Wednesday, October 26, 2022

"Scary" Disclosure from a WW2 Vet and Military-Industrial Complex Insider[2017-02-14]%20Deeper%20Disclosures%20from%20William%20Tompkins.mp4

Since Halloween is coming up, and some people like to be scared, here is a subject that has terrified many.  Above is a link to a groundbreaking interview with a well-respected and credentialed military and corporate insider who died in 2017.  During his life, William Tompkins had an illustrious career working for the Navy, Douglas Aircraft, NASA, TRW, and a covert space program called Solar Warden.  Those who have done absolutely no research on him dismiss his claims as "dementia" or some other disorder.  They have not learned or listened enough to be able to comprehend his experiences, information, perspective.  They have not seen his hours of testimony where he is quite coherent, calm, and consistent.  It is not that he is 100% right about everything he says, but that's the point; no one is, yet many act like they are.  He explains why that is, which will terrify and trouble some people to recognize that their perceived reality is an illusion based on carefully crafted and perpetuated lies.  Many will not be able to accept that, and will instantly reject him as non-credible source.  Again, his history and view is a bit limited, but it is based on truths that many have not yet discovered, so it seems impossible to them.  If you think he’s lying, it's because people have been lied to so extensively that they often confuse truth with fiction.  (Though actually it goes back much farther than this; and don’t worry, there are more positive influences too!)

“People all over this planet for at least 6000 years have been influenced by extra-terrestrials, the Dracos and the reptilians.  They have taken the information that is in essentially every school on the planet and they have modified the information.  All history documentation in this country and in every country on the planet have been given lies about astronomy, lies about mathematics, lies about technical capabilities, lies about the universe, you name it, ok?  Everything has been lies.  Every PhD on this planet whether they’re scientific, whether they’re medical, makes no difference, every book that they read the six years they were in the university are lies.  They’re not telling the truth; they were not taught the truth..."

It's easy to see why this is controversial and why many people clearly are not ready for such revelations.  But such beings have actually been on Earth much longer than he estimates, as peoples' history has been severely edited, as he claims.  The next excerpt from William Tompkins' testimony is much more accurate and less distorted.

"They [some American military leaders] found out about extraterrestrials advising the SS in Germany and Hitler on how to build massive spacecraft carriers, how to build massive space cruisers to operate with the reptilian Draco space navy…  This was the first time anybody in the United States knew that extraterrestrials were actually here on the planet, and actually were working with Germany, had agreed, legal agreements with Hitler.  We then had these navy spies, which we had operating there 24 hours a day from 1942 to the end of the war…  All over Germany and the occupied countries, Germany was building mass-production of a dozen different types of extraterrestrial vehicles that were given to them by the Dracos.  Ok?  So these are in mass-production not just prototype kind of thing, they’ve gone into mass-production using slave labor with hundreds… of “in-mountain” massive facilities.  Eighty percent of that had all been removed from Germany six months before the war ended.  It had all been taken to Antarctica, and they were continuing the construction down there.  They had access to these with their submarines.  They built massive “truck” submarines, enormous submarines to bring all this stuff down to Antarctica…  So [Operation] Paperclip, we got the different people, and they certainly helped, they came in and sort of took over all of the aerospace companies and all of the bio-medical research companies…"

There is obviously more to the story than this, but that is where I will leave it for this article.  The next one will feature a similar theme of "seasonal scariness" in the form of an even greater perceived threat by many... until then, Happy Halloween!

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