Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Mini Data Dump

Typically, I only share things after studying them thoroughly.  But since many people don't even do that, they have not learned their way beyond the garbage information and celebrity gossip this culture feeds them; so they often reject greater truths as "wrong, lies, crazy, or irrelevant" (which is what lower level consciousness does instead of research and questioning.)  We have been lied to our entire lives, and people can't comprehend or accept that until they learn more.  We have also been told many truths, but they have been twisted and obscured by labeling them things like "fiction, mythology, conspiracy, pseudo-science, etc."  This causes confusion and disbelief among many.

So since it doesn't matter how much research is done because others will still deny and judge, then screw it!  No more holding back and trying to vet and control my info stream.  I'm just going to "free-flow" and share things that I haven't verified through multiple independent sources.  They will not make sense to some, but they do to me and others who have researched enough or have direct experience.  If you want proof, you must find it yourself because that's how it works; it can only be recognized from within.  People constantly miss and dismiss “proof” because they are not yet ready to see it.

If this information is false, then some groups are going to great lengths to both make it up and cover it up.  Why would they do that, for fun, for money?  No, if you actually put effort into investigating these stories, you will know that the reason there is so much deception and darkness around them is because of how true they are.  Once the veil of darkness is penetrated, there is no end to the light of inner illumination.  Buckle up your brain:

1: The great works of the library of Alexandria were not burned as many have been led to believe.  The building itself and some census records were, but most of the valuable contents were transferred and are now in the Vatican archives.  They are kept secret because they completely shatter the mainstream historical narrative and show that many advanced civilizations exist.  What's better than destroying priceless knowledge?  Making people think you did.  This is an example of intellectual fraud, theft, and hoarding.

2: Howard Hughes actually died in 2001 and not 1976 as the official story goes.  He was made to seem crazy and his death was faked so that he could work covertly on black budget programs like “Project Pegasus” which is a space/time portal or stargate they call a jump room.  That particular one has allegedly been used to connect to secret bases on Mars, as well as other locations/times.  (Partial disclosure of this project has been done through Marvel comics, which will cause some to dismiss it as "made-up".)

3: “Project Ice Worm” involved building sub-glacial labs, bases, and tunnels in Antarctica to study numerous advanced civilizations and craft hidden beneath the ice.  This evolved from “Operation High Jump” which saw a US military force repelled from that area by far superior technology.  (Of course they would hide that; no one advertises when they lose a fight!)

4: What prompted the projects in #3 is the fact that there are also several advanced civilizations living WITHIN this planet in addition to the countless ones beyond it.  They have been involved in the development and influence of our cultures for eons.  This is the origin of the term "hollow Earth", which is somewhat misleading as the planet is not entirely hollow, but more porous or honeycombed.  It's just that some inner caverns are so large that people misinterpret the size as taking up most of the interior structure.  "Inner Earth" is a more accurate description, though words fail to enlighten beyond a certain degree of detail.

5: “Project Serpo” was an interstellar exchange program for gathering and giving information.  A group of Earth astronauts and scientists traveled to a planet in the Zeta Reticuli star system, and some members of that civilization came here.  Allegedly two of “ours” died in the process and two chose to stay in that culture.  (I just started reading “Primer of the Zeta Race”, which is good so far.  It expands and corresponds with my current set of knowledge acquired from all sources including other ET races.)

6: The Mohammed Accords are allegedly an agreement made thousands of years ago between certain people from this planet and others in order to limit the degree of open contact and appearances made by more advanced civilizations.  Of course, there are too many for all of them to know about and follow the treaty, hence the broad range of consciousness including those who think we're alone in the universe all the way through those who know that is ridiculous because of interaction with other beings.  Apparently the accords are breaking down since some who originally agreed with them now see them as divisive and damaging.

7: A primary reason for the extreme conflict in the area on Earth known as the "Middle East" is due to it being a landing/infiltration zone for negatively oriented ET's from the Orion constellation thousands of years ago.  Their belief system could be described as "evolution through struggle".  In other words, warfare and hardship are seen as means to an end, or spiritual fire that forges stronger selves.  This mentality still pervades and affects the region, though it is changing through more positive love-based influences, groups, and energies.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

My Updated View of Free Will

I apologize to any I may have affected negatively.  For years, I told people there was no such thing as "free will".  That was the way I saw things according to my information.  It seemed to me that everything and everyone was merely behaving because of everything else, that all was operating regardless of peoples' beliefs that they were responsible for any of it.  I saw free will as an illusion, or lie that some believe because they fail to see all the factors that make up their own behavior.  Like many, I was conflicted between two seemingly incompatible ideas that there is either free will, or there is fate, but not both.  This is where I was wrong.

Why can't both exist simultaneously?  Everything else does!  It turns out, they do; I was just seeing things from a more limited perspective than I do now.  If you believe free will does not exist, then that is how you experience things.  If you believe it does exist, then that is how you experience things.  In fact, not believing in free will actually demonstrates it because you have the ability to experience things that way!  This is an example of the power of belief, consciousness, perspective, and the universe itself.  Clearly babies have less free will or ability to choose; but like all abilities, it can grow and develop through knowledge and experience.

This is why I didn't believe in free will before, because I wasn't ready to, because I lacked more knowledge and experience.  That is how we learn, grow, evolve, etc.  Before, I could only see things from the perspective of the physical body.  This is something that every body deals with and eventually overcomes, just to different degrees at different rates.  After more exploration, information, contemplation, meditation, etc., I learned enough to see beyond the boundary of the physical "self", which many clearly have not, and others did long ago.  It makes sense that in physical reality, one learns about that first; and as more is learned, eventually you learn your way beyond that realm.  In what some would view as "irony", but which also makes perfect sense, outgrowing the self actually gives one greater power and ability to know and do things that cannot be known or done if one is entirely focused on themselves.  When someone is confined strictly within the concept of self, their knowledge and views are also confined strictly within their own particular framework and belief system.

When I was not yet able to see beyond my own physical existence, I interpreted that I, like everyone else, had no choice in being born or behaving, as if all lacked any ability to direct their own lives and energy.  Being a "scientist", I thought all that could be known was what could be observed and measured with technology and strict methodology.  But as I continued to look, listen, and learn, I began to see through that mental barrier or metaphorical "veil" and discover more and more about what some call metaphysical or spiritual reality, which is fundamental, foundational, integral to all that is.  Religions convey this to some degree, but words can only express so much.  The deep, interconnected relationship or oneness of all things can only be discovered and accepted through open hearts and minds that see and feel through all perceived divisions.

Some hearts and minds are clearly more open than others.  Those whose think in purely physical terms are limited to superficial differences and behaviors rather than comprehending the infinite underlying unity of all.  They have not yet learned enough to know that there is more to everything than just what they can perceive.  Their consciousness or awareness has not yet grown to the point where they realize the fact that they, like all others, exist on levels and in dimensions beyond just the physical self, which is like a vehicle for spiritual experience and growth.  A great teacher (Ra) describes people in different cultures as mind/body/spirit complexes living within social memory complexes.  I find this quite accurately descriptive.

Another great teacher known as Bashar explains things this way:
"There is destiny AND free will, and they work hand in hand.  In the most simple definition, destiny is what you've chosen for yourself to explore as a theme in this incarnation.  So you can liken it to the idea of a particular path or hallway; you WILL walk down that hallway.  That is the theme you chose to explore from a higher level.  Free will is how you explore that theme, how you walk down that path or hallway.  You can run, you can walk, you can skip, you can jump, you can go forwards, you can go backwards, you can be happy, you can be sad, you can spin around in circles, but walk down that hallway YOU WILL.  Because that's the theme that defines the life you chose to experience in general thematic terms.  So destiny and free will work hand in hand to give you a specific experience; but how you choose to experience it is up to you as the physical mind.  You can go with the flow or you can resist, it's up to you... Destiny is decided on the soul level, free will is acted out on the physical level." 

Of course, this touches on the subject of reincarnation; which is something else I used to dismiss so I recognize that many still do.  Knowing that our existence precedes and transcends our birth/life/death is essential for some to accept the concept of free will.  Otherwise one can think they are simply subject to whatever conditions exist around them, instead of recognizing that they chose those conditions to an extent, and continue to choose as those conditions change with them.  But to set aside that "controversial" aspect, I often describe it this way: you can choose to read a book or talk to someone, but you do not choose what that book or person says.  I chose to write this, but I cannot choose for anyone else to read it or what they think or do with it; that is up to them.  Free will can be seen as individual choice, and fate can be seen as a cumulative result of all free will.  Therefore, both are always in play.  Both are valid interpretations from different perspectives, which reconciles the argument between those who think it's "either/or", since all perspectives exist concurrently.

According to my perspective now, free will is actually of fundamental importance to existence.  All have it to some degree, but those who recognize it in themselves and others have much greater love, respect, knowledge, connection, ability, and energy than those who do not.  Those who deny their own free will or coerce that of others have often been denied and coerced themselves, and are playing out that role until they outgrow it.  As one who used to deny free will, I have a new appreciation and greater sense of self-empowerment and clarity compared to when I thought everything was entirely beyond everyone's will.  That is a denial of responsibility, which is inherently dis-empowering and dangerous in many cases.  Choice is always a factor whether people know it or not.  Some just have not learned that yet.  And again I apologize for all the times when I ignorantly denied the existence of free will in both myself and others.  I know better now!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Beyond Fermi's Paradox, and All Others

There is no such thing as a paradox, only the perception that there is. In a metaphorical sense, it is a mental barrier that represents the limits of ones' information. For those whose minds/vocabularies contain that word, it automatically regurgitates when their personal barrier is encountered and something does not seem to make sense. Once more information is acquired, the paradox is resolved or surpassed, and things become more clear.

An example of this is called “Fermi's Paradox”. According to Enrico Fermi's level of perception and calculations, the universe is filled with life (aliens and extra-terrestrials), but he could not perceive them. Some still can't, though the number seems to be shrinking. The truth is that his estimation was correct and such life exists all around. This has been edited from media to some degree, hence the ignorance and perceived paradox due to information control. It is also the choice of some of these beings to remain invisible for different reasons. Others choose to be visible at times, hence the discrepancy or range of peoples' awareness. Many on Earth know this and have been in contact with different groups to various degrees; and many do not know this, preventing them from such profound experiences. If this doesn't make sense to you, then you are of the latter category.

Awareness comes down to personal levels of development and perspective. Everyone has their own to different degrees, like grades in school where we progress according to our work, focus, behavior, etc. Those who are still fighting and not learning are kept in a sort of mental "detention" until they are able to play nicely with others and be more productive. Would you want to interact with a tribe of primitive, barbaric, cannibals? Some will not like or accept that they are members of such a tribe relative to other more advanced, peaceful, and loving ones. How could they see themselves that way without a point of reference to compare themselves against?

To use a more familiar example, Earth can be equated to North Korea in a sense. To an extent, the people are isolated, lied to, manipulated, and programmed to operate exclusively within that culture. If you took someone of that mindset and brought them into your home, they would only be able to talk about the “great leader” and their limited, distorted knowledge and interests. The same is true if you take the average person from America, Europe, China, or other “first world” places and introduce them to an extra-terrestrial culture. Many would only be able to spew propaganda and information about presidents, politicians, celebrities, countries, sports, religions, fashion, etc. They wouldn't be able to comprehend or function within a society that views such things as basic, low-level, negative, or inaccurate. Those of such a mindset aren't able to see those things that way until they learn more, which is why many other civilizations don't even bother with us until we outgrow such limitations. Like a cosmic “catch 22”, people evolve more when they meet more evolved ones, but in order to meet them they must first evolve more. This is not absolutely true in all cases, but is certainly a common pattern or theme.

The old saying “as above, so below” is relevant (albeit subjective). Just as people in other cultures on this planet view North Korea as a threat or as brain-washed drones bred to serve a corrupt, primitive, war-like government, so too do other planets and people view Earth in general. And just as different people in North Korea are more and less aware of other cultures around them; many have also been conditioned through propaganda to fear, hate, ignore, and reject them. This hinders both them, and their neighbors. It doesn't mean the other cultures don't exist; there are simply mutual barriers that prevent further interaction and exchange. Thus, those with much more advanced knowledge and technology exist all around Earth without the awareness of many on this planet. And those who ARE aware of them suffer the ignorance and limited consciousness of those who aren't.  It is important to note that this is just ONE perspective, and there are many other ways of viewing Earth (and everything else).

Once one has enough awareness of the conditions which exist, what previously seemed to be a paradox suddenly makes perfect sense, and that word is no longer used. In what some perceive as irony, one reason people don't know about these beings is not because they don't exist, but because they do!  They are simply able to be less visible due to more advanced technology, and many don't want certain people to know they exist until they are more prepared.  Otherwise, they are often feared, targeted, or worshiped by people of more negative consciousness. Such thinking is not just limited to this planet either.  There are also such cosmic beings with more selfish, power-driven intentions who also don't want their existence known for more nefarious and predatory purposes.

With regards to Fermi's “paradox”, an interesting extrapolation emerges. If many cultures on this planet are so divided, deluded, corrupted, and brain-washed, then that must extend to different degrees throughout the cosmos as well. Just as the conditions within North Korea are not entirely isolated to that geographical region, but are similar to other places on this planet as well. The same must be true of other groups and systems in the universe. It stands to reason that some have gone much further with concepts that already exist here, like A.I. and nanotechnology. A percentage of those groups are likely slaves to their tools, systems, social structures, and limited information to some degree, as are many on Earth. Likewise, some must be more in tune with nature, each other, and are more spiritually connected. This has profound implications for not only this planet, but also countless others.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Secret Health Science

(a very limited, 2D interpretation of earth energy)

Do you want to know a major cause of disease that has been recognized by many cultures, but has been suppressed in order to perpetuate health issues and thus, dependence on expensive drugs and treatments?  Hint: yes, you do.  Investigate GEOPATHOLOGY.  It's also called “feng shui”; but this is not just about furniture decoration, despite what some may think.  You will find that many people are unknowingly sleeping in a naturally occurring invisible energy vortex that creates acutely negative physical and psychological effects.  This unseen but very real geometric torsion field is all around, and is sometimes called ley lines, dragon lines, and the Hartmann/Curry Grid.  It is quite common and safe to pass through; but spending hours in certain places produces ailments wherever such points intersect the body.  Problems are increased with various quantities and qualities of running water nearby, as this carries its own energy flux that can add to the strength of the field.

(a smaller scale illustration showing various effects of the grid)

Fortunately, this grid is easily detected through EMF meters or the ancient art/science of dowsing (shown above).  Countless cases have been studied (and hidden) where the beds of chronically ill patients were simply moved a few feet away from these disruptive energy ribbons, and their conditions disappeared within weeks!  That is exactly why this information has been kept from many people.  If they knew that healing can be as simple as slightly adjusting where they sleep (or diet and exercise), the medical and pharmaceutical industries would not be the bloated monsters they are, simultaneously feeding and treating sickness.  To clarify, most medical professionals have good intentions; they are just given limited information due to “standardized” material that is severely edited or doctored (pun intended) by “official” organizations and perceived “authorities”.

Don't believe it?  Many won't, as they've been programmed to think that the only way to heal is through difficult and complicated procedures which cost everything they have.  This may be true in extreme cases.  But you can get all the treatments you want; yet if you continue sleeping in one of these negative energy spots, your problem will keep coming back.  This is a huge reason why diseases are so prevalent, and why health-care is such a large portion of the economy.  Most people would give all they could to stay alive and well; big business knows and capitalizes on that.  It is a scam of epic proportions whose cost of human life is immeasurable.  But do not despair; now you know better.  Health is first and foremost in our own hands, heads, and hearts!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Navigating the Job Market

Looking for work? This will help you decode some of the fancy labels being used to make some jobs seem better than they are. Ahhh, the magic of language! These are actual posted titles of jobs and industries, along with what they really mean. Enjoy!

Job Listing Translations:
Conservation Expert = garbage man
Executive Assistant = secretary, personal servant
Sales Personnel = cashier
Leasing Consultant = property sales
Property Developer = construction worker
Environmental Services Aid = janitor
Campaign Fundraiser = beggar
Gaming Professional = card dealer
Pharmaceutical Associate = drug dealer
Financial Strategist = money mover/hoarder
Replenishment Manager = stock boy
Defense Contractor = war profiteer/monger
Customer Service = problem filter, hate sponge
Transportation Operator = bus driver
Product Representative = brand whore
File Coordinator = paper/desk jockey
Marketing Specialist = phone sales, cold-calling
Office Administrator = greeter, data entry
Fulfillment Team Member = box stuffer
Population Health/Wellness Director = insurance salesman
Landscape Technician = lawn mower
Sandwich Artist = food slave
Horizontal Refreshment Liaison = hooker
Talent Development Trainer = pimp

Ok, those last two weren't actually posted; I made them up for fun ;) But the rest are real, I assure you. Like many, I too am fruitlessly searching for a good job. Sure, they're still out there; but many of them are terrible wastes of our lives. This is being masked by such deceptive re-branding to make them seem more desirable than they actually are. Similarly, actual unemployment numbers are being manipulated to hide the truth. Depending on location, the rate is much higher than the “official” number, which creates confusion and ignorance. Some people are sadly stuck in the mentality of thinking that “jobs” are the answer to the woes of society. But it depends entirely on the job. Some can be very fulfilling, and others soul-crushing. Slavery is a job, which is really what many are still supporting, whether they know it or not.

Thanks to automation, there are simply far more people than there are jobs to do. That's the whole point of it, to do things better and more efficiently. However this ancient, rigid socio-economic system is preventing this from being a good thing. Some “leaders” promote jobs while simultaneously reducing them with technology; just like some are still selling oil knowing it's on the way out. A global situation is occurring which has been called a “Greater Depression”, where the population-to-job ratio is constantly becoming more disproportionate. This is only part of the story, as the same technology that replaces jobs is also increasing productivity, transportation, communication, energy, etc. So some people are instead experiencing a “Greater Enlightenment”. There are also many like me who are experiencing both at the same time.

Because people are still relying on a money-for-work paradigm, this is holding everyone back. It's like trying to run a modern computer using steam power, or using horses to get around. It can be done to an extent, but performance is severely limited. People are dealing with this situation in different ways. Some are trying to pointlessly increase jobs, others are trying to covertly decrease population. Some are implementing a universal basic income, others advocate a resource-based economy. Some are joining local communes, others are fleeing to foreign lands. Some drudge on not knowing what else to do, others are committing suicide as an escape. Currently, I'm trying to make light and educate others of the situation. If you can offer any help or opportunities, I'd appreciate it! Good luck to you.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Norway Spiral Threat to Obama

Many people have not seen this.  Of those who have, many have no idea what it is.  Fortunately, some are more committed to truth-seeking and deep research than to speculation and blindly believing what we are told.  The "official" story was that of a missile spiraling out of control.  Of course this is a cover-up or smoke-screen to hide the truth from public knowledge.  Mainstream media is given a ridiculous explanation that only the deeply deluded and foolish would accept; then they go back to other low-level fare that keeps people pacified and in the dark.  This event is actually much more interesting, and equally unbelievable to those who lack the relevant information to understand it.

This is an inter-dimensional portal created by a secret antenna array called EISCAT.  It is a branch facility of HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program), which is a covert global operation using more advanced technology than many people know exists.  Its general purpose is energy manipulation, which includes various projects within that broad category.  Typically it is used in secret without such a spectacle; but this particular event was a personal threat to Barack Obama.

This occurred in Norway in December 2009 just before Obama was controversially given a Nobel Peace Prize.  Many felt he did not deserve this because he hadn't really done much.  What they don't know is that the speech he was originally going to make was more worthy of such an accolade, and would have had a huge impact on the planet.  Hence, this event was crafted to prevent him from doing so.  Right before the award, Obama was shown this dramatic spiral in the sky and told something along the lines of, “You wouldn't like it if Air Force One flew into one of those.”  Such a powerful threat changed his mind, as he likely knew that previous presidents have been silenced for the same reasons.

What are the reasons?  What is so important that secret groups threaten and kill influential leaders to prevent exposure?  Obama was going to publicly announce world-changing information about the existence and presence of extra-terrestrials.  Kennedy and Reagan were going to do the same, which is why both were shot (the latter lived, but was too scared to follow through after that).  Many people, both famous and otherwise, have been similarly silenced and assassinated for the same reasons: creation of fear and ignorance, maintaining population control, suppression of advanced technology, spirituality, genetic evolution, etc.

So who could be behind such devious acts against humanity?  The answer becomes obvious once such information is obtained: negatively-oriented extra-terrestrials themselves.  Often using programmed humans like drones to do their dirty work, they do not want their presence known, as their power partially depends on staying out of sight.  Because their life-spans and abilities are much greater, they have been able to operate beyond the perception of many on this planet for a long time.  But DO NOT FEAR! There are also incredibly positive ET's who have been doing very beneficial things outside of public awareness as well.  Their strategy is essentially the opposite: sharing their advanced knowledge, technology, genetics, etc. for the improvement of all.  Some of them remain mostly invisible for more helpful reasons, like not wanting to scare or influence those who are not ready for interacting with them.  If you are unaware of such things, that means you!  But now you are better prepared for such empowering and transcendent experiences in the future :)
(Much thanks and respect to Dr. Steven Greer and David Wilcock for putting these hidden pieces together.)

Monday, May 1, 2017

Power to All People!

The deep-seeded root of all situations... political, social, economic, and so-forth... is the belief in dis-empowerment. When you learn that you are as powerful as you could possibly be to attract anything you need without having to hurt yourselves or anyone else in order to attract it, then you'll be on the path that will resolve all of your political, social, and economic situations. You have to get to the root cause of these things and start teaching people that they are self-empowered. Then they will not resent others that they think reflect to them power they don't have; and they won't lash out or fight. Because the greatest power requires the gentlest touch; and when you know you are self-empowered, it takes very little effort to make great changes.

The preceding statement is a lightly edited version of the one below.  I felt it could flow more smoothly.  But also, those who lack certain information/experience/perspective will find the original harder to comprehend.  They will get stuck/confused by the phrase "your planet" because they don't know enough yet about people from other ones.  Wanting to simultaneously educate/enlighten as much as possible, AND to give full credit to this great teacher, I created/translated the above version that is more palatable for some, while also supplying the source of such wisdom:

The deep-seeded causes of all of the situations on your planet... political, social, economic, and so forth... are all rooted in the idea of belief in your dis-empowerment. When you can teach yourselves that you are as powerful as you could possibly be to attract anything you need without having to hurt yourselves or anyone else in order to attract it, then you'll be on the path that will resolve all of the political, social, and economic situations on your planet. So you have to get to the root cause of these things and start teaching people that they are self-empowered. Then they will not resent others that they think reflect to them power they don't have, and they won't lash out and they won't fight. Because the greatest power requires the gentlest touch; and when you know you are self-empowered, it takes very little effort to make great changes on your planet.
- "Bashar" (messenger)

Thursday, April 27, 2017


If you don't know this, then we are not living on the same planet. The one you're on is full of children playing silly games like sports, politics, fame, fashion, money, etc. Those who have learned enough and expanded their minds have transcended such base concepts, awakening to greater levels of reality, existence, awareness, and are living in a much better, more interesting and beautiful world with more advanced people, ideas, and technology. This is why these things are hidden. They are so transformative that you literally shift/evolve/graduate to a higher energy frequency where everything makes more sense, life improves; and there is no end to it. Such is the power of knowledge. But learning is just like exercise: no one else can do it for you ;)

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Hello 4/20, Goodbye Weed

Today is an unofficial marijuana holiday, so it is very appropriate to share my new perspective on it. Living in Los Angeles for so long, it was difficult to avoid since it's so abundant. For years I was a high-functioning “pot-head”, though I never liked that label. As a former smoker, I'm well aware of some of the positive and pleasant effects of weed; which is why those who still love it should value my opinion and reasons why I stopped, because I understand why you have not.

First, the claim that marijuana is not addictive. That is true of anything! NOTHING is inherently addictive; yet everything CAN BE, depending on an individual's relationship to it. Alcohol, sex, food, shopping, money, heroin, technology... all of these are addictions for some, but clearly not for all. It comes down to frequency/quantity, and marijuana is no different. Essentially, all addictions are substitutes for love and connection. They feel good when people lack that fundamental human need. Smoking every day is the same as drinking alcohol every day; it's just a different chemical substitute. True, marijuana tends to be less processed, and could therefore be considered “healthier” and “more natural”. But not as much as many believe, and it's not as healthy or natural as not smoking at all because you don't need it.

If you think you are getting pure/clean marijuana, think again. Much of it, especially the legal medical grade which is cataloged by the FBI in Virginia, is implanted and chipped with nanotechnology. These nanites are very tiny robotic systems, which are also in cigarettes, vapes, junk food, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, etc. People who don't know about such things label them “conspiracies”, because they don't recognize how redundant that word is. It's an accurate description of every agenda; people are just more and less aware of different ones.

My own agenda is not to spread fear, but awareness/knowledge. Do not be alarmed that there are nanites everywhere, including in our bodies to different degrees. They remain mostly dormant and ineffective against our own more powerful genetics and consciousness. But awareness/knowledge of them gives us even more power to act accordingly, to have more control of ourselves and our behaviors. This is one reason why I no longer smoke or consume many other things that are relatively low-vibrational, as they have been tainted by such deceptive negativity. And to everyone, no matter who you are or what you do, you are loved whether you know it or not! :)

Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Cruci-fiction (or, The Conspiracy of Christianity/Easter)

Since few will watch this video, and even fewer will accept it, I'll summarize briefly, then explain how this information was obtained. Remember, like your own beliefs, this is just a story. You don't have to believe it, and frankly you CAN'T believe it if you lack enough relevant information to support these ideas. I believe it, as it makes sense according to everything else I've learned. But I recognize that many will doubt and reject this story because it's different than the one they've been fed over and over and over...

There was a man who existed that “Jesus” is based on, however that was not his given name, nor was he white as is commonly portrayed in works of art. Those are both Romanized fabrications; but for the sake of this writing, the shorter and better known name of Jesus is used (instead of Yehoshua). He was a relatively enlightened being who became very influential through his words and works. And as the “official” story goes, he was aware that some people were coming to kill him because of this.

However, this is where things differ from the mainstream lore. As you might expect, Jesus' disciples and family did not want him to be executed. As you may also believe, there was another man who existed that was pretending to be Jesus in order to gain his own following. Apparently the disciple Paul had the idea to present THIS man to be killed in order to “save the savior”, thus quenching the thirst for blood, while simultaneously preserving their precious teacher.

And so, a sacrifice was made, though not like in the story presented to Christians. The man impersonating Jesus was given up to be crucified instead of the actual one. As he was somewhat delusional by his own deception, the imposter made a convincing substitute. To preserve this epic conspiracy, not even some of the disciples were aware of the switch. This explains the part in the “official” version of the crucifixion where Peter denied Jesus three times, because it wasn't actually him! Those who knew the secret, had some conflict about the death of the other man, but accepted it as a reasonable trade for the life of their more valued teacher/leader. The real Jesus then went into hiding, continuing to teach and help others less publicly, until he apparently died later in life surrounded by his supporters/team in a multi-story building.

Now everyone should be asking, when faced with such a difficult choice, wouldn't I also sacrifice someone I view as less important before the one I love more? Another important question: how was this information acquired? This is also something that many won't believe as is often the case with new ideas. The Farsight Institute investigates well-known people, places, and events in history like the building of the Giza pyramids, the JFK assassination, the destruction of Atlantis, and this most famous crucifixion. They do this using rigorous multi-source "blind" research methods and a technique called remote viewing. This is also called non-local consciousness, and is based on the knowledge that time and space are simply relative perspectives/experiences, and do not exist in an absolute sense.

Everything in the universe is simply geometrically vibrational energy and consciousness. When certain capable minds tune into different frequencies, they experience things in other places to a degree. Only those who know this can see beyond the mental barriers imposed by the veil of space/time. It must be noted that the remote viewers used in these sessions are NOT told who or what they are viewing, so as not to influence their experiences with pre-loaded information. They are simply told there is a selected target, and then describe and draw what they can sense. When they are talented enough, the synchronicities in their details match perfectly with others, as they do in this case. Again, you don't have to believe this; but if you're interested, investigate for yourself.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Operation Mockingbird

FYI, your mind has been compromised, corrupted, hijacked, manipulated.  This goes way beyond individual countries.  Those are just manufactured constructs and mental barriers to keep you confined and controlled.  Recognizing that sets you free!

Turn off the TV, phone, computer, video games.  Unplug yourself from all the psychotronic technology you think you need; and go reconnect with nature, the universe, god, yourself... whichever of those words you identify with most.  You'll feel better :)

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

old/new "anti"-gravity technology

This knowledge/technology is new to some, and old to others.  Sometimes called "cymatics", such acoustic/magnetic gravitation is based on the geometric energy/structure of the universe.  It is used for transportation, communication, construction, and destruction.  It's been used to move massive stones for structures like pyramids and temples.  Those who think it was just primitive slaves and tools are partially correct; a human workforce was often part of the building process, but not the only part.  This is why some people are baffled at how such heavy objects were moved long distances using what they think were just logs, water, pulleys, etc., because that is not the case.

Of course, skeptics do not recognize that the reason they are skeptical is because they lack certain information.  People can't think with knowledge they don't have; so they fill in the gaps with what they DO know.  Eventually they learn enough to where the skepticism is replaced by new information to explain what was previously unbelievable.  In a sense, mystery becomes history, ignorance becomes knowledge, and things make more sense.  This is often called enlightenment, which is beautiful and powerful.  Enjoy the light!:

Saturday, April 1, 2017

News Flash:

We're all alone in the universe and absolutely no one else exists in the infinite sea of stars, and we totally haven't been visited or influenced by any other civilizations since this solar system formed just 500 years ago. The cosmos is not full of life, and earth is flat like all the other planets.

NASA always tells the truth and never alters its photos and information. They are super legit and not in any way a front organization to distract from the more advanced black budget secret space programs that don't already have bases and fleets throughout the galaxy who are not working with other races that obviously aren't real. The countless sightings, experiences, and documentation are just swamp gas, weather balloons, and hoaxes that governments have so thoughtfully kept from public knowledge for our own good because they clearly know what's best.

In a related story, nations are totally real and not just imaginary lines on maps. Also, politics, sports, and celebrities are way important to pay attention to, and not at all loud and colorful distractions that pit people against each other and rob the masses of our own power and consciousness. This culture is the pinnacle of human evolution and deserves to live on forever because all others are stupid. Finally, April Fools ;)

Friday, March 17, 2017

About Time...

Today is my birthday, and this is my gift to whoever views it as such.  Synchronistically (unintentionally), I just saw a video about the concept of time and it made me want to share what I've learned, since clearly there is some confusion about the subject.  Time doesn't really exist; unless by "time" you mean "energy", in which case that is all that exists.  Time is just a limited, linear interpretation of cyclical energy.  Don't get me wrong, the experience of time is real; but it is just that, a relative experience.  It could also be called a social agreement or tool.  What is often meant by the word time, whether people are aware of this or not, is a relationship between cosmic bodies.  As measured by clocks and calendars, time is simply an interpretation of astrophysics, or the constantly changing spin/distance/vibration of planets, stars, and galaxies.  And since that is entirely relative, or different for every configuration in the cosmos, there is no absolute or universal definition of time.

So what is aging?  That's relative too.  Whether it's a person, plant, or piece of metal, change occurs (and does not occur) due to various factors that could be called "internal/external", though this is also an arbitrary division.  Why do different people and things appear different at the same age?  Because age is just a number that doesn't contain any relevant "concrete" data about the conditions of the subject.  For people, things like water, food, sleep, exercise, and information are integral to our longevity.  If you improve such aspects, it is reflected in the body and what people call age/time is actually stopped and also reversed to different degrees!  As our consciousness IS our reality, whatever your beliefs and definitions of time are what you will experience.  So don't be a slave to time, it's all in your head ;)