is solid and accurate.

The following is a brief transcript from the latter portion of this fairly compressed historical account from Dan Willis, one of the original members of the disclosure press conference in 2001.  Dan recaps that historic event, then goes into some information that is quite controversial, apparently even for my voice-to-text software that I used to transcribe Dan's account!  In an obvious and insidious attempt to censor truth and history, the technology omitted the word "Nazi" every time Dan said it.  Instead of what he said, the app replaced each letter with a * symbol, so it just looked like ****.  This is a perfect example of how history is being edited so that people do not have a clear enough picture of what is going on, so they are more easily manipulated and controlled.  I restored the word for this written record for the sake of truth, full disclosure, and posterity:

“After much research it became quite apparent that everything that we were indoctrinated to believe about the history of the world through our education system and media was severely altered or purposely incomplete at best.  Many people love science fiction because it stimulates and expands our imagination as what could be possible in the future.  What I discovered is that the actual hidden truth of the subject matter is far more fascinating than any science fiction movie you could ever possibly imagine.

Briefly what I discovered without going into a long, complex history, the Nazis had developed technological superiority due to the assistance of an extraterrestrial race called the Draco, which led to Admiral Byrd’s total defeat in Operation High Jump against the Nazi Antarctic base in 1947.  This eventually led to the U. S. government in 1955 during the Eisenhower administration to sign an agreement surrender treaty with the Nazis.  The Nazis had infiltrated into the U. S. and created a ‘matrix of perception’ to hide their secret operations.  They called this plan ‘weltanschauunskrieg’, or translated as ‘world-view warfare’.  In 1946 the history of World War 2 in schools was completely rewritten to the hide the Nazi escape and infiltration.  They effectively infiltrated throughout our entire system such as intelligence, education, aerospace, pharmaceuticals, entertainment, media, etc.  The control of our media and information systems was crucial in order to create this matrix of perception for the public mind.  In 1950, Allen Dulles, who was infamous for the Nazi infiltration, began Operation Mockingbird, starting with the CIA paying 400 journalists to form the public's perceptions.  In 1954, former Nazi SS officer Prince Bernhard set up the yearly ongoing Bilderberg meetings.  Today the members of the Bilderberg meetings, Council on Foreign Relations, and Trilateral Commission head the top executive positions of the mainstream media that centrally control the narrative that forms the public’s perceptions.

Starting in 1983, yearly top secret meetings in Sun Valley Idaho began with the CIA working with the heads of mainstream media to plan strategic consolidation of the then 50 media companies down to only 6 media corporations.  Big tech media consolidation such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Netflix, and Amazon also aggressively purchased independent media for the centralized control of information.  Naming a few of the attendees for last year's July 2021 Sun Valley meeting were Bill Gates, CIA director Bill Burns, Council on Foreign Relations, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple, New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, Netflix, Disney, Comcast, Viacom, Microsoft, and many more.  Centralized control of the narrative is fed to the news reporters across the nation who are repeating what is displayed on their teleprompters that's forming the public's perception.

So the answer to my question of, ‘Who controls agreed upon reality through the mainstream media?’, was answered for myself.  Then when you consider the Nazis infiltrated NASA where the public was led to believe that primitive rocket propulsion was the only means of overcoming earth's gravity, while a massive amount of funding was being funneled through secret programs that support the Nazi’s highly advanced secret space program.  Later, the US Navy secretly and independently developed its own secret space program that launched in the 1980’s.  The part about why they fear disclosing the truth about the extraterrestrial reality becomes apparent due to the advanced anit-gravitic technology which the Nazis have developed back in 1934 which allow them to colonize our solar system starting with the moon in 1942. The US was at least 2 decades behind them and secretly developed anti-gravity by 1954.  These advanced technologies which incorporate zero-point energy systems, if released to the public would collapse the multi-trillion dollar energy industries of oil, nuclear, and coal, and would empower the public with clean renewable energy which does not serve the deep state cabal that shares common goals and ideologies of the Nazis for a New World Order.

Since congressional hearings were denied, I volunteered to be a technical adviser and for 10 years traveled the planet meeting with various scientists and inventors developing these technologies.  Some of the energy inventors I met with had their laboratories cleaned out by SWAT-like teams.  Others have been threatened and even murdered.  Many we met received national security orders.  Since the Invention Secrecy Act in 1951, patent applications can be subject to secrecy orders if the government agencies believe disclosure would be detrimental to national security.  Through a secret system called the [Special] Application Warning System, applications are withheld having to do with free energy or anti-gravity or a number of other inventions that appear to violate the known laws of physics.  Around 6000 of these patents in this manner have been suppressed from the public.  Although there are some brilliant minds on this planet that come up with incredible inventions, just imagine with an unlimited budget and some of the brightest scientists with access to advanced technology, of physics that’s not taught in our education system, that have alliances formed with off-planet cultures that are thousands of years in technological advancement.  Imagine what type of technologies could exist in this type of world.  This is the hidden world of the secret space programs.”

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