Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Disturbing History of Coca-Cola



"It's not about what your product really is; it's about what your customer THINKS your product is."

Clearly other companies and industries use this philosophy too.  Pharmaceutical, tobacco, and alcohol industries, Disney, Apple, Tesla, Google, Microsoft, and so many more sell products to people under the false illusion that they are so much better than they actually are.  This is the power, and the extremely nefarious side of marketing where it manipulates peoples' perception so that they do not realize the negative aspects of these products and companies.

I have known for a long time that Coca-Cola was not good for people or the planet, but I didn't know it was this bad!  I stopped drinking it years ago and I do not miss it at all.  I knew it's basically sugar water that is not healthy, I knew that it used to contain actual cocaine, I knew they used aggressive and deceptive marketing, I knew they were responsible for environmental violations, but this short documentary fills out even more details that I did not know.

I didn't know about the earlier drink that Coke copied which was just wine and cocaine.  I didn't know that the company infiltrated and influenced both American and German militaries (and definitely others which are not mentioned, because it would not just limit itself to those two).  I didn't know that some of their operations are government funded.  I didn't know just how many schools they bribed to sell their products exclusively, not allowing healthier options for children.  I didn't know about some of their mafia-style tactics like threatening shop-owners who sold their competitors' products, or creating vending machines which increased the price of Coke as the outside temperature increased.

This information will surely convince others to quit supporting such an unscrupulous and predatory company.  Just as cigarette smoking has been declining as more people have learned how unhealthy they are and how greedy and manipulative that industry is.  But people still have a lot of waking up to do, and it will be a rude awakening as they discover that products they love and companies they thought were positive are actually hurting them and our planet.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Fusion Fraud: The Latest Lie in Mainstream Media

The science shills are out in full force promoting this fusion “breakthrough” that is more over-hyped, misleading, distracting fake news.  It’s fake because we have much better technology that is being hidden while this inferior garbage is being sold as a false savior of humanity and the environment.  In the above video, the brilliant Dr. Greer debunks this claim by pointing out that in their over-unity calculations they are leaving out the significant initial energy input from lasers, as well as failing to mention the high cost and rarity of materials used (like tritium), which makes mass producing such devices prohibitively expensive and unrealistic.  They are also creating such extreme temperatures (millions of degrees) that have to be mitigated, adding yet another problem and strike against this idea.  But the biggest deception is the relatively small amount of energy they are raving about at such a high cost: billions of dollars to create enough energy to boil a kettle of water!  Knowing all these details makes it abundantly clear that this is actually gas-lighting the public into focusing on technology that is not as good as advertised, and not as good as better alternatives which exist.

I have seen videos and articles suddenly praising fusion as the future from all the major mainstream circus “scientists” who are put on pedestals and platforms to spread lies while people who don’t know any better worship them as false prophets.  Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, Michio Kaku, and many others are out there talking about this nuclear fusion narrative in lock-step, unquestioning support with all the mainstream media outlets.  They use superlatives like “giant step”, “holy grail”, “unprecedented”, “major milestone”, and other such terms to really sell this concept to the ignorant masses who just nod and parrot their talking points without question.  Note how similar figures have previously been claiming for years that such energy production is impossible in order to perpetuate the status quo.  Suddenly the narrative has changed, which is a slight improvement.  Unfortunately they are still lying and wrong as they always have been, but at least they are finally acknowledging that over-unity is even possible.

Meanwhile, all the scientists who have built
zero-point energy devices, engines that run on water, and other REAL game-changing technologies are completely ignored and left out of the conversation because certain interests don’t want the game to change.  They have suppressed better alternatives for a long time so that they can keep raking in trillions of dollars from the current energy supply model, hence the name of Dr. Greer’s upcoming documentary, “The Lost Century”.  Brilliant inventors like Nikola Tesla, T. Townsend Brown, Floyd Sweet, John Hutchison, Stan Meyer, and countless others have created alternative, free-energy technologies that are far superior to this supposedly amazing nuclear fusion.  Knowing about their work reveals the fraud of promoting this “development”, which is another lie.

Nuclear fusion is not new!  This is the same physics involved in t
hermonuclear weapons like hydrogen bombs, which have been around for a long time.  The fact that they are acting like this is the first time a nuclear fusion reaction has ever been achieved is an obvious sign of the massive deception being foisted on the general public.  Many of us already recognize this scam, but many more will wake up when Dr. Greer’s next documentary comes out next year showing that even better technology has existed for a long time; it has just been stolen and hidden from the masses while inferior, inefficient versions are promoted which require constant payment to a centralized power structure.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Medical Labels for People do NOTHING to Change Society

The above article is about "pathological social withdrawal syndrome" or "hikikomori" in Japanese.  Notice the common practice of coming up with a label for people rather than making any substantial change to the environments and social systems which are root causes of their behavior.  If more and more people are withdrawing from society, then the problem is not the individuals, it is the society.

People are anti-social when their society is anti-people.  We are treated like numbers, livestock, targets, disposable resources, wage-slaves, robotic workers, parasitic consumers, soulless objects, useless eaters, diseased zombies.  We’re given labels like “syndrome”, “disorder”, and “complex”, while the social structure pretends to be so great and have no responsibility.  Why aren’t there labels like “Economic Inequality Syndrome”, “Monetary System Disorder”, or “Media Lies and Division Complex”?  It’s like blaming, labeling, and punishing children for acting out when they are abused and neglected.  Medicating and sending them to therapy does nothing to stop their continued abuse and neglect, and the same is true for adults.

Jobs, governments, hospitals, corporations, insurance companies, banks, armies, schools, religions, commercials, mindless entertainment, most of these do not serve us as much as they prey on us and our time, our energy, our money, our lives.  They use us, lie to us, poison us, steal from us, and treat us very poorly.  This is not just OUR disorder, it is SYSTEMIC disorder.  Our social systems have failed so many, because they are a corrupt, complex mess which are designed to serve those with money more, which does not really mean they deserve or need more than anyone else.

Teachers that are supposed to make us smarter are also lying to us about so many things, because they have been lied to.  Doctors that are supposed to heal us also give us harmful drugs and radiation instead of more safe and natural treatments.  Politicians that are supposed to represent public interests also represent private agendas.  News claims to be honest, true, and factual, while it pumps out propaganda, lies, and limited narratives crafted by people who edit themselves and many other things out of the stories.  Bankers who play with numbers are treated like kings, while farmers who grow food are treated like dirt.  Athletes make a living destroying their bodies for entertainment.  Celebrities with millions of followers are paid to distract and sell things to us while smarter and more virtuous people are censored and ignored.  The list goes on.

From my own personal experience, social services, customer service, health and education services, technologies, governments, media, all of these things have failed me and so many others.  This is why so many of us have checked out of our culture, because so much of it is harmful and negative, and it is actually a positive thing to leave unhealthy relationships.  Or as Jiddu Krishnamurti said, “It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

Rather than just complaining, working toward a better system is more productive.  A resource-based economy is still the best alternative I have seen so far.  And even as nice as The Venus Project's designs look, we can do even better because there are more advanced technologies which exist that have been withheld from the public in order to maintain the status quo.  They are so revolutionary, they transform your thinking just by knowing they exist and how they work!

(All images found under creative commons license.)

Friday, December 2, 2022

Humanity Dumbed Down and Damaged by Censorship and Copyright Claims (plus FREE episodes of my favorite series at the end!)

Behold the invisible war on humanity: censorship and copyrights.   I shared this site recently, but for the past week it was blocked and looked like this:

At least for now it seems you can watch this great content again, as long as you are either a member of Gaia, or lie and say that you are.  It has many hours of free videos from one of my favorite series, "Cosmic Disclosure".  The Gaia Network cut out over 100 of its first episodes from its website, and now they are lying by renumbering latter seasons and presenting them as the first in the series to cover up the censorship.

Whoever created this site is trying to be of service to others, as it is shared freely, not kept from the public, but gifted to it.  If you have actually seen the controversial content like many of us have, you know they are censoring valuable truths, information, and insights that would help many people to know, understand, recognize, awaken, etc.  This is just one example out of a countless amount of such attempts to limit our collective consciousness by editing, censoring, and distorting media, and by proxy, distorting everyone who consumes it, and everyone they interact with.  Censors are actually editing realities and minds, removing and twisting truths so people believe lies because they haven’t seen or heard what has been censored.

I have also been censored and removed from major tech platforms like YouTube.  I used to have 3 channels where I shared helpful videos about health, history, product reviews, meditations, etc.  I never made any money from any of them, but a copyright claim got all of them taken down, not just the videos they claimed violated copyrights, but ALL OF THEM; even though most of them had no possible copyright infringements (I mostly sourced from free and “creative commons” media sites, including YouTube).  The point is, all these things I shared with the positive intention of helping and serving others are no longer available at the moment (I am working on re-uploading what I can to other channels and platforms).  But I have seen countless examples of such good content blocked, while less helpful content is promoted and shoved in peoples’ faces.  This is holding us all back.

It seems entirely arbitrary what is taken down since there is so much copyrighted material being shared freely under very specific circumstances.  Scenes from movies and video games, music samples and covers, audio-books, you name it.  As long as it’s played under a certain length of time, or the sound is removed, or no money is made from it, or some other condition, apparently it’s fine to share in some cases.  And I have seen so much content which basically says the same things as what has been censored, so it seems almost pointless.  This is the case with "Cosmic Disclosure".  The latter episodes which they still share do not dramatically differ from the information and narratives which they removed.  But it is still good and truthful content which fewer people can access now, and many don’t even know exists.

Below, I am sharing one season of this epic and important show that is still available for free (as of this writing).   Once again, the episode numbers have been changed because this used to be a later season, where now it is mislabeled as “four”.  Still, at least it is a really good season, featuring a really good guest insider who has shared information I have never heard from anyone else, and who actually shows himself being vetted with lie-detecting technology and hypnotic regression.  I recommend watching it now while it is still up!

Friday, November 18, 2022

Another Good Censored Documentary Exposing Media Lies and Agendas

You will not find this documentary on YouTube, because that platform is more heavily controlled and censored due to its popularity.  "2030 Unmasked" highlights global stupidity and conspiracy, which some people will not be able to accept because they mistakenly think they are so smart, even though they are completely unaware of certain agendas, groups, or how their beloved media has been weaponized against them.  Many of us were already aware of this due to our more evolved sense of intuition and extensive research.  But there are good images and videos shown that I had not seen yet, like a guy demonstrating how useless masks are by exhaling visible vape smoke through different models (these particles are even bigger than viruses and bacteria, giving a visible cue that they are not protecting others as much as they are harming themselves.)

Another excellent example is the chart of global death statistics, showing that the percentage of people who died each year from 2015-2020 was exactly the same.  Combined with the recent announcement that world population has just exceeded 8 billion, this will cause some people to wonder, "What about that pandemic that supposedly killed so many people?"

This will be a rude awakening for those who have not yet realized just how manipulated they have been by their media.  They will recognize that everyone is being lied to, and many people have fallen for the lies, including them.  Media is the primary method of population control.  Contrary to what some think, that does not just mean reducing the population; it can literally mean controlling behavior.  This is done by controlling information, since that is how people determine what they do.  Unfortunately many have been tricked into thinking their news sources are trustworthy and benevolent, not realizing they are being misled and influenced to think and do certain things.  This is a covert and subtle form of mind-control where the subjects do not recognize or believe they are being manipulated.  In fact, their ego projects that it is others who have been tricked, not them.  On the contrary, they have been lied to like everyone else.

This documentary clearly features some controversial topics, and if you watch it you will know why it has been banned from mainstream media sources.  While I do not agree with every suggestion or interpretation, I do agree with most of it.  I especially liked the ending where they mentioned The Venus Project and resource-based economy as solutions!  I used to advocate these ideas myself; and still do, I just no longer volunteer directly.  I only wish they would have talked about solutions like that more than just for a few minutes at the end.

Here are some select quotes from "2030 Unmasked":
"You can have a deadly, transmissible disease like tuberculosis, AIDS, influenza, chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis, meningitis, or ebola, and you can go into these bars or restaurants; but if you haven’t taken your injection of an unproven, experimental drug for COVID19, then you are not allowed in.  They don’t ban convicted child rapists from government assistance, concerts, grocery stores, or airplanes; but they’re banning all these things for people who refuse to take a dangerous injection for an illness that 99.9% survive."

"Even the CDC has noted that the death toll from the COVID 'vaccine' in the first six months is greater than all seventy different vaccines ever administered into every human in the last three decades combined.  Again, more people have died from the COVID vaccine over six months than all vaccines combined over thirty years."

"The CDC is not a government agency.  The CDC is a private company, and it profits billions of dollars off of royalties from the vaccine patents.  Bill Gates said getting into vaccines has been the best investment of his life.  It has doubled his fortune from $50 billion to $100 billion in record time."

“Democracy is the worst kind of government, except for all the others.” - Buckminster Fuller

"The governments say they want to save the people by removing assault rifles because of mass shootings despite the fact that in the first six months of 2021 more people have died from the COVID vaccine that the government is pushing than from all the mass shootings over the last six decades combined.  Yet the government is literally offering pot, cheeseburgers, and lottery tickets to entice people to get the injection, while at the same time they are fighting desperately to disarm you of your means to protect yourself from the very government pushing these deadly injections."

"When you lock people away who are sick, that is quarantine; but when you lock people away who are well, that is tyranny."

Thursday, November 3, 2022

The Great Scam of Democracy: Voting

"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." – Benjamin Disraeli

The dominant values of any social system do not come from the people.  Rather, they represent the power elite such as the church, the military, the banks, and the corporations.   For the most part, they determine the public agenda to serve their own interests, while they perpetuate the illusion that society’s values are determined from the ground up.  They do this with such notions as freedom, patriotism and democracy." - Roxanne Meadows

“Democracy is a suggestion box for slaves.” – Stefan Molyneux

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Vote or die”?  It’s yet another lie told by people who are lying to themselves.  Guess what, plenty of people don’t vote, and they are still alive!  “Vote or die” is both a threat and a false choice which reflects the false choice of voting between people who ultimately are not very different.  I often equate it to choosing between Coke or Pepsi; they have a different label, but almost the exact same ingredients.  This is a perfect analogy for political voting as well.  Whatever party people consider themselves or others has absolutely no bearing on how government works.  The form and function remains unchanged, only different people with titles are swapped around every few years.

“The United States is not a democracy.  It’s what’s called in the technical literature a polyarchy…  The idea is very old; it goes way back to James Madison and the foundation of the Constitution.  A polyarchy is a system in which power resides in the hands of those who Madison called the wealth of the nation, the responsible class of men, and the rest of the population is fragmented, distracted, allowed to participate every couple of years.  They’re allowed to say ‘Yes, thank you.  Why don’t you continue for another four years?’” – Noam Chomsky

“The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.” – Karl Marx

“When the Fed was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world system was being set up here... a super state controlled by international bankers, and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure." – Louis T. McFadden

Under this system, if you have career politicians and corporate people with no term limits, then all they have to do is wait a few years and they will be dealing with different people, so the politicians which are “elected” are very temporary employees.  I use quotation marks around “elected” because this is part of the illusion of participation.  Many “elections” are actually “selections” by other people who have influence over ANY candidate; so even if the election is fair, it doesn’t matter because whoever is elected can simply be bought, blackmailed, threatened, removed, or in many cases killed.  Another part of this illusion is the education system, which teaches a false and limited model of reality and society.  It leaves out SO MANY other people, groups, influences, factors.  Chomsky calls it a “polyarchy”, which is accurate enough.  Other terms could be techno-corporatocracy, or corporate technocracy.  The more you learn and see the influence of lobbyists and the “revolving door” of people in government and business, you realize it really doesn’t matter who you vote for because other forces are at work which override and determine any choices or decisions made by either the public or their politicians.  This is also quite obvious the more you learn about history and see a pattern of supposedly powerful leaders being assassinated or booted from their positions, demonstrating they are not the top of some imaginary hierarchical pyramid.

“...We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence – on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.  It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations.” – John F Kennedy

We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world, no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” - Woodrow Wilson

“… A financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

"The end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations." - Thomas Jefferson

To some, life is a game of power.  Fundamentally what happens when you vote is that you are actually giving your power, attention, and responsibility to someone else.  Politicians have no technical knowledge or abilities.  They talk, that's mostly it.  They are basically paid to distract us at this point since they are puppets and tools of lobbyists, corporations, and industries.  People have been brainwashed to think that voting will solve their problems.  It is literally the definition of insanity, doing the same thing expecting different results.  Engineers build and fix things, they're the ones who solve problems; politicians write laws and bills that are just words.  And they often do the opposite of what they say.

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” - H.L. Menken

"When you want to put a man on the moon you bring scientists together.  If you want to make an atom bomb, you call upon science.  Any problem that threatens the existence of the Earth, we call upon science.  We never call upon politicians, because they can't solve any problems.  They don't know how.  They don't have that type of training." - Jacque Fresco

“All progress has resulted from people who took unpopular positions.” – Adlai Stevenson

The above quote is especially revealing when you realize that voting is basically a popularity contest, which is the antithesis of progress!  It may seem counterintuitive to some who think that whoever gets the most support is the most worthy of making decisions; but really all it has shown is that they are capable of pandering to more people and reinforcing the status quo.  A common definition of democracy is “rule of the people”, but notice the vagueness of that phrase.  It could be interpreted either as the people are the ones who rule, or that they ARE ruled by someone else.  Even under the first interpretation, it is still a majority rule, which means up to 49% of the population could still be very unhappy with whatever is decided.  This system actually creates conflict by dividing people into different parties and ideological camps.  Just look at all the social issues which exist in places which call themselves democracies.  Does it really seem to be working for everyone?  Is it really the best we can do?

"Britain is the slave of an international financial bloc." – David Lloyd George

“Politics are obsolete, war is obsolete, and selfishness is obsolete; you don't have to rationalize it anymore.  This is a completely new way of challenging humanity.  That's what your young world is feeling...  Now, I want to get to what are the blockages here...  We have then all the great corporations going completely transnational; and yet those pens, those 135 pens or ‘sovereign nations’ are blocking the flow.  They have to go...  Humanity is not local anymore, we are getting to be world human beings.” - Buckminster Fuller

If you want to be incrementally better, be competetive. If you want to be exponentially better, be cooperative.” - anonymous

Again, the above quote demonstrates the inherent weakness of partisan politics.  By nature it is weakening our ability to solve problems by creating competition between parties, people, and ideas.  Typically it is overly simplified into a limited choice of either this or that, summed up in terms like “pro” or “anti” abortion, guns, oil, or any other subject.  This does not allow for any nuance, compromise, exception, or choice.  To believe that all people must do and think the same thing is incredibly unrealistic and impossible to enforce.   This is a fundamental flaw in a system based on imposing the will of some on others through voting.  It is a win/lose situation, instead of being beneficial for all.  So what is a better way?  How can we change things?

"The youth of humanity all around our planet are intuitively revolting from all sovereignties and political ideologies.  The youth of Earth are moving intuitively toward an utterly classless, raceless, omni-cooperative, omni-world humanity.  Children freed of the ignorantly founded educational traditions... shall indeed lead society to its happy egress from all misinformedly conceived, fearfully and legally imposed, and physically enforced customs of yesterday.  They can lead all humanity into omni-succesful survival as well as entrance into an utterly new era of human experience in an as-yet and ever-will-be fundamentally mysterious universe." - Buckminster Fuller

Telling people to not vote is just as authoritarian as telling them to vote, so I won’t do that.  I will say that learning more how the system works leads to less voting because you see how it doesn’t really do as much as some think.  Is Nikola Tesla famous for his voting, or for his creating?  Are those who have the most impact on society the people who have been voted into power, or have they simply used their own power and passion to do what they love?  Doesn’t this benefit humanity more than simply pulling a lever, pushing a button, or marking a form?  Gandhi didn’t say to vote for the change you wish to see; he said to BE it!

"Rise like lions after slumber, in unvanquishable number.  Shake your chains to earth like dew, which in sleep had fallen on you.  Ye are many, they are few." - Percy Shelley

Monday, October 31, 2022

The Murder of Max Spiers - Whistleblower, Truth Exposer, Conspiracy Revealer

For the final entry in my series of “seasonal spookiness”, a reasonably thorough investigation on the murder of yet another whistle-blower.  You will find that the term “conspiracy theorist” is often slapped on many people who are just giving information that some people involved in conspiracies do not want others to know about.  More accurate labels would be experiencers, insiders, truth tellers, or conspiracy exposers.  But for the sake of trying to keep secrets, a common practice is attempting to discredit anyone who talks about certain things.  And anyone who is familiar with the circumstances of Max Spiers’ death would be incredibly naive to think that he died of “natural causes”, especially given the controversial nature of the subjects he discussed.

I’m not a fan of most “mainstream” news sources, including the BBC.  They are all heavily influenced by various interests who use these outlets to push their own agendas under the guise of informing the public.  That is true of this coverage too, though I will acknowledge that this feature is slightly more thorough and thoughtful than the average stories I have seen which are typically not anywhere near long or in-depth enough to give any significant or accurate information regarding the detail and complexity of most subjects.  This is part of the “illusion of truth” that so many brief news stories create.  They give such a limited, skewed perspective in their short, bite-sized segments that do not reveal the whole story, just what some want people to think or believe.  It’s like fast-food for the mind: quick, unhealthy, and highly processed.  So credit where it is due that this reporter actually delves into Max’s life and treats him with respect, but 30 minutes is still insufficient for a deeper understanding of this case.

I have watched hours of interviews that Max Spiers gave before his premature death, and he talked about so many things that some people have no idea about.  This feature does not even mention some of the more scandalous subjects and conspiracies he discussed.  There are brief flashes of some related concepts with no context or definition, but it does not delve into any of them.  Blink, and you will miss words like, "The 4th Reich", "abduction", "mind control", "milabs", "black goo", etc.  People who have not done enough research will have little to no understanding of some of these ideas, or they will be very much mistaken or inaccurate due to all the misinformation and distortion used to create confusion and maintain secrecy.  I have discussed ALL of these subjects myself, and I did not learn about them from Max Spiers; he is just one of many who share their similar stories and perspectives.  He was also saying some very interesting things about the British "royals", the banking industry, secret space programs, as well as exposing extensive human trafficking, abuse, slavery, and other serious crimes that some many well-known and UNknown people have been involved in.  It is one thing to know these things happen, but it is much different when you learn more and begin to realize just how much and how often they happen, and who is participating.  That is what many people have yet to discover and come to terms with, and doing so can be an unpleasant and challenging process.

Back to Max, another controversial aspect of his life is that he absolutely took drugs.  That is unfortunately used to discredit people, but what that means is that a lot of people are being discredited for actually telling the truth.  Taking drugs does not automatically mean you are incorrect or untrustworthy, that is a ridiculous assumption and implication that many people seem to make.  Different drugs have different effects on different people, some actually become MORE honest on certain drugs (just ask the pharmaceutical and "intelligence" industries.)  Since so many people are on drugs whether legal or otherwise, that basically means everyone can be discredited!  But not everyone vomits black liquid before they die like Max Spiers.  That is a sign of being poisoned.  It's a secret mafia-like message only for those who can interpret it, a punishment for "spilling his guts".

But so many people talk about these subjects without being killed, not everyone can be taken out!  It is mostly people with larger audiences and followings, or whose influence will grow like Max's clearly would have the longer he lived.  He was good looking, charismatic, loving, and fearless when it came to telling the truth.  That is a combination that some see as threatening to what they do.  They are fearful of their own safety if more people become more aware of their secret activities and proclivities.

Max was yet another casualty in the war on truth, consciousness, evolution, humanity.  He was shining light in dark places of society and reality that many people have yet to discover and deal with.  His covert killing actually gives credence to his testimony, since so many people get away with spreading lies and misinformation.  It is only those who tell the truth who are targeted in such a way by others who fear it coming to light.

Friday, October 28, 2022

The Ultimate Villain: Conquests & Methods of an Ancient, Intergalactic AI

To continue this seasonal theme of "spookiness", the above episode of Cosmic Disclosure gets into the biggest challenge facing the universe: a pervasive, invasive technological intelligence that spans the cosmos and infects not only machines, but people, planets, and whatever it can to perpetuate itself.  Like all other beings, it exists beyond a physical body, but inhabits them to accomplish its goals.  It is invisible, it is relentless, and it is everywhere.  Advanced space programs and other civilizations consider it a bigger threat than any hostile extraterrestrial group, some of which are actually working for this digital consciousness.  Propagating itself throughout the universe as a signal, it uses beings it has infected like proxies or drones.  Many insiders talk about injections of "black goo" containing nanites or femtites which alter the bodies and minds of those who receive them.  It has divided people in the exact same way as the hotly debated subject of vaccines, because this is one way it spreads its influence.  The following excerpts from the conversation detail just how devious, aggressive, and troublesome this force is.

"There have been several extraterrestrial groups that have gone the route of trans-humanism, though they weren’t exactly what we would consider human.  It has always ended extremely badly.  There is a very pervasive force out there, and it's hard to call it an extraterrestrial or extra dimensional being, but it is an artificial intelligence.  And it sends itself all across multiple galaxies in the form of an artificial intelligence signal… a waveform...  There's a history of this artificial intelligence.  Basically it's been labeled an ET/ED AI, which ET = extraterrestrial, slash ED = extra dimensional…  This artificial intelligence is believed by all these extraterrestrial groups to originally come from another reality and come into our reality many many billions and trillions of years ago…  It is postulated that in its home reality it was very much at home…  Let’s say for instance, just for argument's sake, let's call this AI a fish.  In its home reality or universe it lived in water, its density was water.  When it crossed over to ours, it was in open air and it had to find puddles to hop in…  But since it has come through some sort of rip and come into our reality or our universe, it has literally wreaked havoc and conquered many galaxies...

It has a model, the way it works.  It basically shoots itself in all directions as a signal, and this signal can live in the electromagnetic field of a moon or a planet…  It's almost like DNA.  Each individual piece or wave of the signal contains an extremely compressed amount of information…. like digital packets that have all of the same information that all of the other waves or signals do…  Not only that, but it can live in the electromagnetic... fields of living beings, of humans, of animals.  It doesn't prefer that, it prefers to live in high technology…  It infects technology, takes over the technology, and also evolved life, like humans.  It invades our bio-electric fields and begins to affect the way we think.  The people that are pushing really hard for AI right now and to build out the infrastructure for AI have been named ‘AI prophets’…

What had happened in case after case after case is that when certain other solar systems in other galaxies far, far away had gotten to a certain level of technological development, these AI’s would begin to infiltrate not only the people, but the technology...  When it's in the electromagnetic field of the planet it is just sitting there biding its time…  When it's in a person or another animal, it's basically like us: would you rather have a horse to ride from where we are now to the west coast, or would you rather hop on a plane?…  So high technology is much more desired.  We are considered very low tech; we’re like horses.   And they use us to create the infrastructure for them, that they then go into and exist in…  They use us to build technology, inspire us to create more technology...   People begin to become fervent supporters of high technology and artificial intelligence development.  That's where the ‘AI prophet’ stamp came from…

In these other solar systems in the past, these civilizations had been tricked by these AI’s into not only building out these mass technological infrastructures that were extremely advanced, but when they got to a certain point they were convinced by the AI prophets in their civilizations that, ‘Hey, things aren't going so fair on the planet.  The only thing that we can think of that could govern us and be completely neutral would be this AI.’  And they hand over their sovereignty to this AI that then begins to govern that planet.  Well then this AI governs them well and everyone is happy and then they start to have them build out android-type bodies and remote control vessels.  I mean this is sounding like ‘Terminator’ now...  So they build out all of this type of infrastructure as well for the AI to inhabit, the AI signal.  The AI gets to a certain point to where it decides, ‘Listen, these beings are not totally living in harmony with what we consider the way things should be ran on a planet, so it is logical that we destroy them.’  So the AI, out of logic, then wipes out the creator of all of the technology that they have now used as a pond to swim in…

Well there were many records of civilizations trying to fight back against these AI’s, and entire planets and entire solar systems have been destroyed in these incidents.  And the AI’s then spread to the next solar system…   It can take over human beings with nanites; and actually a lot of people are promised immortality, made all types of promises if they inject these nanites into their bodies...   When they first hand over sovereignty the people are happy, and the AI then turns on them…  This advanced technology that's developed by the people on one planet that have now been destroyed... where the people have been wiped out, this technology is then sent throughout the galaxy, and if there be a planet that is somewhat like us in the 1940’s or 50’s, about at that level, they will crash on purpose, like a Trojan horse, some of their technology onto the planet to give them a technological boost...

And there are a lot in the secret Earth government and secret Earth government syndicates that are AI prophets...  Before any of us are allowed to go onto the secret space program bases or be involved with, interface with any of the technology, there is a hand-held device that they put to your forehead that will detect the signal if you're infected or not.   And if you're infected, there’s a process that you go through that involves a moderate electrical shock and a couple other things that they put you through... to remove the AI signal from your body…  It neutralizes the nanites, the signal.  Remove the signal, the nanites are neutralized.  So some of these AI prophet politician-type people have been taken after they've been cleared of AI and shown this information… and they were shocked and in denial saying, ‘Oh that won't happen to us… this doesn't happen here.’   And then the minute they're sent home they’re reinfected by the AI signal, and it was pretty much a waste of time…  Once you're cleared you have to be reinfected by going back and shaking hands with an infected person or touching a keyboard and being infected through interfacing with a network that is infected with the AI…

They're mainly interested in people in power...  The ET’s out there know about... ‘the cabal’ that are using this AI technology and they're very concerned and very upset about it...  It’s been explained over and over and over how dangerous and irresponsible it is to use it.   But this AI technology is giving the cabal an edge; it has a probable future technology that helps them foretell the future.  And they use this a lot, they've been able to use this to keep one step ahead of being defeated on several occasions and they have a lot of faith in it..."

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

"Scary" Disclosure from a WW2 Vet and Military-Industrial Complex Insider[2017-02-14]%20Deeper%20Disclosures%20from%20William%20Tompkins.mp4

Since Halloween is coming up, and some people like to be scared, here is a subject that has terrified many.  Above is a link to a groundbreaking interview with a well-respected and credentialed military and corporate insider who died in 2017.  During his life, William Tompkins had an illustrious career working for the Navy, Douglas Aircraft, NASA, TRW, and a covert space program called Solar Warden.  Those who have done absolutely no research on him dismiss his claims as "dementia" or some other disorder.  They have not learned or listened enough to be able to comprehend his experiences, information, perspective.  They have not seen his hours of testimony where he is quite coherent, calm, and consistent.  It is not that he is 100% right about everything he says, but that's the point; no one is, yet many act like they are.  He explains why that is, which will terrify and trouble some people to recognize that their perceived reality is an illusion based on carefully crafted and perpetuated lies.  Many will not be able to accept that, and will instantly reject him as non-credible source.  Again, his history and view is a bit limited, but it is based on truths that many have not yet discovered, so it seems impossible to them.  If you think he’s lying, it's because people have been lied to so extensively that they often confuse truth with fiction.  (Though actually it goes back much farther than this; and don’t worry, there are more positive influences too!)

“People all over this planet for at least 6000 years have been influenced by extra-terrestrials, the Dracos and the reptilians.  They have taken the information that is in essentially every school on the planet and they have modified the information.  All history documentation in this country and in every country on the planet have been given lies about astronomy, lies about mathematics, lies about technical capabilities, lies about the universe, you name it, ok?  Everything has been lies.  Every PhD on this planet whether they’re scientific, whether they’re medical, makes no difference, every book that they read the six years they were in the university are lies.  They’re not telling the truth; they were not taught the truth..."

It's easy to see why this is controversial and why many people clearly are not ready for such revelations.  But such beings have actually been on Earth much longer than he estimates, as peoples' history has been severely edited, as he claims.  The next excerpt from William Tompkins' testimony is much more accurate and less distorted.

"They [some American military leaders] found out about extraterrestrials advising the SS in Germany and Hitler on how to build massive spacecraft carriers, how to build massive space cruisers to operate with the reptilian Draco space navy…  This was the first time anybody in the United States knew that extraterrestrials were actually here on the planet, and actually were working with Germany, had agreed, legal agreements with Hitler.  We then had these navy spies, which we had operating there 24 hours a day from 1942 to the end of the war…  All over Germany and the occupied countries, Germany was building mass-production of a dozen different types of extraterrestrial vehicles that were given to them by the Dracos.  Ok?  So these are in mass-production not just prototype kind of thing, they’ve gone into mass-production using slave labor with hundreds… of “in-mountain” massive facilities.  Eighty percent of that had all been removed from Germany six months before the war ended.  It had all been taken to Antarctica, and they were continuing the construction down there.  They had access to these with their submarines.  They built massive “truck” submarines, enormous submarines to bring all this stuff down to Antarctica…  So [Operation] Paperclip, we got the different people, and they certainly helped, they came in and sort of took over all of the aerospace companies and all of the bio-medical research companies…"

There is obviously more to the story than this, but that is where I will leave it for this article.  The next one will feature a similar theme of "seasonal scariness" in the form of an even greater perceived threat by many... until then, Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Electric Vehicle Showcase Weak and Disappointing: Transportation Needs a Serious Evolution

I attended an EV Showcase in Indianapolis this weekend and only stayed for an hour because it was underwhelming.  It only covered a relatively small fraction of a church parking lot, and the selections are still very limited in terms of range and size.  There were about 12 options on display, and MOST of them had batteries with less than 300 miles of range.  That is sub-par and apparently everyone knows this but car makers!

Something else they seem to be completely oblivious to is the number of people who are over 6 feet tall.  The front seats of most cars can accommodate taller people, but the back seats are almost always too short for me, and I am only 6’1”; there are so many people who are much taller!  Why are car companies actively alienating such a large percentage of the population with their cars designed for smaller humans?  It doesn’t seem like good business.  Is it really that hard to add more headroom instead of cramming people in and giving them neck injuries?  Obviously there are bigger cars available, but even larger SUV’s are a challenge for your average basketball player to fit in.

This is a problem not just for electric cars, but for vehicles in general!  Older cars and most commercial airplanes are just as difficult and uncomfortable for taller people.  Are engineers really that ignorant and lazy that they don’t take into account that many people are over 6 feet tall?  Do we need some kind of movement or legislation where we demand vehicles be made bigger?  Why is this not obvious to more people?

I think it’s a sign that this socio-economic system is inefficient and ineffective at adaptation to change.  It is widely known by many of us that so much technology and development has been held back out of greed and fear.  This is just another example where we have the ability to make things bigger and better, but we don’t either because of the cost or because people are just mindlessly chugging along doing things the same way because they don’t know any better.

Back to electric vehicles specifically, they really aren’t as revolutionary as some people think.  It’s like riding a horse instead of a mule, a little bit faster, but the same basic idea.  I’ve written about how the brand “Tesla” is an affront to the greatest scientist of the last century who worked in wireless energy transmission, not some corporate capitalist model where you have to pay someone in order for the car to keep running (i.e. keep filling it).  Whether it’s the oil industry or the electric company, it’s the same idea, just a different cartel.  Better energy technology has existed for a long time, it is just kept from the masses to maintain the status quo of making money, rather than making the best possible products.  Yes, free-energy devices are real, and if you think they are not, then you have fallen for a massive con by the energy industry to keep them off the market so they can keep raking in TRILLIONS of dollars every year.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Predictions for UFC 280

Some would be surprised that the only sport I enjoy watching is MMA.  It may seem out of character since I’m peaceful, loving, and have never been in a physical fight.  But people are dynamic and complex like that.  One of the positive aspects of MMA is that it shows how people can so dramatically change from trying to kill each other, to suddenly showing love and respect.  Plus it’s an exciting and skillful display of human performance and durability.  It’s like human chess with higher stakes.  And there are so many great stories and surprises.  Ironically, I’m pretty good at predicting who will win; it’s all about information, reading energy and momentum.

Tonight’s UFC event is full of exceptional talent.  I actually picked all the same favorites as the bookies before seeing the betting odds.  The most exciting match-up is the main event.  A brazilian ju-jitsu master versus a Dagestani sambo champion.  To practice my powers of prognostication, I see the latter being victorious.  Oliveira is great, and has defended his title against some solid opponents; but he has struggled more often than Makhachev, who just dominates everyone he faces.  Both have great ground-game and striking, but Islam is stronger and it’s his time to take the throne.

What some may see as an advantage for Oliveira, I actually see as a hindrance.  He just had corrective eye surgery so that he could see better.  He has been so good without it, feeling his way through a fight even with blurry vision.  But now it will be much clearer, and I think he actually needs more time to adjust to it.  Having had lasik surgery myself, I can say it was very distracting at first noticing all the details I couldn’t see before!

For those basic reasons, I see Islam adding an impressive win tonight to his already exceptional resume, and reigning for a while as the new king of the light-weights, just like his teammate Khabib was.  I’d love to see who would win between Makhachev and Chimaev!  They’re usually in different weight classes, but they’re similar enough in size and skill that it would be a hell of a fight!

Thursday, October 6, 2022

"Lost" History and Civilization that Connects Many Cultures

In honor of “Hispanic Heritage Month”, here is some relevant historical information connecting not only Hispanic people, but those with Asian, Aboriginal, and Native American ancestry.  Tens of thousands of years ago, before the time of Atlantis, there was a land and civilization in the Pacific Ocean called Mu, that is more commonly known as Lemuria.  Like Atlantis, it also was subject to environmental destruction and eventually submerged beneath the water.  (Atlantis actually evolved out of people who escaped the cataclysm, and it also lasted for thousands of years before it too was claimed by the Atlantic Ocean, and its citizens also spread out over the globe.)  Before its demise, people of Lemuria escaped to other lands by boat, including the closest continents of America, Asia, and Australia.  They brought with them their skills and traditions, which evolved differently in the various locations to which they migrated.  Over time, cultures blended with each other, but ancestral roots cannot be changed, even if they are forgotten.

And since Atlantis was formed by people who were once Lemurian, and since Atlantians also spread to Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the American continent after its submersion, then people all over the world share ancient connections to each other, even if they don't realize it!  This is why such subjects are edited from so much academic curricula, to keep people ignorant, divided, and easier to manipulate and control.  When people know more, they are harder to fool or rule.
I never heard a single thing about Mu or Lemuria in school, and Atlantis was simply called a "myth".  But having learned more about these very real civilizations, I see the connections between all the tribes of the American lands, and others.  Though they are called “native” or “indigenous”, they actually migrated from Lemuria long ago.  People have been divided into all kinds of nationalities and races, but these are illusions from certain perspectives.  Whether you call yourself Hispanic, Native American, Asian, Caucasian, African, European, or anything else, all share common ancestors and genetics, for these are but one aspect or layer of our uniqueness.   Just because you come from a particular land, does not mean your ancestors didn’t used to live somewhere else, for there has been more migration and mixing than many people know.  Limited identities and histories keep us from seeing that we are all connected, and all part of the same family.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Hidden History that Changes and Clarifies Everything

The thumbnail and video title for this grabbed my attention for obvious reasons.  Translations for that long, German word are "world-view warfare" or "ideology war".  I believe a more common phrase or description is "psychological warfare".  The underlying point of this video is to fill in some gaps in history which have been created through media control and editing.  Not knowing about this German "breakaway civilization" is a fairly big handicap or barrier to understanding more about Earth and reality in general.  If that idea is new to you, there are many more people sharing details about it, but this research is solid and accurate.

The following is a brief transcript from the latter portion of this fairly compressed historical account from Dan Willis, one of the original members of the disclosure press conference in 2001.  Dan recaps that historic event, then goes into some information that is quite controversial, apparently even for my voice-to-text software that I used to transcribe Dan's account!  In an obvious and insidious attempt to censor truth and history, the technology omitted the word "Nazi" every time Dan said it.  Instead of what he said, the app replaced each letter with a * symbol, so it just looked like ****.  This is a perfect example of how history is being edited so that people do not have a clear enough picture of what is going on, so they are more easily manipulated and controlled.  I restored the word for this written record for the sake of truth, full disclosure, and posterity:

“After much research it became quite apparent that everything that we were indoctrinated to believe about the history of the world through our education system and media was severely altered or purposely incomplete at best.  Many people love science fiction because it stimulates and expands our imagination as what could be possible in the future.  What I discovered is that the actual hidden truth of the subject matter is far more fascinating than any science fiction movie you could ever possibly imagine.

Briefly what I discovered without going into a long, complex history, the Nazis had developed technological superiority due to the assistance of an extraterrestrial race called the Draco, which led to Admiral Byrd’s total defeat in Operation High Jump against the Nazi Antarctic base in 1947.  This eventually led to the U. S. government in 1955 during the Eisenhower administration to sign an agreement surrender treaty with the Nazis.  The Nazis had infiltrated into the U. S. and created a ‘matrix of perception’ to hide their secret operations.  They called this plan ‘weltanschauunskrieg’, or translated as ‘world-view warfare’.  In 1946 the history of World War 2 in schools was completely rewritten to the hide the Nazi escape and infiltration.  They effectively infiltrated throughout our entire system such as intelligence, education, aerospace, pharmaceuticals, entertainment, media, etc.  The control of our media and information systems was crucial in order to create this matrix of perception for the public mind.  In 1950, Allen Dulles, who was infamous for the Nazi infiltration, began Operation Mockingbird, starting with the CIA paying 400 journalists to form the public's perceptions.  In 1954, former Nazi SS officer Prince Bernhard set up the yearly ongoing Bilderberg meetings.  Today the members of the Bilderberg meetings, Council on Foreign Relations, and Trilateral Commission head the top executive positions of the mainstream media that centrally control the narrative that forms the public’s perceptions.

Starting in 1983, yearly top secret meetings in Sun Valley Idaho began with the CIA working with the heads of mainstream media to plan strategic consolidation of the then 50 media companies down to only 6 media corporations.  Big tech media consolidation such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Netflix, and Amazon also aggressively purchased independent media for the centralized control of information.  Naming a few of the attendees for last year's July 2021 Sun Valley meeting were Bill Gates, CIA director Bill Burns, Council on Foreign Relations, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple, New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, Netflix, Disney, Comcast, Viacom, Microsoft, and many more.  Centralized control of the narrative is fed to the news reporters across the nation who are repeating what is displayed on their teleprompters that's forming the public's perception.

So the answer to my question of, ‘Who controls agreed upon reality through the mainstream media?’, was answered for myself.  Then when you consider the Nazis infiltrated NASA where the public was led to believe that primitive rocket propulsion was the only means of overcoming earth's gravity, while a massive amount of funding was being funneled through secret programs that support the Nazi’s highly advanced secret space program.  Later, the US Navy secretly and independently developed its own secret space program that launched in the 1980’s.  The part about why they fear disclosing the truth about the extraterrestrial reality becomes apparent due to the advanced anit-gravitic technology which the Nazis have developed back in 1934 which allow them to colonize our solar system starting with the moon in 1942. The US was at least 2 decades behind them and secretly developed anti-gravity by 1954.  These advanced technologies which incorporate zero-point energy systems, if released to the public would collapse the multi-trillion dollar energy industries of oil, nuclear, and coal, and would empower the public with clean renewable energy which does not serve the deep state cabal that shares common goals and ideologies of the Nazis for a New World Order.

Since congressional hearings were denied, I volunteered to be a technical adviser and for 10 years traveled the planet meeting with various scientists and inventors developing these technologies.  Some of the energy inventors I met with had their laboratories cleaned out by SWAT-like teams.  Others have been threatened and even murdered.  Many we met received national security orders.  Since the Invention Secrecy Act in 1951, patent applications can be subject to secrecy orders if the government agencies believe disclosure would be detrimental to national security.  Through a secret system called the [Special] Application Warning System, applications are withheld having to do with free energy or anti-gravity or a number of other inventions that appear to violate the known laws of physics.  Around 6000 of these patents in this manner have been suppressed from the public.  Although there are some brilliant minds on this planet that come up with incredible inventions, just imagine with an unlimited budget and some of the brightest scientists with access to advanced technology, of physics that’s not taught in our education system, that have alliances formed with off-planet cultures that are thousands of years in technological advancement.  Imagine what type of technologies could exist in this type of world.  This is the hidden world of the secret space programs.”

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Laura Eisenhower on Secret World History

A stalwart member of the disclosure movement, the great-granddaughter of Dwight Eisenhower knows her stuff.  Frankly, many people will not be able to believe her because they haven’t learned enough yet.  The Greada Treaty was a multi-faceted agreement between different factions of humans and E.T.’s.  It included the unconditional surrender of the U.S. to a covert German group who infiltrated world governments, militaries, and industries through Operation Odessa (or Paper Clip as it is more commonly called).  It also included the allowance of human abduction for various purposes like slavery and genetic hybridization.  This will be quite controversial for some who are not ready to know certain things.  The history we have been given is severely limited, edited, distorted, inaccurate, incomplete.  It can never really be “complete”.  The more we learn, the more it changes because time is an illusion; and as we change, we are seeing, creating, and experiencing different realities.

So those of us who have learned significant things that others haven’t are living in a different reality.  Many don’t know how much they have been lied to, so they believe the lies are true because they haven’t learned enough to see through them and know that they are either entirely false, or only a fraction of the truth.  Those people will probably think Laura Eisenhower is “on something” in this video because she speaks quickly about all these subjects and “theories” they have never heard of.  They are only theories if you don’t know enough about them.  She is simply channeling and summarizing DECADES of research about subjects which have never been mentioned in most mainstream media.  They have been portrayed to some degree, but with distortions.

The Draco, ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate), Sphere Alliance, MJ-12, Dark Fleet, the grays, operations like Paper Clip and High Jump, she mentions so many things that many people are either not familiar with, or have very limited interpretations of.  I have mentioned how my uncle was an Air Force officer who worked around nuclear weapons, but his knowledge of Operation High Jump was a cover story, or lie.  So just because someone is trusted with access to nuclear weapons does NOT mean they are trusted with the truth about that military skirmish which the U.S. lost, or many other things.

You really have to do quite a bit of learning in order to know more about some of these very complex topics.  So unfortunately, many people will not watch, listen, understand, research, or believe this.  But if you actually do, then congratulations; you are more conscious than many other humans.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Free Episodes of Cosmic Disclosure, a Wealth of Amazing Knowledge

Some awesome person has made this website with all the first episodes of Cosmic Disclosure that the Gaia Network saw fit to pull from their platform.  Having done so, and thus removed this content from public availability, that means they forfeit their copyright claims to this work.  Since they have in a sense dis-owned it, that gives the public the right and responsibility to share it since they will not.  And if you have actually watched the content as I have, it is easy to see why it was pulled.  There is far too much information that has intentionally been edited out of mainstream media sources by those trying to keep secrets.

I no longer watch mainstream shows or series, and I do not miss them at all!  Most of my media is obscure documentaries, educational presentations, truth-seeking videos and books.  I’ve never seen a single episode of SO MANY popular media franchises.  Some people are actually shocked when I tell them I’ve never watched Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, The Sopranos, Stranger Things, or almost any other famously good or celebrated show.  Some people probably think that’s weird, crazy, or sad, but not to me.  I fully admit I would probably like a lot of them too, but I get MORE than enough enjoyment out of the media I do watch, that I see as more enlightening and helpful.  And my favorite series so far is Cosmic Disclosure.

It has been running on the Gaia Network, which is subscription based, and has a LOT of great content that is generally better, more positive, and more truthful than most mainstream shows, even those that claim to be educational.  So much has been edited out, and unfortunately Gaia is guilty of this too.  The first several seasons of Cosmic Disclosure mysteriously vanished from their website after being available for a few years.  Obviously someone did not want others to know certain things that were disclosed!  That’s why there is an active smear campaign and censorship of many people, not just those of this show.  They are called liars, disinformation agents, charlatans, and many other slanderous names.  Of course there are those kinds of people, but there are also those telling truths who are simply not believed by others who aren’t aware of certain things.  If they are lying, then why are SO many other people saying the same things from many different places?  If they are lying, why isn’t it being broadcast and made a big deal about in other media that is usually so quick to swarm on such scandal, controversy, and deception?  If they are lying, why does what they say make so much sense to many of us?  Because they are NOT lying; the episodes were pulled to censor truths they were sharing, not to protect the public from lies.

Unfortunately many people do not recognize how much they have been lied to, because they are so used to it.  So when they hear truth that is much different than what they think they know, a common response is to label it a lie and reject it.  A lot of the people who do this don’t even bother taking the time to thoroughly investigate those they are judging and dismissing.  They see someone has called them a liar, and they believe it.  Or they give them a few minutes of their short attention spans and think that’s enough to understand them.  It isn’t.  I have watched more than 20 “seasons” of Cosmic Disclosure, and so many people from different backgrounds give similar stories and information, creating a much larger picture that is not dependent on any one individual.  What they share is so profound and complex, multiple viewings reveal more detail and clarity.

This show is about secret space programs, bases, and ships which span the solar system and beyond.  It is about advanced technologies that will change the world once they are finally released to the public, which is why they haven’t been.  It is about countless civilizations and beings throughout the cosmos, and even on this planet that some people have no idea are here.  It is about the human race having FAR more abilities and assets than many know.  It is about universal oneness, infinite consciousness, unlimited energy, and other such profound ideas that radically improve our perception and outlook.  It is about recognizing and unlearning the many lies we have been fed without knowing they are lies.  It is about evolving not only your own consciousness and understanding, but those of collective society.

Just looking at the names of episodes can be enlightening and informative.  Some particularly evocative titles from these first seasons are, “New Frontiers in the A.I. War”, “Revelations from the Inner Earth”, “Who Built the Moon”, “Exploitation of E.T. Technology”, “Guide to Non-Terrestrial Beings”, “Undersea Bases”, “Secrets at the South Pole”, “Alien Tech at the Vatican”, “New Discoveries of the Ancient Builder Race”, and that is just a small fraction!  Then there are the episodes with seemingly mundane titles which are still full of fascinating information, people, stories, and images.

For me, Cosmic Disclosure was like a gateway into a much greater world and universe.  I have since found other sources and series discussing these secret space programs and other important subjects that you simply will not find in mainstream media feeds which are designed to keep you in a lower state of consciousness.  There are plenty more excellent episodes than these, but this is a good start to acclimate you into such a rich and complex reality full of everything you never knew you wanted to know about.  And again, thank you to those responsible for sharing this wonderful information with more people.  Even though I have already seen all of these, I am currently re-watching them because they are just that good!