Thursday, October 6, 2022

"Lost" History and Civilization that Connects Many Cultures

In honor of “Hispanic Heritage Month”, here is some relevant historical information connecting not only Hispanic people, but those with Asian, Aboriginal, and Native American ancestry.  Tens of thousands of years ago, before the time of Atlantis, there was a land and civilization in the Pacific Ocean called Mu, that is more commonly known as Lemuria.  Like Atlantis, it also was subject to environmental destruction and eventually submerged beneath the water.  (Atlantis actually evolved out of people who escaped the cataclysm, and it also lasted for thousands of years before it too was claimed by the Atlantic Ocean, and its citizens also spread out over the globe.)  Before its demise, people of Lemuria escaped to other lands by boat, including the closest continents of America, Asia, and Australia.  They brought with them their skills and traditions, which evolved differently in the various locations to which they migrated.  Over time, cultures blended with each other, but ancestral roots cannot be changed, even if they are forgotten.

And since Atlantis was formed by people who were once Lemurian, and since Atlantians also spread to Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the American continent after its submersion, then people all over the world share ancient connections to each other, even if they don't realize it!  This is why such subjects are edited from so much academic curricula, to keep people ignorant, divided, and easier to manipulate and control.  When people know more, they are harder to fool or rule.
I never heard a single thing about Mu or Lemuria in school, and Atlantis was simply called a "myth".  But having learned more about these very real civilizations, I see the connections between all the tribes of the American lands, and others.  Though they are called “native” or “indigenous”, they actually migrated from Lemuria long ago.  People have been divided into all kinds of nationalities and races, but these are illusions from certain perspectives.  Whether you call yourself Hispanic, Native American, Asian, Caucasian, African, European, or anything else, all share common ancestors and genetics, for these are but one aspect or layer of our uniqueness.   Just because you come from a particular land, does not mean your ancestors didn’t used to live somewhere else, for there has been more migration and mixing than many people know.  Limited identities and histories keep us from seeing that we are all connected, and all part of the same family.

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