Monday, October 31, 2022

The Murder of Max Spiers - Whistleblower, Truth Exposer, Conspiracy Revealer

For the final entry in my series of “seasonal spookiness”, a reasonably thorough investigation on the murder of yet another whistle-blower.  You will find that the term “conspiracy theorist” is often slapped on many people who are just giving information that some people involved in conspiracies do not want others to know about.  More accurate labels would be experiencers, insiders, truth tellers, or conspiracy exposers.  But for the sake of trying to keep secrets, a common practice is attempting to discredit anyone who talks about certain things.  And anyone who is familiar with the circumstances of Max Spiers’ death would be incredibly naive to think that he died of “natural causes”, especially given the controversial nature of the subjects he discussed.

I’m not a fan of most “mainstream” news sources, including the BBC.  They are all heavily influenced by various interests who use these outlets to push their own agendas under the guise of informing the public.  That is true of this coverage too, though I will acknowledge that this feature is slightly more thorough and thoughtful than the average stories I have seen which are typically not anywhere near long or in-depth enough to give any significant or accurate information regarding the detail and complexity of most subjects.  This is part of the “illusion of truth” that so many brief news stories create.  They give such a limited, skewed perspective in their short, bite-sized segments that do not reveal the whole story, just what some want people to think or believe.  It’s like fast-food for the mind: quick, unhealthy, and highly processed.  So credit where it is due that this reporter actually delves into Max’s life and treats him with respect, but 30 minutes is still insufficient for a deeper understanding of this case.

I have watched hours of interviews that Max Spiers gave before his premature death, and he talked about so many things that some people have no idea about.  This feature does not even mention some of the more scandalous subjects and conspiracies he discussed.  There are brief flashes of some related concepts with no context or definition, but it does not delve into any of them.  Blink, and you will miss words like, "The 4th Reich", "abduction", "mind control", "milabs", "black goo", etc.  People who have not done enough research will have little to no understanding of some of these ideas, or they will be very much mistaken or inaccurate due to all the misinformation and distortion used to create confusion and maintain secrecy.  I have discussed ALL of these subjects myself, and I did not learn about them from Max Spiers; he is just one of many who share their similar stories and perspectives.  He was also saying some very interesting things about the British "royals", the banking industry, secret space programs, as well as exposing extensive human trafficking, abuse, slavery, and other serious crimes that some many well-known and UNknown people have been involved in.  It is one thing to know these things happen, but it is much different when you learn more and begin to realize just how much and how often they happen, and who is participating.  That is what many people have yet to discover and come to terms with, and doing so can be an unpleasant and challenging process.

Back to Max, another controversial aspect of his life is that he absolutely took drugs.  That is unfortunately used to discredit people, but what that means is that a lot of people are being discredited for actually telling the truth.  Taking drugs does not automatically mean you are incorrect or untrustworthy, that is a ridiculous assumption and implication that many people seem to make.  Different drugs have different effects on different people, some actually become MORE honest on certain drugs (just ask the pharmaceutical and "intelligence" industries.)  Since so many people are on drugs whether legal or otherwise, that basically means everyone can be discredited!  But not everyone vomits black liquid before they die like Max Spiers.  That is a sign of being poisoned.  It's a secret mafia-like message only for those who can interpret it, a punishment for "spilling his guts".

But so many people talk about these subjects without being killed, not everyone can be taken out!  It is mostly people with larger audiences and followings, or whose influence will grow like Max's clearly would have the longer he lived.  He was good looking, charismatic, loving, and fearless when it came to telling the truth.  That is a combination that some see as threatening to what they do.  They are fearful of their own safety if more people become more aware of their secret activities and proclivities.

Max was yet another casualty in the war on truth, consciousness, evolution, humanity.  He was shining light in dark places of society and reality that many people have yet to discover and deal with.  His covert killing actually gives credence to his testimony, since so many people get away with spreading lies and misinformation.  It is only those who tell the truth who are targeted in such a way by others who fear it coming to light.

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