Thursday, October 12, 2023

Funding Ukraine and Israel: Just Another Scam

A government that doesn’t even support its own citizens is not so benevolent that it would care about those on the other side of the planet; it simply wants to appear benevolent so people don’t realize billions of dollars are being stolen and not going to the needy victims of a manufactured conflict, but to those who manufactured the conflict for their own selfish gains.  Media is used to create public support through false and scripted narratives, military action is used to destroy infrastructure and competition under the guise of spreading “freedom and democracy”, then corporations swoop in to rebuild and profit from a new target population.

It’s the same old cycle of creating a problem,
inciting a reaction, and selling a predetermined solution that serves those who created the problem.  It’s been done throughout history, but many people don’t see the pattern because their “trusted sources of information” have actually been lying to them all along, so their view of reality is incredibly limited and distorted.  The amount of theft and deception happening every day is so massive that you have to learn a lot in order to even begin to comprehend the scope and scale of it; because it is going on in every country with every currency, so there is no number you can even use to measure it.

They keep getting away with it by using everything against us: media,
the “legal” system, the “education” system, bribery, censorship, murder, extortion, rigged elections, etc.  It doesn’t matter who you vote for because whoever is elected is still subject to the system and other groups who no one votes for.  Only by becoming aware of how things really work can you make more informed decisions instead of being unknowingly misled by sociopaths and war criminals who have tricked countless people into supporting their agendas and wars.

Monday, September 11, 2023

The Amazing Deception of 9/11, and Lessons From It

Happy false flag operation anniversary ;)  Actually, there have been a lot of those... it’s an unfortunately common tactic used throughout history to create division, enemies, and war.  September 11 was personally significant in that it was a catalyst for great learning and awakening.  I realized that what is presented to the public in mass media is a very controlled, limited narrative that is often not true.  It fools many, but those who research and know more see through the illusion.

We know it is impossible to melt such strong industrial steel and concrete with jet fuel that has such a low, fast burn temperature.  We know the only way to make such tall buildings fall so quickly into their own footprint is with pre-arranged controlled demolition.  We know that building 7 was also brought down without ever being touched by a plane (and it is a BIG clue that it’s completely ignored by most news reports).  We know that plane crashes leave much larger pieces of aircraft than the small debris shown at the Pentagon.  We know how the military-industrial complex operates, doing anything it can to perpetuate conflict, division, and fear to increase its funding and activities.  We know about things like Operation Mockingbird, where the CIA admitted that they infiltrated all major news outlets.

If you still think 9/11 was done by some rogue Arabs, forgive yourself for being deceived by fiendishly clever, international, war-mongering counter-intelligence groups who influence media more than you realize.   It was a magic trick by dark practitioners, fooling many into thinking it was done a certain way by certain people, when the truth is much different and more complex.  Knowing it was a trick and how it was done is incredibly educational and useful for discernment and navigating life on Earth.

So when they say, “Never forget”, what exactly are you remembering?  Are you just re-telling yourself all the lies you have been told that you don’t know are lies?  Or like me, are you reminding yourself that media still lies every day to manipulate the masses for various agendas?  Personally, I am now always aware that reality is an illusion formed by our beliefs, definitions, and stories, and that some unscrupulous interests have gone to extreme lengths to try to control what others think and do.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Much More "UFO" Disclosure Than What "News" Presents


Now THIS is what REAL disclosure looks like!  Not like all the weak, limited, diluted congressional hearings where they tiptoe around truth and are not giving the full story.  Those are gaslighting everyone with false implications like, "We don't know what all these UFO's are so they must be a threat" and, "We don't have any advanced technology that we hide from the public."  All lies.  Fortunately, the tides seem to be turning with more whistleblowers actually appearing in corporate media which has traditionally been hiding and distorting the truth.

Covert human factions have been studying, capturing, and reverse-engineering ET spacecraft for so long while denying they exist and calling them "unidentified".  If they don't know what they are, how do they know they are a threat?  Only certain greedy and corrupt interests see them as a threat to their business models and systems of domination and control.  When people know that there is much better technology than what they have been sold, and that there are much more advanced civilizations who do not answer to those who think they are "elites", it radically transforms us individually and collectively.  If all along governments and news sources have been saying these things aren't real, now all of a sudden they acknowledge that they ARE real, that proves they have been lying for decades, and that the people they have been accusing of lying and making things up have actually been the ones telling the truth.

The most recent official press conference with military and corporate insiders was NOT the first one that Dr. Steven Greer has held.  His first major one was in 2001, which was conveniently ignored by most media outlets.  This just shows that some things are actually the opposite of what people think, that news is not being used to inform the public, but to MIS-inform them.  It is still doing that because it is heavily controlled and censored by the military-industrial complex.  After decades of making people think that ET spacecraft didn't exist in order to use their knowledge and technology in secret, the same "black budget" programs still do not want people knowing about or interfering in their business.  But now that more people are aware "UFO's" are absolutely real, these covert groups have changed their lies to try to convince the public that ET's are all a threat in order to perpetuate division and war, which they have always done.  The bigger threat are the humans inciting conflict between each other, not the more advanced civilizations who have evolved beyond such counter-productive war-mongering!

Monday, July 31, 2023

"Re-capitation" Surgery of Palestinian Boy by Israeli Doctors

Wow, that's the first "RE-capitation" I've heard of, though I'm sure it's not the first ever ;)  What is equally significant is that Israeli doctors saved a Palestinian boy.  That's a good sign of progress, unity, and positivity!  So why didn't I see that mentioned in any of the dozens of headlines about this story?  Why would I be the first I've seen to point that out?  Plenty of articles said that the doctors were Jewish, and I saw a few mention the boy being Arabic; but when I found out he was from Palestine, which has historically been at odds with Israel (to put it lightly), they didn't point out that this was an example of peaceful and loving relations between supposed enemies!

Oh right, because a lot of media is more about division, distraction, suppression, and negativity.  They create enemies for people to go after instead of them.  Seriously, while “news” is focused on politicians and celebrities, there are people and groups doing much worse things to us and our planet.  They're usually only shown in "alternative" media, which is another way for them to try and hide themselves by calling media with a lot of truth "alternative" and media with a lot of lies "mainstream".

Friday, July 28, 2023

The Illusion of a "Free Press": The Military-Industrial Complex Uses Media To Manipulate People

Some people are delusional, mistakenly thinking it’s all other media that is full of lies and propaganda, but not theirs.  For the few minutes I gave NPR to check out their current brainwashing lineup today, it was more of the same: pushing drugs and lies.  Their first hilarious attempt was to debunk the very concept of conspiracy theories!  They tried to dismiss them all away as imagination and misinformation.  HA!  They’re the ones giving misinformation and lying, actually projecting their own guilt on others, and desperately trying to keep people from realizing they are the real liars.

An integral part of some conspiracies is to conceal them by making people disbelieve and dismiss them.  News is actually perpetuating many “conspiracy theories”, in that much of their “stories” are fabricated, made up, incorrect, inaccurate!  They try to create an illusion of honesty and truth, but when you actually listen to other sources they try to discredit, then you know why they are doing that, because you know they are the ones who are lying and conspiring.

As if there are no groups of people working together to achieve any agendas.  That’s basically what conspiracy means ("conspiring" more literally translates as “breathing together”).  NPR actually tried to convince people that there are no conspiracy theories, or that none of them are true, which is ironically just another conspiracy!  They’re basically saying, “Nothing to see over there... Don’t believe anything but what we tell you to believe… Anything different than what we say is a lie, we’re the only ones telling the truth.”  Just another lie they want you to think.

From a certain perspective EVERYTHING can be defined as a conspiracy, an orchestration, a co-creation.  Different people work together to achieve different goals.  Conspiracies aren’t even always bad or negative like some seem to think.  People are conspiring to heal and steal, to thrill and kill, to create and destroy.  If you actually do research instead of dismiss things as just “theories”, you will find many of them are actually true realities for people, or at least based on truth to some degree.  In that sense, again a lot of the things people believe are “science, truth, fact, news, history, etc.” are actually theories which are not really true, but which seem true from their perspective of consciousness.  But from others, they are the theories which are incorrect.

After NPR failed to convince me that every conspiracy I’ve discovered and deeply researched is all just crazy theories that aren’t really happening, the next segment I heard later failed to convince me that pharmaceuticals are the only possible treatment for anything.  Obviously sponsored by Eli Lilly, it was yet another “commercial in disguise”, or an ad for a drug that is just called “news”.  Their latest poison (seriously, search “etymology pharmaceutical”) is currently being promoted as the best treatment for Alzheimers.

But actually what is healthier for people than putting more heavily processed chemicals in their body, is detoxing, or taking things OUT of their body.  This is why almost every pharmaceutical product has “side effects”, which shows that they are doing more than just what they claim.  They are actually creating repeat customers to sell more drugs after they develop more problems from the previous drugs!  It’s diabolically effective, as they have raked in countless amounts of money over time, thriving off other peoples’ disease and suffering, making it seem like they are trying to end them, but if they actually did, they would be out of business.  Which means that those who some people trust to heal them are actually hurting them.

Clearly the drug and media companies don’t care about that, they just care about the money.  In case you haven’t noticed, a large amount of media is sponsored by big pharma.  What is less obvious because it is not advertised is that much of it is also funded and influenced by covert agencies like the CIA.  This means the idea of a “free press” is just an illusion created to keep people ignorant of the fact that their media is full of lies, propaganda, subliminal advertising, and psychological warfare.

It's like people are in an abusive relationship with their media; they don't realize how much they are being lied to, manipulated, and used by interests who own and control what they see and hear.  ALL major sources of information have been targeted, infiltrated, influenced, and bought by various groups and agencies.  So what some people think are diverse views and ideas are actually coming from the same minds who have tricked them into thinking they are getting truth and a broader spectrum of perspectives.  But actually they are just getting what mega-corporations and counter-intelligence agencies want people to think is true in order to serve their monolithic agendas.  As one news whistleblower put it, they are basically still taking dictation from the right hand of the king.  When you know that though, you stop paying attention to that echo-chamber of noise and find better sources that have been labeled "alternative" to make them seem less credible.

Monday, July 24, 2023

An Extra-Terrestrial's Brief History of our Solar System, Earth, and Species

This somewhat lengthy transcript from 1992 was posted in my Bashar chat group.  Though it is relatively short considering it condenses billions of years into a more concise narrative!  I tried to find the original source, but I couldn't.  It certainly sounds like him though, as I have heard him discuss these subjects before, just never in such detail!  Full disclosure, I did a bit of editing just to correct a few spelling and grammatical errors, to clarify what I believe was poor translation, and to create paragraphs for ease of reading.  However, its information and general meaning remain entirely in tact. 

To add to this outstanding summary of cosmic evolution, the planet Bashar mentions as being destroyed and eventually reforming as Earth is not named here, but some call it "Maldek".  And my own interpretation of the intruding planet which collided with it is what some people call "Nibiru", though there is much distortion around that name (like those claiming it is where the Annunaki came from, which is not true).

EARTH HISTORY 101 - Bashar 1992

"Once upon a time" as you call it in the fairy tales, or approximately 4.6 billion years ago, the original information of your solar system was: your Sun as the central star, Mercury, Venus, Mars, (no Moon), a fourth planet larger than Earth (which did not exist at this time) with many moons including a large moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and the planet you now understand to be Pluto was a satellite of Saturn at that time.  So in the beginning this was the arrangement of the solar system.

Approximately four billion years ago, a planet from another location came into your still-forming solar system, in a retrograde orbit.  Intruding into your solar system in the opposite direction, it had a great impact upon the arrangement of the world in the following way.  This incoming planet was also surrounded by it's own moons.  It arrived in approximately the same orbit as the fourth planet that then existed - the one beyond Mars (Mars at that time was the third planet) shattered this planet creating what you now understand to be the asteroid belt.  The molten remains cooled once again, moved into a tighter orbit around your Sun and became what you now understand to be your planet of Earth, and brought with it the large moon of the fourth planet and that is why you still have your large moon in orbit around your Earth.  This explains why your moon is so large compared to the parent planet.  Your moon originally formed around a larger planet of which your Earth is only a part.  The Earth is approximately 67% of the former planet.  The water came with you, in that there was much water on this planet, but it reformed over time into a spherical shape once again and the rift where the shadowing took place is what has now become your Pacific Ocean area.  You will remember that all of your land was on one side of your planet at one time, and through continental shift, moved and closed in around the Pacific Ocean making it much smaller than it used to be.  But the Pacific Ocean is basically the site where the impact occurred that shattered that planet into the asteroid belt and your Earth.  This planet was also responsible for shattering the moons, causing Saturn's rings, and for turning Uranus on it's side, giving it a very highly inclined axis, and also through gravitational perturbation wrested Pluto away from Saturn, placing it in its own orbit as an independent world.

This planet which caused all of this re-arranging is still part of your solar system now in a highly elliptical orbit.  It is in that sense your tenth planet, but its orbit encompasses what you would call 3,600 years.  Every 3,600 hundred years it comes back around.  It is approximately half- way, 1800 years before it re-enters the immediate neighborhood of your solar system.  Thus the solar system as you generally understand it was created in that formation.

Now let's skip ahead through much time and let us also talk about a parallel lineage, for you must understand that not only are we going to talk about what is happening in your solar system, but also your connections to other solar systems and how you came to be in the solar system you are in.  So we will call your solar system "Lineage A" - let us talk about other solar systems all encompassed under the title "Lineage B".  Lineage B involves what you might call the Lyran system, Pleidian system, Orion system and so forth.  These ideas simply can be expressed as the fact that there were other civilizations that existed in these other systems.  Many of you now existing on earth are reincarnationally those same beings that existed in those other systems.

There are many things happening in those other systems, many other kinds of civilization, interactions and encounters. A primary thread that ran through some of those ancient systems, especially the Orion system, was of experiences of great suppression, oppression and negativity.  As those systems fought amongst themselves as certain beings fought for freedom, they were in many cases destroyed in their fight and sought to reincarnate in other systems that were of a similar vibration in which they could process the ideas of their ancient negativity, eventually aspiring to transform that negativity into positive understanding and creation.  Eventually it was found that your Earth system would suit that purpose, but not quite yet.

First we must go back to the understanding that, as these other systems (the Pleidian system, etc.) began to disperse themselves out amongst the stars, eventually several forms of them also came after many millennia to your Earth system and did inhabit many of the planets that existed there in it.  The moon, the satellite of this large planet that caused all the early disruption, was a perfect place for some inhibition and because of it's highly elliptical orbit, it allowed for a vast amount of scientific study of both the inner and outer solar system, and allowed for direct observations that cannot be made by existing on some of the planets that are confined to the more regular orbit around your Sun, so bases were set up there on the satellites of that large planet with the highly elliptical orbit.

In time, both of the bases on Mars and the two Martian moons, Formos and Dymos (remnants of the original impact that created the asteroid belt) were gravitationally moving into orbit around Mars to create a certain type of stabilization which was necessary at the time for the planet, and also for resources - water and mineral content for certain space stations that were created at that time.  We are talking many 100’s and 1000's of years ago.

There were certain things that were occurring on different planets at that time - certain destabilization of races, of environment, of atmosphere.  The offshoot, as you say, of the beings that visited this system so long ago could be early Pleidian alien beings, although that is not entirely accurate since a whole other division from the lineage system went into the Pleidians, but the original ancestors are the same.

Moving into your Earth system, they have many requirements for minerals or material which can be found on Earth, which is rich in many of these, especially gold - not for economic purposes but scientific purposes.  You have yet to discover there is a strong energy connected to gold that has a lot to do with the idea of longevity and bringing higher energies into the physical plane.  It was understood and known to these ancient beings called Anunnaki.

The Anunnaki thus mined your entire solar system for valuable materials, especially the Earth; but in time they came to understand that they did not wish to do this themselves.  They came to the point of realizing that they could create, with their genetic science, a group of beings out of the indigenous humanoid apes that existed upon your planet through evolution; they could create a group of beings that would, in that sense, act as workers for them.  Thus in taking some of their own genetic stock and materials and in fact creating cross-breeding with the apes, they created what you call homo-sapien approximately 300,000 years ago in the area you now call South East Africa, where most of the gold was being mined, and thus they saw no reason to set up the genetic experiments in any other area.

These beings were created originally as the idea of help-mates or workers, although you might find that in your modern understanding these may be slaves, but the idea was not so much one of slavery, but simply of the idea of work-mates and help-mates for physical labor.  Nobody was mistreated, but it was recognized by the Anunnaki, that this still was a situation that was unfair to these beings, now that they thought in that sense and realized themselves as self-aware beings, it was not in the eyes of the Anunnaki a fair thing to do.  So they actually continued the genetic experiments to the point where these beings had full self-realization, and they did inquire after their own independence.

This caused many difficulties in the past, but it was recognized by the Anunnaki, that they could do nothing else but allow a type of sovereignty for those beings, having a responsibility now for creating that race of beings, to guide them to true adulthood.  While they no longer acted in that sense as masters, they did for quite some time oversee as guides.  Now many of your early, early people did relate to these Anunnaki in the form of gods or kings, but this was mostly for the point of guidance, for you were at that time a very young race.

Now as soon as that race was created, souls from many of the ancient systems began to incarnate into them and thus a bridge was formed reincarnationally between many of those ancient systems from where the Anunnaki had come to your Earth system.  Over the years it was recognized that one of the things the Anunnaki did not instill into your genetic structure was the extreme longevity of the Anunnaki.  It is true that many of your ancient human beings did exist for several hundred years, and in time some of this has worn down to your present life span, although you are on the upswing once again; but you must realize the Anunnaki were able to live for 1000's and 1000's of years, and thus were looked upon as gods in that sense, as what was assumed to be an immortal race - immortal in that sense of exceptionally long lived.  You have that capacity as well, however those genetics have not been planted within you, for they didn't at that time wish you to equal their ability.

This is what you understand to be your biblical ideas.  God made you his image and in this way did not want you to be equivalent to the gods.  All of this is simply an analogy to the creation of your race genetically in that sense.  This is not to say that there is not an infinite creation, but many of your earliest religious text are not referring to the idea of the initial creation of soul, but the actual remembrance of the physiological genetic creation of your species by other beings.

It is very important at this point in the narrative to understand that just because there was involvement genetically in the creation of your physiological body, this makes you in no way, shape or form, any less than other beings in creation.  You are equal in every way.  It does not matter how your body was created, your soul is the same as all other souls.  Always remember that, and never think of yourself as owned by anybody in that sense, or controlled, or less than anyone in that sense just because your particular physiological history might contain a bit of tampering by some other beings.  You do the same thing as you procreate.  It's the same thing as how you create your own babies; it's just a slightly different methodology.  It is not in that sense the methodology by which you arrive at the body that determines your worth, but simply your true inner self.

After a time there was created on Earth many civilizations, as human beings learned from the Anunnaki their technology.  Then developed the civilizations of Mu and Atlantis, but then reincarnational influxes from the ancient Orion systems of negativity did cause many discrepancies, divergences and dichotomies within the collective consciousness of humanity.  Sides were born.  Issues became split, with conflict about positive and negative realities and which was preferred to be created.  Because of those issues, because of those wars that were created, many of these civilizations did perish and during that time of the perishing of Atlantis, which is the analogy of your original sin, the Anunnaki removed themselves from the Earth and became content to observe you from afar.

As you re-established yourselves after these destructions with your will to be left alone, you saw the genetic program was to continue and in this way, so did the Anunnaki continue by utilizing their own genetic materials.  They created yet again another race of workers as the Grey beings - they are of your own human stock since you are Anunnaki stock - they are of a similar stock genetically, but they are in that sense matured fetal forms who have not been permitted to go to adulthood.  It was felt that this would be a better way to create the idea of help-mates without necessarily creating also at the same time within them the desire to function autonomously from the Anunnaki.  So the Greys, while true sentient beings, are almost in a sense a type of true biological robot.  They do not really understand the concept of feeling, although they do understand the concept of mentality.

Now the idea to understand is that the genetic programs of humanity did still continue, but it was the Greys that were acting as help-mates to the Anunnaki, who allowed the genetic programs to continue.  So your interaction with these genetic programs at this time is mostly, and has been for many 1000’s of years, through the Grey beings, the help-mates of the Anunnaki.  Now and then, many of you will remember in your experiences what you call these “abductions”, or what we prefer to call detainments, which will remain from time to time; and that the Grey beings, while they may be conducting the abductions, are overseen by more humanoid looking beings.  These are the Anunnaki, your true forefathers and mothers.

In this way you recognize that the Greys and humanity are cousins of a type and what the Anunnaki are now recognizing in their own evolution is that they are now helping to guide both humanity and the Greys to a new level of evolution and that both strains will benefit from the inter-breeding with each other, for there are problems on both sides that were not completely resolved in the initial genetic program.  Thus, by allowing the inter-breeding of the Greys and the humans as they exist, strengthening of the entire genetic pool is created, and also within that strengthening are actual genetic alterations to allow for the type of changes necessary for you to go into, and for the Greys to go into fourth density reality.

There are things you need to learn from the Greys and vice versa.  The idea of individuality and emotionality are things that the Greys do not understand, and you need to understand their genetic make-up.  The idea of working together as a collective is something humans need to understand a little bit more strongly, and are acquiring that to some degree through their interactions with the Greys; and so there is being created now, in the ancient Anunnaki program, a hybrid race.

The Essassani are a combination of the Greys and the human species on your planet.  There are many planets that exist contemporary to our time frame, where there are these hybrid races, not only Essassani.  In our contemporary exchange with Earth, in our interactions with you in the future, your planet is also one of the other planets wherein resides beings recognizable by you as hybrids, recognizable as cousins to us.  You are in many ways, therefore, our ancestors.  You are our mothers and fathers.  We are your children.  HELLO MOM AND DAD!

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

"Agent Zelensky" Reveals More Lies in News

That’s a lot of expensive properties around the world for a “humble servant of the people”.  Also, that’s some pretty lame reality TV and acting work they’ve tried to hide to make him seem more legitimate.  He literally played the president in a show called “Servant of the People” where he developed his character for his current role!  It’s gratifying to see my suspicions confirmed that he’s just another puppet and tool of the military-industrial complex by learning about his handler in British intelligence.

Everything that has been presented to the public through news media is a carefully crafted, scripted, acted, staged production.  The costumes, flags, speeches, coverage, all designed to fool people into believing narratives and supporting agendas they otherwise would not.  The MIC thrives on war, when most people want peace; so it has been tricking them into fighting under false pretenses instead of the real reasons of money, power, land, and resources.  Some peoples’ entire history is a lie, which makes it easier to keep repeating it because so many are living under the illusion of knowledge, and die without ever learning the real truth.  The biggest weapon of war is not nuclear bombs, it is media which brainwashes billions of people every day.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Pedophiles and Human Traffickers Use Media to Hide Their Crimes

This video is titled, “Why Hollywood Elites Don’t Want You to Watch Sound of Freedom.”  Duh, because they’re involved in child trafficking and they don’t want people to know that!  However, I don’t consider them “elites”; it doesn’t matter how much money they have, they are not better than anyone else, especially those who hurt children.  This movie is meeting resistance because those who are engaged in such acts are terrified of being discovered, and want to keep doing it.  As they have significant funds and influence over media and how things are portrayed, they are trying to discredit this film and dissuade people from seeing it so they can continue their illicit, immoral, and harmful business with less public and legal interference.  But their efforts are futile since they only fool some people who are oblivious that they have been fooled by their media which has manipulated their opinions and perspective through mental and verbal tricks.  Fortunately more and more people are waking up and not falling for them.

That’s another good thing about this movie; not only is it illuminating the massive issue of human trafficking, but also media corruption.  People think their sources are good and other ones are propaganda, not realizing that theirs are too.  Significant films like this get some people to recognize that their “trusted sources of information” are not as trustworthy as they think.  Every media outlet that derides this movie is “showing its hand”, indicating that it is owned by pedophiles who are trying to keep their activities secret.  CNN, Rolling Stone, The Guardian, Slate, and countless other brands have blasted a movie that is actually trying to raise awareness of a very serious issue.  Aren’t these the same outlets who try to virtue signal about other social causes?  Why is this cause so different?  Could it be because they are trying to hide their own involvement in such controversial crimes?  Are they trying to control what people focus on and believe?  Could it be that those who demonize certain people and ideas are actually the real demons trying to put all the attention away from themselves?  Absolutely.

None of the negative reviews of "Sound of Freedom" actually give nuanced, valid artistic criticism or any credit to the filmmakers; they just try to make everything and everyone involved seem bad, crazy, wrong, etc.  They attach misleading labels and ideas like “Q-anon”, which has absolutely nothing to do with this movie!  But because they have already created a negative association with that word, they know that applying it to the film will trick some people into believing them.  They say it appeals to white, male “boomers”... more derogatory and untrue claims.  This issue is global, affecting everyone regardless of skin color, sex, or age.  It should be obvious that criminals do anything to not be caught; and in this case, the criminals control a lot of media which they use to their advantage.  Just look at the “expert” CNN featured in the above videos; he just so happens to have the name of one of the most notorious families in history who have been involved in all kinds of crimes against humanity: the Rothschilds!  The truth is right there for anyone who knows how to read between the lines.  But because this subject makes many people uncomfortable, not everyone is ready for truth, as their weaponized media has gotten them more used to believing lies.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Happy World UFO Day! ( I just learned about it.)

I have mixed feelings about “World UFO Day”.  It’s a good sign that they’re finally being acknowledged instead of dismissed as weather balloons, swamp gas, shooting stars, hallucinations, satellites, etc.  But these counter-intelligence terms like UFO and UAP are designed to imply that they are “unidentified” and “unknown”, when they are absolutely identified and known by some.  These labels are subtle psychological suggestions to maintain ignorance, so the agencies who have been studying and copying them for a long time can keep the public from knowing that they have developed similar craft and technology, for that is what many of these objects truly are: revolutionary, advanced energy machines.  It is simple misdirection, calling something other than what it is, because they know however people define things is how they experience them; so defining them differently than what they are creates confusion and a mental veil for many people, keeping them in the dark.

The above chart shows some variety of ships, though there are many more kinds.  But notice how even when identifying them, they are still called unidentified here ("UFO")!  This is part of the suppression and oppression of humanity, preventing us from having these much better solutions so that greedy, ruthless people can make massive profits selling inferior energy fuels and technologies to the masses while using more advanced ones for themselves.  They don’t want everyone to suddenly realize that they have been robbing and lying to us for so long, because they are afraid of what will happen to them if billions of people know these groups have been responsible for so much suffering, pollution, poverty, and death due to the withholding of such important information and technology.

This is why forgiveness is such a powerful and essential way forward.  People are more forgiving when they understand the circumstances and background that others are dealing with.   If someone attacks you, it is easier to forgive them if you know it is because they themselves have been attacked and abused.   And this is where these suppressors are doing themselves a disservice by keeping secrets, because that means people are also not able to sympathize and forgive their seemingly atrocious acts.

Full disclosure of everything that these military-intelligence agencies and corporations have been hiding from the public would be much more productive and helpful for us all.  However, that is not what is happening. We are in the process of a very slow, controlled, limited, drawn-out disclosure where news is slowly starting to change how they cover the spacecraft and visitors that have always been here.  But it is hard for someone who has been lying for so long to suddenly tell the truth, so they are just lying less and less over time.  The more you know, the easier it becomes to tell when and how others are lying, and it doesn’t matter because you know the truth.  Then you can mentally see what others cannot; then the unknown and unidentified become very much known and identified.

Friday, June 30, 2023

The CIA: A Fraction of their Global Atrocities, Deaths, Coups, and Wars

This was linked in my previous article about how war is given so much more money and support than people, and I thought it was important enough to share again.  Don't be scared of the warning about this being "inappropriate or offensive to some audiences".  That is often a sign it is worth knowing, but someone doesn't want you to!  Truth is not inappropriate or offensive, it is enlightening and freeing.  What is actually MUCH more inappropriate and offensive is all the violence, theft, war, suffering, lies, and every other negative thing done by the military-industrial complex.  It is projecting its own inappropriate and offensive acts, trying to maintain ignorance and fear, which it also projects.  This is a sign of weakness, not power.

We cannot grow collectively until people are actually aware of what is happening and who is really responsible for what, instead of believing lies that have been told very convincingly by masters of media technology and deception. 

Many people think they know history, but the history they have been told is incorrect and incomplete.  So many false and famous scapegoats, turning all blame and attention on the wrong people and groups, so those actually responsible get to keep doing the same things: war, violence, theft, drug-dealing, lying, etc.  So many "villains" of news and history were only made to seem so by media and people misrepresenting them.  And so many of our heroes have been killed by these covert "intelligence" agencies around the world, who tried to make it seem like they died of drug overdoses, suicides, car crashes, natural causes, or killed by someone other than these groups, like a lone gunman, bomber, terrorist, etc.  It is a big clue that they work in "COUNTER-intelligence", or lying!  But if you know they are lying, then you know the truth ;)

In this case, the truth is that the CIA is of Nazi origins.  In a sense, it is not really an American organization, it is just posing as one.  It grew from German agents and initiatives after World War 2.  This is part of the incomplete and misleading history people have been given.  They are told Germany lost the war, which is a convenient interpretation to keep certain events and factions hidden from public knowledge so they may continue their influence uninterrupted behind the scenes and free from the burden of "elections", which are just for show to allow people to think they are making a difference (see my previous article about Obama being revealed as a liar just like other presidents).

As I have already covered, the CIA is also very involved in media manipulation (Operation Mockingbird).  This is how it controls narratives and public opinion by controlling what is said and shown.  So much truth is edited out, while propaganda and lies are constantly repeated and rebranded as truth to confuse, mislead, and pacify the public.  "News" is full of psychological warfare that many people don't even recognize as such, spinning stories in a negative way, leaving others out completely, and promoting certain agendas by making them seem like they are for the public good instead of the truth that they are really designed to serve private interests.

The CIA is like a parasite that has tricked its host into thinking it is helping, when really it is hurting. 
It creates conflict and enemies, manipulating people into fighting each other by committing acts of terror and blaming it on others.  Since it operates internationally, shutting it down would be much better for us all.  However, the CIA is not the only group that does such things; it is just one part of a larger military-industrial complex with different international groups and branches who are also responsible for similar atrocities and war-crimes against humanity.

Monday, June 26, 2023

I Love Russell Brand! (Brilliant Iconoclast Shows Obama is a Liar, and Politics and Taxes are Scams!)


Countless people do not yet realize that people and ideas they have held up as sacred, holy, and good also have their dark or negative side.  They do not yet realize their views of reality are a construct, manufactured by false and misleading media claiming to be true, benevolent, and honest, when really it's just a big show to distract, divide, and lie to people.  This is why I stopped paying attention to news years ago, because I realized just how fabricated, edited, and controlled it is.

Don't get me wrong, Obama is still a person who deserves love and respect.  But this helps to show that he is not the angel that he was marketed to be.  These people are basically playing characters in a soap opera of suits.  Their lines are mostly written by others, and they often do completely different things than they preach and promise.  For some followers, this is like finding out that Jesus was secretly robbing and bombing the poor!  But on the bright side, this shows that Obama is just another person and is not some minor deity.  It also highlights that the political system and news can be ignored and are not really serving humanity as much as people think.

My only complaint about this video is the editing.  It is cut so that Russell's words come so quickly that it's hard to catch or think about them.  Ironically, he's been sober for years but the "hyper-speed" editing makes it seem like he's on stimulants!  It's not just him, I see this on so many channels to keep peoples' attention, though I think it is also reducing attention spans.  Maybe some would call me slow, but I'm pretty intelligent and I couldn't keep up with all the quotes and thoughts they crammed into the video.  I'm sure others won't even make it through the first few minutes because of how fast-paced Russell speaks.  I like him better when he is unedited and at normal speed, because he can still talk very fast without editing!

Monday, May 29, 2023

“Light Wages, Heavy Tanks” – Still So True After All These Years

Happy Memorial Day from May 1968.  This is a piece of protest art from 55 years ago in Paris, and if you don’t speak French, it says, “Light Wages, Heavy Tanks”.  Guess what, it’s the same sad story!  Of course there are exceptions, some people are being paid very well, but clearly many are not.  Apparently funding war is more important than providing for people.  That does not make for a successful society.  It shows that destruction and weapons are valued more than us, which does not instill love and loyalty for such misplaced values.  A system that does not support its own citizens shouldn’t be surprised when they don’t support it.

You can recite oaths and sing patriotic anthems all you want, but that brainwashing wears off when people don’t even have their basic needs met.  Then they realize, “Wait a minute, if this place is so great, why is there so much suffering?”  Spoiler alert, it’s not great; it just wants you to think it is.  It’s like being in an abusive relationship with someone who gets you to believe you’d be much worse without them, but really you’d be better.  Can you imagine if a partner made you pledge allegiance to them constantly?  That’s a sign of a sociopath!  Yet that is being done to children every day.  It really explains some of the problems on this planet.

They say freedom isn’t free, implying cost.  Yet military contractors and war profiteers actually PROFIT from war, so they obviously wish to keep it going perpetually.  I don’t need to be told to honor and respect veterans by those who send them to fight and die and clearly don’t care about them or any of us because they are too greedy and self-serving.  That’s like a serial killer preaching peace and love!  It’s pretty ironic and hypocritical.  I currently take care of two 93 year old veterans, and I don’t go around telling everyone else what to do!  I also understand why people don’t honor and respect veterans, or anyone else too.

If they fight and die for freedom, and we still don’t have it, then fighting and dying is ineffective.  Fighting for peace is like shouting for silence.  It’s doing the opposite of what you say you want.  Of course that creates conflict!  Simply being peaceful creates peace ;)  And even the poor can be peaceful, which shows that peace costs nothing; war costs us much more.

As someone living in extreme poverty in “the wealthiest nation on Earth”, it is painful to see so much money and resources going to other countries when there is so much need here.  Supporting conflict on the other side of the planet is madness, especially when your own people struggle.  That breeds conflict here, not between different nations, but between each other, between different economic classes, between people who have so much more than they need, and those of us with so little.  It divides and weakens us all.

“Minimum wage” is an insult.  First, the name implies that we are not really cared for enough to provide more than the most meager level of existence.  Second, with inflation rising constantly and outpacing any pathetic wage increase, such a low amount does not even meet acceptable standards of living.  My raise this year was 25 cents an hour, which does nothing compared to the price of everything else going up (housing, groceries, gas, electricity, HOA fees, insurance, etc!)  Of course I have looked for many other jobs, but can’t find anything I can actually do that pays enough.  It doesn’t help that I was just majorly scammed, and am discovering more scams every day!  It seems like banks, taxes, goverments, corporations, and of course many other people are just trying to take whatever they can however they can from whoever they can.  Most of what I had has been taken, and I can’t afford to live in such a parasitic, corrupt, greedy culture.  So that settles it, I have been priced out of living here.  I have no choice but to leave, as I have tried making money all kinds of ways and none of them have worked.  I guess I’m not meant to be here.

I realize I can do nothing to change this culture or system; that’s not up to me.  It works for some people, but not for many of us. I must go where I actually fit in, am respected, and treated better.  It isn’t just veterans who suffer and are lied to, used, and discarded.  Some people just view themselves as elite or superior, and everyone else is inferior to them.  So they don’t care if others are suffering and dying, they’re actually making money from it.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Trillions of Dollars Stolen for Covert Projects and Advanced Tech

What an unpleasant woman reflecting the unpleasant nature of the military-industrial complex.  So smug, abrasive, and rude.  No surprise there, considering who she works for.  Of COURSE the Pentagon does not want to be audited; it gathers as much information as possible without giving any out, like a black hole.  The "defense" department was rebranded long ago from the war department, but don't let the name change fool you; they are still quite offensive.  They do everything they can to hide and deny that they have committed every war crime and human atrocity imaginable: assassinations, public acts of terror, trafficking drugs, weapons, people, and using media to distract and lie to everyone.  They will never disclose everything because they don’t believe it is in their interest.  And anyone who leaks truth is branded a “conspiracy theorist” or a threat, when really the military-industrial complex is the far bigger threat to humanity.  But it wants to continue without interference so it tries to focus all the attention and blame on individuals so it can keep making money, war, and technology it does not share with the public.

This is how secret space programs like Solar Warden have been funded with TRILLIONS of dollars over the decades.  Donald Rumsfeld somewhat admitted this, publicly stating they “couldn’t account for $2.3 trillion” the day before the great distracting false-flag operation of 9/11.  (Of course, the actual amount grows the more you learn, and you CAN account for it if you know it goes to “unacknowledged special access programs” or USAP’s.)  In addition to selling the things mentioned above, they greatly exaggerate how much equipment costs, then funnel most of their budget to covert or “black” projects.

For example, if they say a certain type of aircraft costs $1 billion dollars to make, it may only cost $100 million, which leaves them $900 million to spend on much more advanced technology that they never intend to reveal.  And keep in mind, that is just ONE aircraft out of the many they have, so their true arsenal, abilities, and accounts are MUCH greater than what they show the public.  Hence, spokespeople like this woman are used to deny and deflect questions, accusations, and investigations into their extremely profitable business and nefarious activities.
After selling drugs, guns, humans, and robbing other nations of their oil, land, gold, and other resources for decades, countless amounts of money have been amassed and spent both to keep those programs going, and to fund other ones.  There is so much more that exists than has been acknowledged or disclosed by such interests.  All kinds of advanced technology, ships, bases, weapons, to such a degree that many people would not believe, and are not ready to know about.  It is a whole different reality where some humans have access to equipment, vehicles, and buildings that others would think are from the far future.  I can't show many photos or video because those are relatively hard to find as they clearly wish to maintain secrecy.  But below are some depictions of examples to give the slightest "tip of the iceberg" notion about where this vast amount of money and resources have gone.  (Spoiler alert, a lot of it has gone both into space and around Earth, building an extensive network of bases and fleets.)