Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Electric Vehicle Showcase Weak and Disappointing: Transportation Needs a Serious Evolution

I attended an EV Showcase in Indianapolis this weekend and only stayed for an hour because it was underwhelming.  It only covered a relatively small fraction of a church parking lot, and the selections are still very limited in terms of range and size.  There were about 12 options on display, and MOST of them had batteries with less than 300 miles of range.  That is sub-par and apparently everyone knows this but car makers!

Something else they seem to be completely oblivious to is the number of people who are over 6 feet tall.  The front seats of most cars can accommodate taller people, but the back seats are almost always too short for me, and I am only 6’1”; there are so many people who are much taller!  Why are car companies actively alienating such a large percentage of the population with their cars designed for smaller humans?  It doesn’t seem like good business.  Is it really that hard to add more headroom instead of cramming people in and giving them neck injuries?  Obviously there are bigger cars available, but even larger SUV’s are a challenge for your average basketball player to fit in.

This is a problem not just for electric cars, but for vehicles in general!  Older cars and most commercial airplanes are just as difficult and uncomfortable for taller people.  Are engineers really that ignorant and lazy that they don’t take into account that many people are over 6 feet tall?  Do we need some kind of movement or legislation where we demand vehicles be made bigger?  Why is this not obvious to more people?

I think it’s a sign that this socio-economic system is inefficient and ineffective at adaptation to change.  It is widely known by many of us that so much technology and development has been held back out of greed and fear.  This is just another example where we have the ability to make things bigger and better, but we don’t either because of the cost or because people are just mindlessly chugging along doing things the same way because they don’t know any better.

Back to electric vehicles specifically, they really aren’t as revolutionary as some people think.  It’s like riding a horse instead of a mule, a little bit faster, but the same basic idea.  I’ve written about how the brand “Tesla” is an affront to the greatest scientist of the last century who worked in wireless energy transmission, not some corporate capitalist model where you have to pay someone in order for the car to keep running (i.e. keep filling it).  Whether it’s the oil industry or the electric company, it’s the same idea, just a different cartel.  Better energy technology has existed for a long time, it is just kept from the masses to maintain the status quo of making money, rather than making the best possible products.  Yes, free-energy devices are real, and if you think they are not, then you have fallen for a massive con by the energy industry to keep them off the market so they can keep raking in TRILLIONS of dollars every year.

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